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bluidkiti 06-01-2018 06:35 AM

Daily Motivator - June
June 1

Work in progress

You are a work in progress. And there is no end to the progress you can make.

No matter what level you attain, you can aim even higher. However much you already know, you can learn more.

Today is part of that work in progress. You won’t get it perfect, you won’t get it all done, yet you can make good and productive use of your time.

The grand epiphanies and eureka moments are few and far between. What is always accessible to you, however, is the opportunity for incremental progress.

Small moments spent on worthwhile and meaningful pursuits do add up. And today is provisioned with hundreds of such small moments for you to wisely use.

You are a work in progress. Do the work and make the progress, one steady, purposeful step at a time.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-02-2018 06:16 AM

June 2

Positive footprints

You cannot go backwards in time to undo what’s already been done. So before you go forward, consider the consequences of your actions.

You won’t be able to reclaim time that has already passed. As each moment comes, remind yourself to make good and meaningful use of it.

Regret is a terribly helpless feeling because there’s no way to change what you have already done. Keep that in mind as you make each choice.

Once you utter a thoughtless comment, it will forever be a part of what you have said. All the apologies and regrets in the world will not change that.

You can only move forward through time. As you do, take care to leave positive, beneficial footprints at every point along the way.

Make your choices the ones you’ll be pleased to live with. Speak and act to make your future self, and everyone else, thankful for all you do.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-02-2018 06:17 AM

June 3

Power of response

You cannot always choose your circumstances, or the events that unfold in your world. Yet in every case what you can choose, must choose, always do choose, is your response.

Today you’ll have multiple opportunities to make that choice. Multiple opportunities to steer life in one direction or another.

If they’re scattered, inconsistent, and without much purpose, your responses are largely wasted. When they’re focused, intentional, positive, those responses will band together and enable great achievement.

Every response matters, because it is part of the overall pattern. Every response matters, because it sets the tone for the next response.

Right now, set before yourself the intention, the commitment to follow a specific positive purpose. Right now, decide to focus all your responses in the direction of that purpose.

You have great power, and it comes to you throughout the day as you respond to whatever life presents. Choose to use that power, in a caring, loving, meaningful way, with each and every response.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-04-2018 05:54 AM

June 4

Better than before

When you expect the best, you have a way of finding it, of creating it. Today, countless possibilities are being born, and plenty of them are just right for you.

Soon, you’ll discover truths you’ve never considered. You’ll journey to places you never knew were there.

As such, it would be foolish to ever give up hope or to relinquish your dreams. More is possible for you now than ever before, and the possibilities continue to grow.

What now seems impossible will eventually become commonplace. The very area where you face the most stubborn obstacles can end up being the source of your greatest triumphs.

Embrace this day and each of its moments as they arrive. Connect with the opportunities to grow, experience, enjoy, appreciate, and to live fully.

Right now is better than before, filled with bright new possibilities. Imagine life at its best, and make it so.

— Ralph Marston

willbe275 06-04-2018 01:26 PM

Day by day and with each passing moment, Strength I find to meet my trails here; Trusting in my Father's wise bestowment, I've no cause for worry or for fear.

bluidkiti 06-05-2018 04:49 AM

June 5

Only now

Imagine there is only now. Regrets have no meaning and worries simply do not exist.

Your awareness is filled with peaceful power. You are free to focus solely on the good actions you can now take.

Your thoughts are clear, deliberate, unhurried. You feel completely in control of your life and feelings.

In every direction you look, beauty and positive possibilities appear. You act without hesitation or doubt, confident in your ability to make a difference.

You are taught and strengthened by your mistakes rather than imprisoned by them. You are inspired by the disappointments instead of being dismayed by them.

Imagine a world where there’s no past to weigh you down and no future to fear. Imagine there is only now, and live the power that’s already yours.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-06-2018 06:20 AM

June 6

Purposeful life

Don’t let the next hour, the next day or month, steal your life away. Stand up and follow a purpose that means the world to you.

Make the passage of time work in your favor. Fill it with purposeful thought and activity.

Insist on being clear and unequivocal about your intentions. Point your life in a specific direction that resonates within you to the core.

Provide yourself with an unambiguous way to know when you’re making progress and when you aren’t. Enable yourself to make worthwhile use of your best skills, resources, and possibilities.

Your life is a lot of work. You owe yourself a level of meaningful fulfillment in exchange for all your effort and commitment.

Illuminate the opportunities, energize your efforts, and transform each moment into lasting treasure. Live the purposeful life you deserve.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-07-2018 05:22 AM

June 7

Practice living well

What you do often, you increasingly do with more skill and effectiveness. The good things you do often, become valuable parts of you.

Look for opportunities to take a positive view of life, and seize those opportunities. Embrace situations in which you can be more purposeful, more disciplined, more thoughtful and compassionate.

Ingrain yourself with habits and assumptions that serve to lift your whole world higher. Develop an ever-present muscle memory for the thoughts and actions that lead to increasing levels of achievement and fulfillment.

In large and small moments, in large and small matters, hold true to your values. Those values are strengthened by living them consistently.

The opportunity you have today is not merely to live a good, productive, meaningful day. It is an opportunity to further instill goodness, effectiveness, and purpose into your whole future.

You will become better and better at whatever you practice. Take full advantage of every chance you have to practice living well, and continue improving your ability to make life great.

— Ralph Marston

willbe275 06-07-2018 10:32 AM

That daily motivator on the 6th deserves one gigantic amen and a double dose of hallelujah thank you Lord.

bluidkiti 06-08-2018 05:24 AM

June 8

Imagine higher

You’re not stuck. You’re just neglecting to make full use of your imagination.

If one strategy fails to bring the desired results, there’s a different strategy that will. Do the work to develop it and implement it.

The world is not set against you. You’re just looking at it from a perspective that’s too narrow.

Step back, look at a bigger part of the picture. You’ll see helpful people, possibilities, resources, concepts and ideas you’ve never seen before.

Imagine viewing the situation from an altitude of thirty thousand feet, or from the surface of the moon. What opportunities would you see from a higher perspective that you’re failing to recognize now?

Imagination is difficult work, and well worth the effort. Put it to use, imagine higher, and do the great things you’re here to do.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-09-2018 04:50 AM

June 9

What to let in

Whatever happens, whatever is said, you don’t have to take it personally. You can choose what to let in and what to keep out.

The inconsiderate actions and rude comments of others do not have to bother you one little bit, if you choose. At the same time, you can care deeply about whatever you want to care about.

You can think whatever you decide to think about anything anyone says. Or you can decide not to think about it at all.

Often there will be things you must do, for social or professional reasons, that you don’t enjoy doing. Even so, you never have to let them get you down or diminish your spirit.

Deep inside, you are always the person you choose to be. You can choose to be positive, fulfilled, enthusiastic about life no matter what is happening on the outside.

Take a deep, refreshing breath and remind yourself that you’re in charge of what gets to you and what doesn’t. Then renew your commitment to embrace the best of life, and to expand it far and wide.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-09-2018 04:51 AM

June 10

Work for you

Do you want life to work for you? Then you must work for you.

Wishing, hoping, sitting around waiting for good things to arrive in your life, doesn’t work well. What does work well, is when you do the work to bring about the kind of life you desire.

The more responsibility you take for your own life, the more satisfied you’ll be with the way life unfolds. The more you invest your time, effort, imagination, creativity in life, the richer your life will be.

It might sometimes seem that a free ride, no effort, no responsibility, would be nice. But that’s not the case at all.

What truly makes life good is knowing you’re deeply involved in making life good. What brings real fulfillment is when you are working, with commitment and persistence, to create that fulfillment.

Give up any fantasy of a fairy-tale life simply dropping into your lap, for even if it happened you wouldn’t like it. The very best life for you is the life you’ve worked to create for you.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-11-2018 05:00 AM

June 11

Do yourself a favor

Do yourself a favor and do the difficult, unpleasant stuff first. Get it out of the way so you can more fully enjoy the rest of the day.

Do yourself a favor and let go of your resentment toward whatever you have to do. Resentment hurts you, brings you down, serves no positive purpose, and you can easily do without it.

Do yourself a favor and forgive those who have wronged you, slighted you, or done anything to offend you. Forgive, and enable yourself to move on beyond the pain.

Do yourself a favor, and do something just because you love to do it. Express the joy of being alive in the most authentic way you can imagine.

Do yourself a favor, and let gratitude fill your heart. The more you can be thankful for, the more abundantly you will live.

Do yourself a favor, and seek new ways to be kind, considerate, generous, and genuine. Life is what you give it, so give life the best of what you want it to be.

— Ralph Marston

willbe275 06-11-2018 10:14 AM

Self-forgiveness is a tremendous key to self love, so to thy own self be true
Treat others the way you like to be treated. Gratitude in my attitude
is key, it will bring on the happiness and love I seek.
Keep it simple.

bluidkiti 06-12-2018 05:49 AM

June 12

Future wish

Someday you’ll wish you had done more. Today is your chance to fulfill that future wish.

Someday you’ll be sorry for the opportunities you missed to offer kindness and encouragement. Today is your time to avoid that sorrow.

Very soon you’ll be looking back on this day. Right now is when you can make sure you do so with gratitude and satisfaction.

Is there any particular way you wish you had lived differently in the past? Today you can make that exact same positive difference in your future’s past.

Today, you can make your past more valuable by learning from it and applying those lessons to your actions. Today, you can also work to add value to your future.

What good things will this moment, this day, add to all the moments of your life? That’s up to you, and the choices you make, the way you live, right now.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-13-2018 05:17 AM

June 13

Getting it wrong

It’s good when things go perfectly according to plan. But it can be a whole lot more interesting when they don’t.

Much of life’s richness, color, and texture come from its imperfections. Sometimes getting it wrong will create more value than getting it right.

Don’t be too quick to cast judgment when plans go awry. Instead, look for the value, look for the good, look for the positive way forward.

Live with intention, but don’t let your intentions get in the way of your joy and fulfillment. Don’t let whatever you were seeking and expecting get in the way of what you can discover and experience.

Temper your ambition with flexibility. Be open to all those things you do not know are there.

Life can be messy, unpredictable, and rich beyond all comprehension. Live fully its great value, however untidily it might unfold.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-14-2018 05:07 AM

June 14

Adjust your tactics

Be honest with yourself. Are your thoughts, actions, perceptions, assumptions, and priorities bringing the results you desire?

If so, expand on them. If not, make some changes.

You’re absolutely capable of attaining whatever goal you choose to follow. Yet to achieve the desired output, you must provide the appropriate input.

Conditions change, and what once worked very well may no longer be effective. Be willing to recognize reality and to adjust your approach.

There’s no cause to be dismayed when you realize your current approach is not working well. Because what you have is the opportunity to find a more effective way to operate.

Today is a great time to objectively evaluate your results. Today, if necessary, you can adjust your tactics so they bring you exactly where you wish to be.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-15-2018 05:03 AM

June 15

Good things are possible

Good things are possible for you today. It’s up to you to see them, connect with them, experience and enjoy them.

Good things are always possible. Yet if you’re consumed with anger, worry, or frustration, you won’t recognize those good possibilities.

Take a moment to smile. Feel the power of that smile as it carries you to a more positive place.

Good things are possible, and your outlook can make those good things much more likely in your life. With your thoughts and expectations, position yourself to experience the most beneficial portions of reality.

Decide right now to spend this day attuned to life’s goodness. Do all you can to make this the best day possible for yourself and all those around you.

Good things are ready to happen when you allow them, encourage, support and appreciate them. Visualize all those good things, and let that vision come alive through you.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-16-2018 05:11 AM

June 16

Space for joy

There is always space for more joy in this world. Fill that space with joy of your own making.

You need no special condition or reason to be joyful. Give joy, spread joy, live joy just because you can.

Let yourself be amazed by the fact that a whole universe exists for you to experience and enjoy. Stream your own joy into whatever unique corner of the universe you happen to find yourself.

What can you do to remind yourself and others how great it is to be alive today? What words, thoughts, and activities can you initiate to express joy from your own perspective?

Carry joy into the most unlikely situations, for that’s where joy can make the biggest difference. Share joy with even the most unreceptive people, for they are who yearn for it most.

Look out and imagine all of existence as a massive container for joy. Devote yourself to adding new joy every chance you get.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-16-2018 05:11 AM

June 17

Claiming credit

When you’re mistaken, admit it. When you’re correct, let go of any urge to announce how right you are.

Even if what you’re bragging about is true, it’s still bragging. And humble bragging is worse because it is so carefully contrived.

Bragging hurts, and the person it hurts is you. It diminishes you in the eyes of others, and even more significantly, in your own view.

When you brag, you send yourself a negative message. You tell yourself your insights and achievements must be propped up, that they’re not good enough to stand on their own merit.

Do good, useful, productive, enriching things not just to look good. Do them for their own sake, because they are good.

Put your energy into what you’re doing, not into claiming credit for what you’re doing. And you’ll be able to achieve a whole lot more.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-18-2018 05:51 AM

June 18

Attitude upgrade

Take note of the attitude you’ve carried into this day. Is it helping you right now, or hurting you?

Is your attitude pushing you toward what you wish to achieve? Then you have an excellent day in store.

But what if your attitude is hindering you, blocking you from fulfilling your intentions? Do you think you could set it aside for a while?

Your attitude right now is yours to choose. If that attitude is not serving you well, you’re entirely free to immediately change it.

Yes, it really is that easy. Once you decide to have a more positive attitude, it is already yours.

So if necessary, make that decision, and upgrade your attitude. It’s free, it’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s very much in your best interest.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-19-2018 05:38 AM

June 19

Faith in the future

Banish all thoughts of what you lack. Concentrate on making effective use of all you have.

Don’t deplete time and energy wishing for things to be different. Take hold of the situation as it is, and push it in a positive direction.

Complaints, resentments, and despair get you nowhere. Intention and action can take you anywhere.

Circumstances are messy, life is not fair, people are uncooperative and inconsiderate. Look past all that, and see the positive possibilities.

Bit by bit, the whole world is lifted by people who have faith in the future, and who act on that faith. Have faith in the future not because of sappy wishful thinking, but because of what you can do.

Activate your strength, now, today, and act in the direction of your best possibilities. Deal with life as it is, and work to transform it into your highest vision of what life can be.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-20-2018 05:41 AM

June 20

Get with it now

The moment you decide to achieve anything, begin to do it. Give your intention meaning and substance by acting on it right away.

Your enthusiasm, motivation, commitment and sense of purpose are at their highest levels. Reap the benefits of that situation.

Lock in your intention by putting some effective effort behind it. Quickly establish a powerful momentum that will carry that intention to fulfillment.

Put time on your side by using it to take action at your earliest opportunity. The sooner you get started, the more time you’ll have to achieve great things.

Get yourself swiftly into motion, and suddenly you’re motivated to stay in motion. Chalk up some early wins, and you’ll be driven to continue your winning streak.

If you’re going to make a positive difference, then get with it, now. Your intention is clear and your time is here, so go for it.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-21-2018 06:11 AM

June 21

Your good fortune

You cannot possibly be aware of all the things you have to be thankful for. But don’t let that stop you from trying.

There are many factors that add great value to your life that you’ll never know about. You are the beneficiary of thousands of years of cumulative progress.

Most of the details of how that progress was made have been lost to history. Yet the benefits of that progress continue to this day, and are always growing.

Be thankful for all the things you know to be thankful for. And be thankful for all those good things that make life better that you don’t even know about.

Sure, there are still many difficult problems, challenges, and tragedies. Yet those negative things occur within an overall context of goodness, possibility, and great opportunity.

Gratitude enables you to experience more of that goodness, to access more opportunities. Be thankful, and reap the full benefit of good fortune that’s been coming your way longer than you can imagine.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-22-2018 04:52 AM

June 22

Fresh perspective

Take a few moments, and take a few steps away from the commotion and confusion. Guide yourself to a place where you can see more clearly, and give yourself a fresh, empowering perspective.

You’ll realize that much of what concerns you, need not concern you. You’ll understand that the problems are easily outnumbered by the many opportunities and positive possibilities.

You’ll recognize that much of what seems to hold you back does so only with your consent. You’ll discover how easy it can be to let go of self-imposed limitations and allow yourself to move forward.

Gently take a few steps away. Arrive at a place where you can focus on what is truly important.

Enjoy being in a place where your purpose really matters. Feel how much a renewed sense of purpose can energize your efforts.

Life has great beauty, and is filled with an unending stream of wonderful possibilities. Take a few steps back from the noise and distractions, and watch as the best of those possibilities come clearly into focus.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-23-2018 05:25 AM

June 23

Today has arrived

The past is gone, and no longer in a position to hold you back. On this new day, every disappointment is already behind you.

Today has arrived, and with it you can make real and lasting progress. Today you’re purposeful, determined, willing and able to do whatever you must.

Now is when life can begin to be the best you can imagine. Today is the day that more things in your life can start to go right.

Stretching out in front of you are countless possibilities. Let them energize you, motivate you, push you into action.

You have no reason to hold yourself back any longer. You have every reason to add new joy, purpose, meaning and fulfillment to life.

In this moment, allow life to support you, encourage you, and pull you toward the best you can be. Firmly take hold of the opportunity that is now, and show the world how great it is to be alive.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-23-2018 05:27 AM

June 24

Energized by the challenges

When everything seems to be going wrong, remember this. Your problems do not define you, and your circumstances do not control you.

Yes, the situation is serious. And yes, you can rise above it.

You can choose a positive intention, and you can choose to act on it. You can rid your mind of doubt, of fear, and do your work with courage and commitment.

The negativity of the moment intimidates you only if you let it. Remind yourself always, you don’t have to let it.

Focus instead on whatever you can do to make a positive difference. Start small, achieve a minor victory, and keep going, keep building on it.

It can be easy to feel overwhelmed by the problems, yet you always have another choice. Decide instead to be energized by the challenges, and activate your ability to transform that energy into achievement.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-25-2018 05:41 AM

June 25

Progress to be made

Complaining about what’s wrong won’t make anything better. Move beyond mere complaints, and do the difficult work to create a positive way forward.

Punishing those who are to blame won’t improve the situation. Get past the blaming and turn your attention toward understanding, cooperation, and creating value for everyone involved.

Getting rid of what’s working poorly can leave you with nothing that works at all. See if you can find a way to improve rather than just destroy.

Sometimes it’s necessary to tear it all down and start from scratch. But that’s rarely as simple or straightforward as it sounds.

When the situation is broken, you don’t have to break it even more. Instead, look for what you can salvage, and use that as your starting point.

Avoid the temptation to descend into destruction and retribution. There’s great progress to be made by everyone, so put all your focus on that.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-26-2018 05:02 AM

June 26

Ideal situation

Deal with life as you find it, not as you wish it to be. All the while, visualize, plan for, work for, and commit to life as you most want it to be.

Live life where it actually is, pushing persistently toward the best you can imagine. Acknowledge reality with the purpose of improving upon it.

Let your highest vision guide you and inspire you. Let objective facts inform you and instruct you.

There is a way to connect your current situation to your ideal situation. To access that connection, you must be clear, honest, specific.

Be clear about what you have to work with, and honest with yourself about what must be done. Be specific about where you intend to go, and why.

Join rock-solid practicality about the way life is, to your most idealistic vision for how your life can be. It’s a powerful combination.

— Ralph Marston

willbe275 06-26-2018 09:59 AM

Always aim high, always remember to let go and let God. Stay true to your plans.
I love this part of this daily reading so much! Join rock-solid practicality about the way life is, to your most idealistic vision for how your life can be. It’s a powerful combination.

bluidkiti 06-27-2018 06:39 AM

June 27

In its own time

Don’t waste time in idleness, but don’t race ahead of your life either. Let life come in its own time.

Avoid making urgencies out of what’s not urgent. Take the time to live, to enjoy, to think, to focus.

Going fast just for the sake of going fast is a waste of energy. You would not even want to have it all now, so give yourself the time to enjoy what you do have.

Prepare yourself well, but don’t borrow problems from the future. You’re perfectly capable of dealing with whatever arises, and worrying about tomorrow is not a good use of today.

Rushing through each moment mostly gives you a big helping of anxiety. Consider slowing down a little, and discover how much more fulfilled life feels.

There is no need to rush. You have this beautiful day to experience as all its great treasures unfold.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-28-2018 05:55 AM

June 28

Where peace can be

Let your life be a place where peace can be. Let this day be a time into which peace can settle.

Release thoughts of conflict, judgment, and separateness that push peace away. Replace thoughts of revenge and retribution with thoughts of understanding and forgiveness.

In peace is great positive power. With peace comes increased focus and effectiveness.

In peace you hear the calling of your deepest purpose. You feel connection to all that is.

Hasten your progress by choosing to rise above needless turmoil. From a perspective of peace, give the best you can give, create new goodness and value.

Move beyond the assumption that you must fight to prevail. Let the power of peace take you higher than any conflict ever could.

— Ralph Marston

willbe275 06-28-2018 10:05 AM

All we are saying, is give peace a chance������

bluidkiti 06-29-2018 06:09 AM

June 29

Positive transformation

Today brings you the chance to change your world for the better. Today you can make positive transformation your highest priority.

Let go of any hesitation to act. Transform today from opportunity into achievement.

Allow self doubt to melt away. Replace it with confidence and decisive action.

Take hold of whatever energy you’ve been using to hold yourself back. Apply that energy to push all of life forward.

Realize how much the worries and excuses have worn thin, and choose to abandon them. Discover how much you can get done by simply getting out of your own way.

When tomorrow dawns, you can be riding a wave of positive momentum, created by your efforts today. Go ahead, seize the opportunity of now, and make transformation happen.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 06-30-2018 05:48 AM

June 30

Energizing vision

What story are you telling yourself about your life today? Is it impairing or empowering?

What truth about today is forefront in your awareness? Is it a truth that inspires you into action, or does it make you want to hide away from life?

You can change your story. You can focus on a more energizing truth.

Allow yourself to love yourself without condition. Encourage yourself to create a vision, right now, of the ideal way this day can unfold for you.

Make that vision your story. Make that vision the truth from which you operate.

Powered by that vision, that story, that truth, push yourself forward. Reap the many benefits of focusing your energy in the most positive, meaningful direction.

— Ralph Marston

willbe275 06-30-2018 07:14 PM

Thank Tammy for your on going service, I have been a part of the Daily Recovery Page for a while now, but this is the first month I followed the daily motivator everyday, and it truly inspired me. It's almost anniversary time for me again, I'll be celebrating 30 years July 13th. Again God bless you for what you do.

bluidkiti 07-01-2018 05:53 AM

Thank you willbe! Congratulations on your upcoming 30 years! :29:

MajestyJo 07-01-2018 08:37 PM

Congratulations on almost 30 years Willbe. Many more, one day at a time.

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