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MajestyJo 02-15-2014 04:13 AM

Angel Messages

This angel picture will change daily.

I will be posting quotes from Angel Messages to go with them.

Purple is spiritual transformation and development

Pink is love and relationships

Green-Blue is Healing, on a personal and global level

Yellow is your career, and ideas and creativity

I will start with purple.

MajestyJo 02-15-2014 04:19 AM

Purple Suit - Spirituality

At this point in time you are where you are meant to be. Your life is a book already written.

We are all on a learning journey, with each lifetime as a new chapter in the book of our soul's ultimate destination. It is already pre-ordained what we have chosen to experience in our present life here on earth. Our angels are alongside helping and guiding us, acting as a link between our present lives and our higher selves.

MajestyJo 02-16-2014 04:29 PM

Take a moment, feel life's essence within you and wonder at its miracle.

We all need to take a moment to appreciate the wonder of just being. Sit a moment and contemplate the miracle of life - become aware of the essence of breath, feel your heart beating, look at your hands and finger tips - you are alive and each of us is a testimony to creation.

MajestyJo 02-17-2014 09:29 AM

Listen and learn to tune in, your soul is the most important part of your being.

Our physical body is merely the husk which contains the most important part of our being - our soul. By using these cards as tools you will first learn to connect with your soul and join the collective consciousness of humankind. You will soar onwards to the angelic realms where you will hear and learn knowledge beyond your wildest dreams.

MajestyJo 02-18-2014 04:48 AM

Hold out a hand to clasp at Divine Guidance.

Take the first step to learn to time into our inner selves so that we can begin to reach out and connect with angels.

Once you have set out on this pathway you will learn to open yourself up to accept angelic messages of love, hope, and kindness as they surround and protect you.

MajestyJo 02-19-2014 02:05 AM

The present is where you are meant to be now - tomorrow is for the future and the past is the past.

The past is gone forever and make it positive and wonderful. All that you are learning today can be put to good use tomorrow. Today is the first day of the rest of your life - get on with it, every moment is precious.

MajestyJo 02-21-2014 12:06 AM

Your angelos hear you and are listening - are you?

Your angels hear and see everything that you do - are you allowing them to become a part of your life by inviting them to communicate with you more fully? Take a moment, relax and open up your mind - hear them! They are waiting for you to dial their number.

MajestyJo 02-21-2014 12:14 AM

Angelic message will always be heard when the time is right, open up your heart and you will hear them.

When the time is right for your angels to communicate with you, it will happen and there is nothing you can do to stop it. You are already on the pathway to this wonderful experience, which is why you are reading these messages. Make every moment of your day precious, and be at peace with yourself and the world.

MajestyJo 02-23-2014 03:56 AM

The third millennium is a new spiritual age. Become a part of it by just being open - allow your inner feelings of joy and light to flow.

Can't you feel the buzz as more and more people become interested in everything spiritual? The movement is gathering momentum as people communicate on a higher spiritual level and connect to a higher consciousness. Your Angel Message Cards will enhance your spiritual ability through communication with the angelic realms, encouraging your angels to fill you with joy, love and happiness. Feel encouraged to seek out your own spiritual pathway and to help others.

MajestyJo 02-23-2014 04:03 AM

The mists are lifting between the earth and the spiritual words - be free of old ways and enjoy the sensation as spirits channel their ideas through you.

The whole world is rejoicing to a spiritual revolution. You are and important part of it. Fee yourself from your old ways, and open up to the new. Your angels want to converse with you and totally support your in every action that you take. Open up to inner peace, balance, joy and harmony and feel angelic love all around you.

N.B. I feel that there are Earth Angels around us, those special people that your God puts in your path.

MajestyJo 02-24-2014 11:30 AM

Birth heralds the dawning of a new soul's adventures on earth. A baby's guardian angel guides it through life's pitfalls and beyond.

When we are born, our soul immediately forgets all of the knowledge it has gathered from its past existences; it is helpless. Everyone has their own guardian angel who will be with us from the day that we are born until the day that we die - and beyond.

MajestyJo 02-25-2014 04:46 AM

Mankind is on the verge of a new phase of evolution - feel the energy of the universe and communicate with others on a spiritual level.

You can feel the excitement and energy as we enter this new phase of human evolution as more and more people are becoming aware how to communicate with the higher consciousness. We are learning that we can move from our ordinary state of mind - concerns about money, work, health and relationships - onto a higher frequency that adds another dimension to the way we think.

MajestyJo 03-06-2014 11:08 PM

Sorry to be behind in my posting, hope to be able to bring these up to date. I bought a new deck today called "Flower Therapy." A new thing for me, and hope to share it with you.

MajestyJo 03-07-2014 08:43 PM

At last you can communicate with your guardian angel. Treasure the knowledge and be open to joy.

Open yourself up to the frequency of spiritual communication and experience the wondrous knowledge of love, harmony and joy that your guardian angel wishes to bestow upon you. You will at last know the true meaning of inner peace. Rejoice and look forward to the rest of your life - you are blessed beyond your wildest dream.

MajestyJo 03-07-2014 08:46 PM

Listen out for angelic harmonies as they float through the summer evenings.

Take a moment to relax and enjoy a beautiful summer's evening. Open us and listen. Angelic melodies are there for all to hear but it takes a special person who can open up to the heavenly vibrations and bathe in their wonder and beauty. You are ready - enjoy.

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