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bluidkiti 01-01-2018 01:30 AM

The Trumpet
January 1: Come and walk with Me. If you walk with Me you will learn of My ways, the ways that have been hard for you to find in the past. If you walk with Me you will become one with Me and if you become one with Me then you will know the way in which you should go. You will be able to receive all that I will reveal in this season. If you come with Me on this journey you will be blessed beyond measure. So come, says the Lord.

bluidkiti 01-06-2018 07:00 AM

January 6: In this season the Spirit of the Lord will align His people with His purposes. This alignment will be brought by way of revelation of God's purposes for individuals. These revelations will come through dreams, visions, prophetic words, signs and wonders. We must stand watch and listen so that the opportunities for alignment are not missed. When the revelation of God's purpose comes you will be brought into spiritual positioning to go through the door that is being opened to you.

bluidkiti 01-08-2018 06:36 AM

January 8: Blow the trumpet in Zion. Proclaim the blessings of this new season. Believe and receive that which I am doing, says the Lord. This is your time, a time of spiritual blessings! It is time to forget the past and begin again. The great adventure of 2018 is now beginning, so activate your faith, come, and walk with Me through the glorious landscape of this season. You will become one with Me in the brightness of My light, and your joy will be unspeakable and full of My glory.

bluidkiti 01-13-2018 07:25 AM

January 13: Have you heard? I will reveal things to you, My church, so that you can prosper. I will reveal the things that I am going to do so you can come on that path with Me. I will reveal the hidden mysteries and those treasures that have been hidden in darkness--things that help you grow. Trust Me more than you ever have before so that you can go on this journey with Me on this great adventure. Walk the path that I have designed for you, and see that which I will show you in the glory of this season. It will forever change you, says the Lord.

bluidkiti 01-15-2018 05:25 AM

January 15: It is My greatest desire to bring you into victory in this season. This is your destiny—to come to a higher spiritual level. This is a time of new beginnings, so reactivate your faith. Come and walk with Me. Come and talk with Me so that I can lead and guide you into the fullness of that which I have reserved for you in this time frame.

bluidkiti 01-20-2018 07:54 AM

January 20: Fight the good fight, and you shall surely win. For, this is your season of victory. All of the things that you have looked at and established as weapons that are formed against you will not prosper. This is the day of deliverance. This is the day of the habitation of My Spirit, who has risen up within you as a warrior going into combat for you. Now, you go with Him. Go! Run the race. Fight the good fight. Press forward into a place of victory for it is your destiny, says the Lord.

bluidkiti 01-22-2018 06:30 AM

January 22: It is of utmost importance that you allow the ministry of My Spirit in you. Through My Spirit, I will empower you and give gifts to you in due season. I will lead and guide you on your spiritual journey. I will enable you to be supernatural and to know the reality of My kingdom as you become My dwelling place, says the Lord, and I become your dwelling place.

bluidkiti 01-27-2018 07:41 AM

January 27: Listen to Me. I know what you have been through. I know the harshness of the past season that you have had to endure. I know the reality of that, but please understand that it was for your benefit; the benefit of strength; the benefit of your trust in Me. Those things that you have endured and gone through have made you stronger if you believe they have. And, as you come out into a new season you will find the strength that I have given to you will become a reality. It stretched you and caused you to walk with greater dignity, greater revelation, greater focus than ever before. This new reality will benefit you in the season that is now unfolding before you. So leave those things in My hand. The things you endured will now become your ornaments--they tell the world, tell the enemy, you have been through something, and you have come out victoriously on this side of it. This day, see yourself as victorious, says the Lord.

bluidkiti 01-29-2018 07:06 AM

January 29: Make sure that you are spiritually connected to Me at this time. It is important. Satan is now roaring against My people. This is a season in which you can move forward and come higher than you have been in the days which are behind you. You are living in the last days and, therefore, things are moving quickly. This is why the enemy is pursuing you. He has become frantic because he knows that time is short. 1Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

bluidkiti 02-03-2018 06:37 AM

February 3: I have identified for you the way in which you should walk. I’ve spoken to you ears so that you could hear. Now you must allow your spirit to respond and react. My great desire for you is to walk on My pathway in this season. Enjoy the journey and see My mighty work. Let My glory come down, let My wisdom come, and you shall indeed abound in the promise of all I have spoken, says the Lord.

bluidkiti 02-05-2018 06:50 AM

February 5: Though many of you have come through the valley of weeping, which we call the Valley of Baca, you will cause it to be a spring. For you shall be renewed and revived. You shall be restored. Consider the past, but prepare to go forward. I love you and care for you. I walk with you, and I will go before you and prepare you for that which is coming. I am the Lord your God and you are Mine; you are a delight to Me, says the Most Holy. Psalm 84:6 As they pass through the Valley of Baca, they make it a spring; the rain also covers it with pools.

bluidkiti 02-10-2018 07:26 AM

February 10: Do you believe My word? My word is absolute. For those things that I speak will come to pass. And, those things that come to pass will become the blessings of the children of the kingdom of heaven. So, please, do not forget that I am the Lord of glory and My glory rests over all you do and believe. For, these are the days of the fulfillment of divine things in this land. Be faithful, for I am faithful. And, in your faithfulness you shall see the mighty outpouring of My Spirit, says the Lord God.

bluidkiti 02-12-2018 06:43 AM

February 12: Be filled with My Holy Spirit, says the Lord. If you are full of Him, He will lead and guide you into all truth. He will reveal to you the things that have been hidden. The treasures hidden in darkness will be discovered as the Spirit Himself exposes those things that you have not yet seen. Therefore, become full to overflowing of My Spirit because these days will require My light. Walk as My children of light because darkness is coming upon the earth.

bluidkiti 02-17-2018 07:54 AM

February 17: My prophets bring forth things old and things new. The way is open for you to let go of things that are bound up in the past so that you may begin this new adventure. For, whatever has assaulted you in these past weeks, whatever has bound you, this is the day to be released and break out so that you may walk the path of My anointing in this season. I have declared that a new anointing is coming upon My people. It is a more powerful anointing than you have ever walked in. It will break every yoke of bondage. It will release the captive and will cause you to walk in a new place of authority. It will bring the manifestation of your words to fufill My purpose and to call things that are not as though they are, says the Lord. All you must do is believe. I will go before you and prepare the way of My word, and then you will follow and receive the blessings of it.

bluidkiti 02-19-2018 10:00 AM

February 19: These are the days in which you must stay connected to Me so that My Spirit can lead and guide you. These are indeed perilous and dangerous times that you live in. Therefore, live in a spiritual state of readiness. Ask of Me. Ask Me to reveal those things that concern you. Ask Me to reveal that which is hidden in the darkness of this present age. Draw close to Me, and I will draw close to you. I will be with you.

bluidkiti 02-24-2018 07:06 AM

February 24: You are indeed children of light. So, walk in the light. Walk in the power of the light, and darkness will not overcome you. Walk in such a way that you see the glorious light of My presence and allow it to become your light that will illuminate the path before you. And, then you can walk on that path with great comfort, joy and peace because you know that it is a path of victory. It will bring you into the fullness of My purpose and My blessings, says the Lord. Be children of the light.

bluidkiti 02-26-2018 06:35 AM

February 26: Look up! Be done with low-level vision. When you only look at your natural life and are only concerned about that, you lose sight of My presence. Again, I say, look up; look to Me. For, where your vision is fixed that is what you are concerned with and controlled by. So, look up and see Me, and then you will be controlled by My reality.

bluidkiti 03-03-2018 08:00 AM

March 3: I am calling you, My people, to a higher level of living, to a higher place of believing--a place in which you will be trained to rule and reign with Me over the nations, over those things that are to come. So, I encourage you to begin today by ruling over your own life, over your own situations and circumstances. Exercise your kingship today over the arenas that I have placed you in so that your habitations become the habitation of Christ. And, let those habitations become anointed. May it happen today, says the Lord.

bluidkiti 03-05-2018 07:00 AM

March 5: Listen and learn; watch and see that which I am doing. Direct your attention to Me, for I will show you what you need to know. Come and walk with Me so that I can lead you and guide you into this new season. The season that is before you is designed for your benefit. This will be a season of multiplied blessings IF you stay connected to Me. So, come walk and talk with Me. Pay attention to that which I am going to show you, says the Lord. Psalm 116:9 I will walk before the LORD In the land of the living.

bluidkiti 03-10-2018 06:32 AM

March 10: I see you. I know you. I know the struggles that you have gone through. I have seen and known the curses that have come upon you. I see and know the plan of the enemy against you. I know all of these things because I am God. But, please understand that it is not My will for you to suffer at the hand of the enemy. And, that is why I have given you the Holy Spirit of anointing who will rest upon you and empower you to be that which I have called you to be so that these works that I have done you can do. And it comes down to this point: Children of God, all you have to do is believe that all things are possible that I have spoken of regarding My people and it shall be so with you, says the Lord. Rise up! Shout with a voice of joy. Get over the defeat of compromise, the defeat of heaviness, the defeat of infirmity, and those things that hold you and keep you from My purposes. For, when I do this extraordinary and great work in this season, it is My company of redeemed that shall arise and they shall be the chosen ones that go forth into battle to destroy the works of the enemy. They will shake themselves free from every yoke which has been put upon them. In My name, do the work. And, I Myself, shall be with you to confirm that work with signs and wonders following.

bluidkiti 03-12-2018 07:25 AM

March 12: Life lived in the Spirit is the place of victory! Therefore, rule in your temple and order your life by My Spirit. No one will do this for you. You are in charge. But, if you seek Me, I will help you. These are challenging days, but you are able to thrive in them because greater am I in you than those who oppose you, says the Lord. 1 John 4:4 You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

bluidkiti 03-17-2018 07:22 AM

March 17: God says that some of your involvements include things you ought not be involved in, and they are dragging you down. They are keeping you in a place of bondage. My instruction to you is stop those things that I am putting My finger on so that you are not negatively effected by them the rest of your life. For, these are the days where opportunities to come higher exist and where the greater realm of My presence is available to you. So, choose between these two things. If you check your spiritual level you will know that which is wrong, and then you can put those things aside as you resolve to go up higher.

bluidkiti 03-19-2018 06:57 AM

March 19: Examine yourself to find out whether you are in true faith or not. You can trust Me to help you. I will bring correction without condemnation. I would have you to become the best version of yourself, to be all that you can be, and become what I have designed you to be, says the Lord. Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.

bluidkiti 03-24-2018 07:05 AM

March 24: I see where you have camped out. But, the cloud is moving. The cloud is going before you, so get up and go with Me, and you will have no regrets. For, I am leading you to a higher place than you have ever been. Your discernment in this season will grow greatly, and your ability to seek and find Me will rise to a place that you have never understood. You will know in your heart, without any doubt, that I am for you and with you. I am leading you, guiding you, protecting you, and I will provide for you. Healing will come. The healing waters will flow. The flow of the Spirit is increasing in these days. So, come into agreement with My purposes and come with Me on this journey, says the Lord.

bluidkiti 03-26-2018 07:15 AM

March 26: Have you noticed the increase in the light around you? My spiritual light is increasing over My people. The light will help you see so that My purposes can be established in your life. This light will cause the darkness that Satan has established to dissipate. So, awaken now and allow My light to shine forth. It will establish a path of liberty for you to walk on, says the Lord. Ephesians 5:13-14 But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light. Therefore He says: "Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, And Christ will give you light."

bluidkiti 03-31-2018 06:39 AM

March 31: This day I have opened doors for you to be free. I have made a way for you to establish your freedom. Activate the authority that I have given you, by faith, and walk in the way of it. You will find that you are on a fast track to a new position of spiritual life, joy and peace. It is My purpose to always bring you into victory, says the Lord. Fight for it!

bluidkiti 04-02-2018 06:46 AM

April 2: Rise up now and allow your faith to come alive. Do this now so that your thinking will be transformed. Renew yourself this day and allow the power of spiritual resurrection to come upon you. If you do this you will live your natural life more fully as a part of the resurrection. Resurrection life is available to you even now; it is the life of My Spirit in you, says the Lord.

bluidkiti 04-07-2018 08:20 AM

April 7: I keep hearing thunder in the heavens, and I hear the Lord declaring that victory is yours--by the power of His Spirit, which He is amplifying in this season. You will have the victory if you believe what God is speaking. The power of the most Holy Spirit, will come upon you to cause you to be more than a conqueror in this season. "Only believe, and do that which I have called you to do, and you will be amazed at the outcome", says the Lord.

bluidkiti 04-09-2018 08:02 AM

April 9: The Lord says, "Come up higher because indeed these are the days of elevation. This is a spiritual place that has been established for My people in the last days. In this place you will have visions of My purposes. In this place you will hear my voice! In this place I will meet with you and reveal the hidden mysteries of these days." Matthew 7:7-8 "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened."

bluidkiti 04-14-2018 06:46 AM

April 14: I hear the Lord laughing, and He’s saying to His people, relax. Enjoy these days. Enjoy Me during these days. Do not allow the atmosphere of the world to weigh you down and create fear. For, I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. You have the right to enjoy the journey. So, throw your burdens and the things that trouble you onto Me, for My burden is light and easy to carry. Trust Me to take care of the issues that you cannot take care of. I am with you and for you. Again, I say, enjoy the journey. Stop taking yourself so seriously, and stop condemning yourself or allowing others to condemn you. Understand that you belong to Me. I know who you are, and I know your heart; I am for you. This is a specific time of new beginnings with Me, says the Lord.

bluidkiti 04-16-2018 06:13 AM

April 16: Get up from that place of doubt and unbelief. It is time to forget the hindrances that past failures have established. It is time for you to move forward again. The days before you will be filled with supernatural experiences. But, it is up to you. If you will respond in faith, then you can come with Me on this springtime journey. Do not forget this one thing—every time you move with Me the glory gets brighter and the blessings are more abundant. 2 Corinthians 3:18 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

bluidkiti 04-21-2018 07:58 AM

April 21: Awaken! Awaken, My people. Awaken so I can speak to you, so I can lead you, and so that I can provide for you. Walk without fear or trepidation; with full confidence that I will go before you and make the crooked places straight. I will lead you in the way of righteousness. I will be with you in these the days of My glory as it is poured out upon My beloved people, which people you are. Walk in the newness of life, and be refreshed and renewed.

bluidkiti 04-23-2018 07:24 AM

April 23: It is My desire that you are a victorious Christian. I do not delight in your troubles. I would rather watch you overcome adversity. It is My will that you are able to defeat Satan’s attacks and the trouble that he causes in your life. Come now and allow Me to equip you to be an overcomer. Allow My strength to become your strength. Do not become a victim of this life. Ask of Me and I will help you. Believe, receive and be victorious! 2 Corinthians 2:14 Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.

bluidkiti 04-28-2018 07:32 AM

April 28: I hear the Spirit of the Lord shouting, and He says, arise My people to the place of victory. For, victory has been written on your behalf and the scriptures cannot be broken. Go forth in this confidence, this willingness of spirit, that I bring to you and put upon you in such power that you know that you have the glory of victory. I always, always lead you in to a place of triumph, and wherever you go you will diffuse My fragrance, and it will linger as a declaration against the enemy. Enjoy this journey. Fight the good fight of faith. Win!

bluidkiti 04-30-2018 07:38 AM

April 30: Arouse yourself. Be awakened to the season of opportunity that is before you. Come up higher. Come up to My mountain, says the Lord. It is a habitation in which you can be connected spiritually to the doors that are being opened to you. These are doors of opportunity that will make the way for you--the way of vision, the way of knowledge, the way of wisdom, the way of hearing and knowing your God. Come now to My mountain!

bluidkiti 05-05-2018 07:01 AM

May 5: Have I not said that I am with you? Have I not said that I will bring you forth in this season? Have I not said that I would speak through the prophets, for your understanding of those things that are necessary to receive so that you can move forward in this season in a brand new way, in victory, in My kingdom, says the Lord. For, I will not disappoint you, even as many have become disappointed. I am for you. I will lead you, guide you, cleanse you, and anoint you so that the fullness of that work which I am doing in these days is yours to receive. So, My children, simply ask and you shall receive that, which I am doing. This day, be anointed and receive that yoke breaking anointing that I am providing for you.

bluidkiti 05-07-2018 07:33 AM

May 7: My beloved, it is indeed a time in which you can grow; even exceedingly and abundantly beyond all that you can imagine. So, I say now, plant your seeds; water them; hold them under the tension of faith, for My word never returns void, but it always brings forth that which was spoken. Enjoy My presence and be filled with the gladness that I have for you. Come to the place where your joy is unspeakable and full of glory. Come into My peace, which passes all understanding. And, remember that I am not only with you; I am for you. I am here to lead, guide, and to bless you with all goodness. Receive!

bluidkiti 05-12-2018 06:59 AM

May 12: Yet once more you will encounter hindrances, but this time you will be able to see the pattern in your life that shuts the door to your potential progress. There are things you need to learn, understand, and deal with before you can push past this wall of resistance. Your objectivity will help you see clearly, says the Lord. Isaiah 62:10 Go through, Go through the gates! Prepare the way for the people; Build up, Build up the highway! Take out the stones, Lift up a banner for the peoples!

bluidkiti 05-14-2018 07:08 AM

May 14: This day I am giving you an opportunity to receive My blessings. Therefore, it will benefit you to begin to move by faith into and through these transitional times. Position yourself by faith so that I can open the doors of opportunity for you. It is My great desire that you may receive all that I have for you in this season. You will not be disappointed. So, come with Me on this present journey, says the Lord.

bluidkiti 05-19-2018 06:26 AM

May 19: Come and follow Me. You have heard My word and you have embraced a glorious principle. If you will apply that principle, the kingdom of God will become brand new to you in ways that you have not understood and in ways you have not yet experienced. For the kingdom reality is hidden in the realm of the spirit, the kingdom of God. And, that connecting point is within you so that you can experience the fullness of this day and of this new season, as well as that which I will do with you corporately and personally. Don’t miss out on the opportunities that I am giving you to experience My presence and My kingdom in a fresh new way, says the Lord God.

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