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bluidkiti 09-16-2017 07:41 AM

September 16: Will yourself to me! If you have given yourself to Me then I have responsibility for you--to empower you by the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Make that decision and give yourself into My care. Place yourself under the provision of My kingdom to receive My blessings and power. Be steadfast; be strong; be wise. Don’t be deceived. Come to Me, and I will equip you and prepare you for the perilous times that you live in and the days of evil that are before you. I am the Most Holy One; the One who will keep you on the path of righteousness and in the power of My kingdom by which you overcome all the works of the enemy. Be one with Me, says the Lord. I’ve kept you for such a time as this so that you may fulfill your destiny.

bluidkiti 09-18-2017 07:18 AM

September 18: Come on, get up. It's time for you to advance in the kingdom of God. It's time for you to move forward. It's time for you to fulfill your destiny in those things I have spoken over you. Many things will come to pass in this time frame. Rise up to walk on the path that I have designed for you, and your destiny will be fulfilled as you go. And, along the way I will reveal things you need to know. I will empower and anoint you to overcome. I will be with you to lead and guide you.

bluidkiti 09-23-2017 07:29 AM

September 23: Come, My people, and enter your chambers until My indignation passes you by. For, when My judgments come upon the earth, they are not designed for you, they are not yours to be received. You are My chosen ones, My glorious ones, and I have revealed that to your heart. And, now you know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the God that you serve, which God I am, loves you and cares for you, cherishes you, equips you, and empowers you so that you may fulfill your destiny. So, come into the hiding place--into the place of anointing; come into the place where My word runs like a river. Come quickly and eat the hidden manna I have provided for you. Freely I have given freely receive. Come now, says the Lord.

bluidkiti 09-25-2017 07:05 AM

September 25: To My people. I speak to the holy ones, to the glorious ones, to the Sons of God, to those who I've called by name, to those I know by name, to those I am leading, to those I am guiding. I speak to you this day, in this season, to be ready to walk with Me. For, I will call you out upon the waters of life, if you are willing. If you are willing to walk with Me in the mountains of life. If you are willing to walk with Me on the sea. If you will be willing to walk with Me in the forest. If you will be willing to walk with Me in the green pastures, where I will give you rest. Be ready to walk with Me for I am calling your name this day to become one with Me so you can know Me even more so than you do in this moment. I desire to reveal Myself to you in this season.

bluidkiti 09-30-2017 05:47 AM

September 30: The Lord would have me ask you, what is it that you see right now? Do you see the glory of the kingdom? Have you seen this change in the atmosphere that you live in? Do you see and understand that I have something for you that is of great importance in this time? Do you see that I am bringing My church to a place of glory and I am washing her with My word? I am pouring out the living waters upon her. It is My desire to bring you, My people, ever higher and cause you to be such as has not been seen before. For, these things are written about My church as they live in the end of the age. So, now it is time for Me to do that final work. Will you perceive it? Will you see it? Will you understand it? Or, will you, once again, just let it flow by? Will you miss the opportunities or will you take advantage of them? The choice is yours. But, I say, arise this very day with a new understanding of the times and the seasons you live in and begin to perceive My presence, My works, and My signs. Says the Lord, Most Holy.

bluidkiti 10-02-2017 04:28 AM

October 2: Rise up in faith. Rise up into a place where you can receive the blessings of the season. Rise up into a place where you can see that My purposes are for you and not against you. I will release My angelic beings to work on your behalf. It is My intention and My position to bless you in greater measures than ever before. Receive it in this moment, says the Lord.

bluidkiti 10-07-2017 05:46 AM

October 7: Fear not! You know this, and yet you have fear and anxiety over some of the things that are going on in your life. Trust Me with what you are experiencing right now. If you trust in Me, you will be an overcomer. I am with you to bring you through into victory in every situation. So, again I say, fear not. But rather be moved into a place where you allow My peace and joy to abide in you, and everything will be all right, says the Lord.

bluidkiti 10-09-2017 05:10 AM

October 9: I know who you are. I know what you have been through. I see the problems that you have faced and walked through. I see the journey you have been on. But, today I am telling you I am bringing you into a course correction that will bring you into the fullness of My joy as you continue. Go forward in faith with the full expectation that you will receive everything that I have for you, says the Lord.

bluidkiti 10-14-2017 05:15 AM

October 14: Only believe, My dear children, and all things will become possible to you. These are the days in which I will demonstrate Myself to you, and My fire shall indeed fall. The anointing that I have promised shall come to you. These are the days that shall be called the days of victory for those who will fulfill their destiny by walking the path of obedience, says the Lord. Now come; get up from where you are and come forth. Walk on this road that I am preparing for you and you shall see and hear. You shall be delivered and healed. These are the days that you have desired to see and have yearned for. Only believe.

bluidkiti 10-16-2017 04:26 AM

October 16: Are you ready and willing to position yourself to persevere in such a way as to receive all that I have for you? Use this opportunity to lay hold of the promises that have been spoken of. Faith will bring the promise to bare in the lives of those who are hearers and doers in this season. Let the blessings come. Let them magnify and bring glory to Me, says the Lord. And, all things will work together for the good of those who love Me and are called according to My purposes.

bluidkiti 10-21-2017 04:39 AM

October 21: I say to you My people, it is a true saying, that in Me you live and move and possess the essence of who you are. I encourage you to continue your life in Me and allow the life that I have given you to grow. Come forward with understanding, for I will give an extra ordinary grace to see and to hear that which I am doing. The world itself cries out for restoration, and I will release creation into the fullness of this destiny and bring a glorious deliverance to that which I have created. Take advantage of every opportunity for restoration--My glory resting upon you. And, in the glory of this restoration you shall see changes come forth, says the Lord.

bluidkiti 10-23-2017 05:16 AM

October 23: You are My children. I love you and I will be with you. I will be with you in every challenge. It is My desire to bring you into that place of perfection in the Holy Spirit where you make the transition from natural to supernatural. It is My desire for you to walk in the supernatural. For, I am going to do great and mighty and wonderful things. And, if you aren't walking with Me you are not going to see it or receive it. Set yourself to see everything that I am showing you and understand everything I have asked you to do.

bluidkiti 10-28-2017 06:52 AM

October 28: It’s important in this season what and who you believe. Whose report will you believe? Will you believe what man has said? Will you believe what the devil has said? Or, will you believe what your Father has said? Will you believe the prophetic word and that which He is bringing forth now? Will you make it your own? Will you establish it in your heart? Will you allow it to become the symphony that moves you? Will you allow God’s presence to come because you have asked and because you have believed that? So, again, which report will you believe? If you will believe Me and My word you will become that overcomer that is spoken of, and you will have My blessings in this season. Let it be so among My people, says the Lord, Most High.

bluidkiti 10-30-2017 05:23 AM

October 30: I had a vision of the Lord with a feather duster in His hand. He would go up to a person and begin to dust them off. He spoke and said, "I am going to remove the defilement which has been placed upon people through unbelief. And, I will get rid of that debris so they can be free to have faith again for that which I am going to do in their lives. So, allow Me to cleanse you and remove the residue of failure and stigma that comes upon you because of past failures. Allow Me to do this work this day so that you can be renewed in spirit and faith to receive all that I am doing on your behalf."

bluidkiti 11-04-2017 05:44 AM

November 4: I saw the symbol of the cross. I saw it changing. At first covered by the blood of Christ. And, then it developed a golden hue that spoke to me of His divine nature. And from that golden hue came the glory of His crystallized light shining forth across the generations to bring restoration and great deliverance. Shining forth to open the path that He has established before you. Shining forth to encourage you and empower you to walk upon this path and to take those steps with renewed energy and great hope. The glory of the LORD will indeed carry you from glory to glory upon the path that He has prepared for you to follow. Take the steps. They will lead you to places that are beyond your wildest imagination. And, they will reveal the things that even you cannot conceive of this day. For, out of this journey will come the revelation of the current season, and out of these steps will come revelation to you personally. Come now; walk by faith into My purposes, for this is the hour of perception and the day of My power, says the Most Holy One.

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