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bluidkiti 09-01-2021 04:00 AM

A Prayer & Some Thoughts - September
September 1

Give Me Strength

God, I ask not for easier tasks.
I ask for stronger aptitudes and greater talents
to meet any tasks which may come my way.

Help me to help others
so that their lives may be made easier and happier.
Strengthen my confidence in my fellow men
in spite of what they may do or say.

Give me strength to live according to the Golden Rule,
enthusiasm to inspire those around me,
sympathy to help lighten the burdens of those who suffer,
and a spirit of joy and gladness to share with others.

~~ Harry Bullis


Just a Thought

We are living on borrowed time.

We are living today because of A.A. and the grace of God. And what there is left of our lives we owe to A.A. and to God. We should make the best use of our borrowed time and in some small measure pay back for that part of our lives which we wasted before we came into A.A. Our lives from now on are not our own. We hold them in trust for God and A.A. And we must do all we can to forward the great movement that has given us a new lease on life.

So ............

Am I holding my life in trust for A.A.?


Just a Contemplation

Accepting Reality

Nothing lasts forever. At times I feel sad, angry, resentful and ashamed -- but it passes. In my recovery I have learned to live in "my day" and accept the consequences of that day. I can only deal with life as I experience it. Tomorrow is a new day with new experiences. And some of the experiences are painful. Reality teaches me this. At times I wish I could go through life without pain or rejection but I know that is fantasy. Sobriety does not mean that everything will be perfect -- only better!

Nothing is so bad that I need to drink. Today I know that alcohol increases my pain; it is never a solution. God, who has given me today, will also give me a tomorrow -- and time eases the pain if I work my program. Misfortunes are not worth drinking over. Nothing lasts forever.


Fear of Success

Although this seems like a paradox, the fear of success is actually a common fear. Many people in recovery suffer from low self-esteem. This means that somewhere in the back of their mind, they don’t think they deserve a better life.

Negative thoughts like these can come from many places. Perhaps you were raised in an invalidating environment or perhaps your depression is a product of alcohol use. Unfortunately, this thought pattern often leads to self-sabotage. People use it as an excuse to relapse.

No matter what you’ve done in the past, you have to remember that you are now free and a new person. Over time, sobriety will help you see things more clearly. You deserve happiness just like anyone else.


Just a Quote

“I have accepted fear as a part of life – specifically the fear of change… I have gone ahead despite the pounding in the heart that says: turn back.”~ Erica Jong

bluidkiti 09-02-2021 03:51 AM

September 2

Prayer for Sanity

Dear Lord,
Grant us sanity during these very challenging times.
We live in a time that brings many of us the unexpected and the unexplainable.
Help us think with clarity, and guide us to behave with courage when the opportunity comes to change our difficulties.


Just a Thought

As we became alcoholics, the bad effects of drinking came more and more to outweigh the good effects.

But the strange part of it is that, no matter what drinking did to us, loss of our health, our jobs, our money and our homes, we still stuck to it and depended on it. Our dependence on alcohol became an obsession. In A.A., we find a new outlook on life. We learn how to change from alcoholic thinking to sober thinking. And we find out that we can no longer depend on drinking for anything. We depend on a Higher Power instead.

So ............

Have I entirely given up that dependence on drinking?


Just a Contemplation

Needing Others

To stay in this program, we need to accept that we have an illness. We need to accept that we were out of control. And we need to accept that we need others and they need us. At times, we won't want to accept these facts. We will want to deny we have an illness and our lives were out of control.

Many of us get into trouble when we don't accept that we need others. This is why helping others is so important. It teaches us that we need others, and others need us. By helping others, we learn about the give-and-take of human relationships. There is no give-and-take in alcoholism. There is just take. Now, finally, we can give too!


Emotional Sobriety

Those adolescent urges that so many of us have for top approval, perfect security, and perfect romance -- urges quite appropriate to age seventeen -- prove to be an impossible way of life when we are at age forty-seven or fifty-seven.
Since AA began, I've taken immense wallops in all these areas because of my failure to grow up, emotionally and spiritually. My God, how painful it is to keep demanding the impossible, and how very painful to discover, finally, that all along we have had the cart before the horse!

The Language of the Heart, p. 236


Just a Thought

"It is easy to dodge our responsibilities, but we cannot dodge the consequences of dodging our responsibilities." ~ Josiah Stamp

bluidkiti 09-03-2021 04:50 AM

September 3

The Knots Prayer

Dear God,
Please untie the knots in my mind,
my heart and my life.

Remove the have nots,
the can nots, and the do nots
that I have in my mind.

Erase the will nots,
may nots,
might nots that may find
a home in my heart.

Release me from the could nots,
would nots and
should nots that obstruct my life.

And most of all,
Dear God,
I ask that you remove from my mind,
my heart and my life all of the “am nots”
that I have allowed to hold me back,
especially the thought that
I am not good enough.


Just a Thought

An alcoholic carries an awful load around with them.

What a load lying puts on your shoulders! Drinking makes liars out of all of us alcoholics. In order to get all the alcohol we want, we have to lie all the time. We have to lie about where we've been and what we've been doing. When you are lying you are only half alive, because of the fear of being found out. When you come into A.A., and get honest with yourself and with other people, that terrible load of lying falls off your shoulders.

So ............

Have I got rid of that load of lying?


Just a Contemplation


For countless reasons, people with drinking problems blunder into conflicts with others. It's not unusual to hear that a person has not spoken to a relative for years as a result of some foolish misunderstanding. Some of us, sad to say, cling to old grievances even after we come into AA.

The key to peace in our lives is the slogan "Live and Let Live." If we reflect on this slogan a bit, we want to live freely, and we ought to let others choose their lifestyles without interference from us. After all, if there was anything we alcoholics resented, it was the busybody who tried to shape our lives for us.

Nobody has the competence or understanding to tell us how we should live, nor should we try to control other people. We have a big job to do in overcoming our own problems. We have neither the time nor the wisdom to run other people's lives.

"Live and Let Live." We can use the slogan wisely to end conflicts in our lives and to terminate new ones before they develop into serious problems.

I'll remember today that nobody appointed me guardian of my neighbors' manners and morals. I have a full-time job keeping myself straight.


The Man In The Glass

When you get what you want in your struggle for self
And the world makes you king for a day
Just go to the mirror and look at yourself
And see what that man has to say.

For it isn’t your father, or mother, or wife
Whose judgment upon you must pass
The fellow whose verdict counts most in your life
Is the one staring back from the glass.

He’s the fellow to please – never mind all the rest
For he’s with you, clear to the end
And you’ve passed your most difficult, dangerous test
If the man in the glass is your friend.

You may fool the whole world down the pathway of years
And get pats on the back as you pass
But your final reward will be heartache and tears
If you’ve cheated the man in the glass.

~ Peter Dale Wimbrow Sr.


Just a Quote

“The thing that lies at the foundation of positive change, the way I see it, is service to a fellow human being.” ~~ Lee lacocca

bluidkiti 09-04-2021 04:26 AM

September 4

Prayer to Accept Myself

Starting today, help me to live my life being myself and not pretending to be someone else. Help me to love and accept everyone else the way you created them. Help me to remember that when I reject others, I reject myself and when I reject myself. Clean my mind of any emotional poison it has known through abusive words, actions of others and of myself. Please help me to be happy to share my time with my loved ones and to forgive them for any injustice and hurt I feel in my mind. Allow me to love my family and friends unconditionally, to find better, loving ways to communicate with everyone, that there is no winner or loser.

Today is a new beginning. Help me to start my life over, help me to love you above all, to love others and treat them with dignity, to be happy to be alive and to no longer live in fear. Help me to become great in Kindness, Love, Faith, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Generosity, and Compassion so that I can be at peace.


Just a Thought

What a load hangovers, put on your shoulders!

What terrible physical punishment we've all been through. The pounding headaches and jumpy nerves, the shakes and the jitters, the hot and cold sweats! When you come into A.A. and stop drinking, that terrible load of hangovers falls off your shoulders. What a load remorse, put on your shoulders! That terrible mental punishment we've all been through. Ashamed of the things you've said and done. Afraid to face people because of what they might think of you. Afraid of the consequences of what you did when you were drunk. What an awful beating the mind takes! When you come into A.A., that terrible load of remorse falls off your shoulders.

So ............

Have I gotten rid of these loads of hangovers and remorse?


Just a Contemplation


We can feel insecure for many reasons, but the fundamental reason is that we do not have a firm anchorage in our Higher Power. This anchorage must be our true security, and it is really the only form that can survive any attack.

Regardless of who we are, we can know and feel that our Higher Power is guiding and directing us at all times. If we find ourselves being threatened by a person or situation, we can deal with it by knowing that our Higher Power is in charge of all outcomes. If we envy somebody, we must get back to an acknowledgment of God as the source of everything.

If we feel inadequate around people who seem to be immensely self-confident and secure, we should not try to imitate their manner and behavior. Rather, we should simply put our trust in our own Higher Power, and our feeling of true security will express itself in proper ways.

All the things we view today as being secure are probably only temporary. Our true security can come only from God.


Emotional Bottom

In the first years, those of us who sobered up in A.A. had been grim and utterly hopeless cases. But then we began to have success with milder alcoholics and even some potential alcoholics. Younger folks appeared. Lots of people turned up who still had jobs, homes, health, and even good social standing.

Of course, it was necessary for these newcomers to hit bottom emotionally. But they did not have to hit every possible bottom in order to admit that they were licked.

As Bill Sees It Page 209


Just a Quote

“What self-acceptance does is open up more possibilities of succeeding because you aren’t fighting yourself along the way.” ~~ Shannon Ables

bluidkiti 09-05-2021 04:54 AM

September 5

Prayer to Release

You know I am troubled by thoughts and feelings of anger, resentment and bitterness.
You also know why.
Plus You know how deep the hurt goes and how long I have lived with it.
But I don’t want to live with it any longer.
I don’t want to be an angry, resentful and bitter person.
With Your help, I release my anger into Your hands.
I surrender my resentment. I let go of my bitterness.
Help me to keep letting go and release these toxic emotions as often as they try to return.


Just a Thought

Let Go of the Past

It’s time to face up to the fact that the past is gone, and any effort to repeat it is a sure way to stay stuck in old blueprints that you would have already outgrown if you hadn’t been so busy clinging to what you have already been through.

So ............

Let the past go. Don’t let your memories stop you from seeing how beautiful and precious each moment in your life is now.


Just a Contemplation


Although willpower alone does not work in overcoming alcoholism, there is a place for the will, or willingness, in the search for a happy sobriety. Things can happen if we are willing to let them happen. More importantly, progress often depends on our willingness to give up what stands in our way. It also requires our willingness to take the actions necessary for success.

This same willingness, so vital to finding sobriety, is also applicable in other areas of our lives. The pioneers of AA suggested that getting sober required being willing to go to any lengths. This is the key to other achievements and to the overcoming of problems besides alcohol.

We often have to put up with unpleasant conditions simply because we do not want to change them badly enough. For example, we may dislike the unpleasant coughing and risks of smoking, but lack the willingness to quit. We may brood over lost opportunities, but be unwilling to take advantage of the opportunities we have now.

The key to constructive change in our lives is willingness… and that applies to other matters as well as to alcohol.


Out of Bondage

At Step Three, many of us said to our Maker, as we understand Him:
"God, I offer myself to Thee--to build with me and to do with me as Thou wilt. Relieve me of bondage of self, that I may better do Thy will. Take away my difficulties, that my transcendence over them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy power, Thy love, and Thy way of life. May I do Thy will always!"

We thought well before taking this Step, making sure we were ready. Then we could commence to abandon ourselves utterly to Him.

Alcoholics Anonymous Page 63


Just a Thought

"Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts” ~ David O. McKay

bluidkiti 09-06-2021 04:41 AM

September 6

Prayer for Making Decisions

You know that today—or very soon—I must make a decision which is going to affect my whole life.
Grant me your guidance, and the humility to accept it.
Help me not necessarily to choose what I want to do, but what I should do.
Grant that I may not be swayed solely by fear or by hope of gain, by selfish love of ease or comfort or by personal ambition, by the desire to escape or by longing for prestige.
Hear this prayer of mine and send an answer so clear that I cannot mistake it.


Just a Thought

A drinking life isn't a happy life.

Excessive drinking cuts you off from other people and from God. One of the worst things about drinking is loneliness. And one of the best things about A.A. is the fellowship. Drinking cuts you off from other people, at least from the people who really matter to you, your wife and children, your family and real friends. No matter how much you love them, you build up a wall between you and them by drinking. You're cut off from any real companionship with them. As a result, you're terribly lonely.

So ............

Have I got rid of my loneliness?


Just a Contemplation

Justified Resentments

One of the greatest hurdles in sobriety is the so-called justified resentment. We feel that we have a right to be angry at somebody who has hurt or offended us. This feeling might be correct if our anger could remedy the matter and bring it to a just conclusion, but this hardly ever happens. If we are angry, we usually want revenge more than we want justice. Uncontrolled anger will make us behave as unjustly as those who harmed us did. This means more trouble.

Whether revenge is sought or not, anger also poisons our own lives. Emmet Fox compared it to the insane practice of drinking prussic acid. People cannot take a drink of acid and then assign it to the person they detest. They will bear its effect in their own bodies. In the same way, our anger produces its own acids, which destroy our peace of mind and make us ineffective.

We can deal with "justified resentment" by reminding ourselves that there's no justification for the pain and sickness a festering resentment will cause in our lives. There is no justified resentment.

I will try not to let myself be drawn into the angry currents around me.


Growing Up in AA

Life is meant to be lived by facing the challenges it brings. Otherwise, I'm not living, just existing. God didn't give me this gift of sobriety to sit in a rocking chair, imagining myself as some old wise woman who has arrived somewhere. There is no easier, softer way.

The Best Of The Grapevine [Vol.3], Page 320


Just a Quote

"We cannot get rid of our emotions. We can, however, manage them by changing our perception of them." ~ Lennox Cornwall

bluidkiti 09-07-2021 03:46 AM

September 7

Thankful Prayer

Sometimes life gets me down and I find it hard to see things to be thankful for.
Open my eyes to see the gifts you’ve given me in my life.
I’m going to start by thanking you for another day and the ability to live it fully.
Please help me understand and do your will today.


Just a Thought

Anyone can fight the battles of just one day.

It is only when you and I add the burden of those two awful eternities, yesterday and tomorrow that we break down. It is not the experience of today that drives us mad. It is the remorse or bitterness for something, which happened yesterday, or the dread of what tomorrow may bring. Let us therefore do our best to live but one day at a time.

So ............

Am I living one day at a time?


Just a Contemplation


Failure is part of the road to success.

Failure isn't fun, but beating yourself up over it won't help. Each time you fall down, it serves as proof you're pushing yourself to new limits. Remember that each failure is an opportunity to grow stronger and become better.



When I face a fear, I am given courage; when I support a brother or sister, my capacity to love myself is increased; when I accept pain as part of the growing experience of life, I realize a greater happiness; when I look at my dark side, I am brought into new light; when I accept my vulnerability and surrender to a Higher Power, I am graced with unforeseen strength.

Daily Reflections Page 62


A Few Quotes

“You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas.” ~ Shirley Chisholm

“Complaining not only ruins everybody else's day, it ruins the complainer's day, too. The more we complain, the more unhappy we get.” ~ Dennis Prager

bluidkiti 09-08-2021 03:47 AM

September 8

Serving Others Prayer

Allow me to serve others with a joyful heart;
Never keeping score;
Always giving;
Never expecting to receive.
Allow me to give of myself,
To give of my talents and of my goods,
To give of my time and of my energy,
To give of my heart and of my soul.
Help me understand the needs of others,
Lord, keep a condemning spirit
Far from my heart and further from my lips.
Allow me to serve others,
With gentleness, compassion, and tenderness,
Never diminishing the worth of another,

~ Jack Watts


Just a Thought

When ordinary people decide to step out and be part of something big, that’s when they become extraordinary.

So ............

It is amazing what can be accomplished when nobody cares about who gets the credit.


Just a Contemplation


What is the importance of helping others?

Helping others is not only good for them and a good thing to do, it also makes us happier and healthier too. Giving also connects us to others, creating stronger communities and helping to build a happier society for everyone. And it's not all about money - we can also give our time, ideas and energy.


Working With Others

Practical experience shows that nothing will so much insure immunity from drinking as intensive work with other alcoholics. It works when other activities fail. This is our twelfth suggestion: Carry this message to other alcoholics! You can help when no one else can. You can secure their confidence when others fail. Remember they are very ill.

Life will take on new meaning. To watch people recover, to see them help others, to watch loneliness vanish, to see a fellowship grow up about you, to have a host of friends - this is an experience you must not miss. We know you will not want to miss it. Frequent contact with newcomers and with each other is the bright spot of our lives.

Alcoholics Anonymous Page 89


Just a Few Quotes

“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” ~ Pablo Picasso

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” ~ Dr. Seuss

bluidkiti 09-09-2021 04:29 AM

September 9

Prayer for Guidance

Lord, I am feeling uncertain about what I’m facing.
Please guide me and help me to cope with what is unfolding.
Please also grant me the peace that only you can give.
Amid my worries, please come alongside me and sustain me.
I know that I can put my trust in you.
Please grant me reminders along the way, so that I do not become overtaken by the unknown.


Just a Thought

We got a kick out of the first few drinks, before we got stupefied by alcohol.

For a while, the world seemed to look brighter. But how about the letdown, the terrible depression that comes the morning after? In A.A., we get a real kick, not a false feeling of exhilaration, but a real feeling of satisfaction with ourselves and self-respect. And a feeling of friendliness toward the world. We got a sort of pleasure from drinking. For a while we thought we were happy. But it's only an illusion. The hangover the next day is the opposite of pleasure.

So ............

Am I getting real pleasure and serenity and peace in A.A.?


Just a Contemplation

Staying Active

Friends and relatives are often grateful when they witness an alcoholic's dramatic recovery after years of horror and pain. However, they sometimes fail to understand the importance of meetings after the alcoholic has been sober for months or years. "Do you have to go to another meeting this week?" a spouse might say, "You're sober now. Why do you need THOSE people?"

Some AA members probably do use the meetings simply as a social outlet and attend more than they need. But no other person can really determine what you or I need to maintain sobriety. Moreover, even in sobriety, we are always dealing with alcohol, which can come back into our lives with stunning force if we ever become careless or foolish. It is much better to go to more meetings than we need than to attend too few or none at all.

There is another side as well. The meetings need us. By attending meetings, we are carrying the AA message and providing a haven for desperate newcomers who need our help.

However, we should be tolerant and understanding when others are critical of our zealous attendance of meetings. It is not necessary that they understand our need. It is only necessary that we understand!


Legitimate Reason

So, our rule is not to avoid a place where there is drinking, if we have a legitimate reason for being there. That includes bars, nightclubs, dances, receptions, weddings, even plain ordinary whoopee parties. To a person who has had experience with an alcoholic, this may seem like tempting Providence, but it isn't.

You will note that we made an important qualification. Therefore, ask yourself on each occasion, "Have I any good social, business, or personal reason for going to this place? Or am I expecting to steal a little vicarious pleasure from the atmosphere of such

Alcoholics Anonymous Page 101


Just a Thought

“When we finally give up the struggle to find fulfillment "out there," we have nowhere to go but within. It is at this moment of total surrender that a new light begins to dawn.” ~ Shakti Gawain

bluidkiti 09-10-2021 03:14 AM

September 10

Push My Buttons Prayer

Lord, it's likely that sometime today
someone will push my buttons
challenge my good will
misread my intentions
tick me off
try my patience
rattle my cage
judge me in haste
test my kindness
or do all of the above...

Give me the grace I'll need at such times
to respond with patience
to trust and accept
to listen carefully
to reach out in peace
to be fair and just
to anctipate goodness
in all my words and deeds...

I know this is a lot to ask, Lord,
but I need your help
to do for others
as I'd have them do for me...

~ Rev. Austin Fleming


Just a Thought

We in A.A. must remember that we are offering something intangible.

We are offering a psychological and spiritual program. We are not offering a medical program. If people need medical treatment, we call in a doctor. If they need a medical prescription, we let the doctor prescribe for them. If they need hospital treatment, we let the hospital take care of them. Our vital A.A. work begins when a person is physically able to receive it.

So ............

Am I willing to leave medical care to the doctors?


Just a Contemplation

Maintaining Sobriety

It's said that peer pressure often draws young people into alcoholism and drug addiction. As adults following a recovery program, we also are susceptible to peer pressure.

At a cocktail reception, for example, some people may express mild pity that we're having "only soft drinks," as if we're doing a form of penance. Or they may express exaggerated admiration for our success in recovery. Even this can make us feel different.

We need not be critical of such reactions. The fact is that we are somewhat different when we're staying sober in situations where excessive drinking is normal.

We should not, however, make this our problem if others draw attention to it. This is peer pressure, but we should be mature enough to dismiss it.

Whatever situation I'm in today, if I know I'm on the right path, I'll not be swayed by the opinions and comments of others. Their opinions cannot affect me if I know I'm doing the right thing.


Power Source

Lack of power, that was our dilemma. We had to find a power by which we could live, and it had to be a Power greater than ourselves. Obviously. But where and how were we to find this Power?

Well, that's exactly what this book is about. Its main object is to enable you to find a Power greater than yourself which will solve your problem. That means we have written a book which we believe to be spiritual as well as moral. And it means, of course, that we are going to talk about God. Here difficulty arises with agnostics. Many times we talk to a new man and watch his hope rise as we discuss his alcoholic problems and explain our fellowship. But his face falls when we speak of spiritual matters, especially when we mention God, for we have re-opened a subject which our man thought he had neatly evaded or entirely ignored.

Alcoholics Anonymous Page 45


Just a Quote

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” ~ Victor Frankl

bluidkiti 09-11-2021 04:57 AM

September 11

Prayer to Heal Stress

Lord, please grant me peace of mind and calm my troubled heart.
I can't seem to find my balance so I stumble and worry constantly.
Give me the strength and clarity of mind to find my purpose and walk the path you've laid out for me.
Lord, I trust you and know that you will heal this stress.
Just as the sun rises each day against the dark of night.
Please bring me clarity with the light of God.


Just a Thought

I was always fascinated with the study of scientific principles.

I pursued Absolute Knowledge. God and spirituality were meaningless academic exercises. I was a modern man of science, knowledge was my Higher Power. Given the right set of equations, life was merely another problem to solve. Yet my inner self was dying from my outer man's solution to life's problems and the solution was alcohol. In spite of my intelligence, alcohol became my Higher Power. It was through the unconditional love which emanated from A.A. people and meetings that I was able to discard alcohol as my Higher Power. The great void was filled. I was no longer lonely and apart from life. I had found a true power greater than myself, I had found God's love.

So ............

There is only one equation which really matters to me now: God is in A.A.


Just a Contemplation

Personal Relations

Some of us grew up with resentments about the way our families treated us. It was confusing to notice how nice our parents could be toward strangers and then how abruptly they could become abusive toward us.

The best release for this kind of resentment is forgiveness, but we should also ask ourselves if we're guilty of the same faults. Are we discourteous and inconsiderate toward our own children and family members? Do we apologize when we offend strangers, but not when we hurt our own children?

We should try to treat everyone with fairness and kindness. No family member should be subjected to our incessant criticism and rudeness. We owe them the same courtesies we extend to strangers.


After the "Honeymoon"

For most of us, the first years of A.A. are something like a honeymoon. There is a new and potent reason to stay alive, joyful activity aplenty. For a time, we are diverted from the main life problems. That is all to the good.

But when the honeymoon has worn off, we are obliged to take our lumps, like other people. This is where the testing starts. Maybe the group has pushed us onto the side lines. Maybe difficulties have intensified at home, or in the world outside. Then the old behavior patterns reappear. How well we recognize and deal with them reveals the extent of our progress.

As Bill Sees It Page 216


Just a Few Quotes

“Every time you think you’re being rejected God’s actually redirecting you to something better. Ask him to give you the strength to press forward.” ~~ Nick Vujicic

“God doesn’t give you the people you want, he gives you the people you need. To help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you the person you were meant to be.” ~~ Anonymous

****** Off Topic ******

May All of us Remember

May all of us remember with love and compassion this day.
May we grieve with those who still mourn,
And share memories with those who cannot forget.
May we draw strength from those who bravely responded,
And gave their lives to save others.
May we stand with strangers who became neighbors that day,
And remember their generosity and hospitality.

bluidkiti 09-12-2021 05:29 AM

September 12

Prayer for Peace of Mind

Sometimes my insides feel like a battle zone, where missiles are falling too close to home. Other times I'm caught in an endless storm, with thoughts flying out of control. Confusion reigns and defeat creeps in to steal my joy.

Lord, I ask you to give me all around peace in my mind, body, soul, and spirit. I want you to heal and remove everything that is causing stress, grief, and sorrow in my life.

Please guide my path through life and make my enemies be at peace with me. Let your peace reign in my family, at my place of work, businesses and everything I lay our hands on.

Bring peace into my soul that passes all worldly understanding and make me a light for others to see Your strength.


Just a Thought

We in A.A. are offering a spiritual program.

The fundamental basis of A.A. is belief in some Power greater than ourselves. This belief takes us off the center of the universe and allows us to transfer our problems to some power outside of ourselves. We turn to this Power for the strength we need to get sober and stay sober. We put our problem with alcohol in God's hands and leave it there. We stop trying to run our own life and seek to let God run it for us.

So ............

Do I do my best to give spiritual help?


Just a Contemplation

Conscious Contact

A.A. members are encouraged to recognize their Higher Power, to listen to that Higher Power, and allow Him or Her to inspire them in their journey of recovery. This is achieved through prayer and meditation. Seek conscious contact with God more and more each day. Make God an abiding presence during the day. Be conscious of His spirit helping you.

Nothing happens by mistake.


The Calmness Quiz

Allocate one point for each "Yes" answer.
In the last month, have you:

1. Worried a lot about something bad happening that in the end turned out just fine?
2. Had trouble sleeping because your mind was too busy with racing thoughts and/or your heart was pounding?
3. Worried about being late/not having enough time?
4. Had problems with your digestion?
5. Experienced shallow breathing because of anxious thoughts before an exam, presentation, important meeting at work, or awkward social meeting?
6. Lost your train of thought in a conversation and found it hard to focus on what the other person is saying?
7. Avoided social occasions by making up an excuse or white lie, or simply not turned up because you couldn’t face people?
8. Felt overly concerned if someone was late that something bad happened to them?
9. Felt overwhelmed by having too much to do?
10. Felt intense anxiety of panic?

Score: ____ out of 10

A score of three or more "Yes" answers indicate your calmness levels need love and attention.


Just a Few Quotes

“Calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence, so that’s very important for good health.” ~ Dalai Lama

“Calmness is a huge gift. And once you master it, you will be able to respond in a useful way to every difficult situation that decides to walk into your heart.” ~ Geri Larkin

bluidkiti 09-13-2021 04:51 AM

September 13

Lord, For Today

Be with me Lord.
Be the patience when I'm frustrated.
Be the endurance when I am tired.
Be the wisdom when I am uncertain.
Be the inspiration when I'm out of ideas.
Be the peacemaker when I feel hurt.
Be the comforter when I feel overwhelmed.
Be the energy when I am weary.
Be the guide when I am confused.
Be the forgiver when I get it wrong.
Be with me Lord, today.


Just a Thought

On a dark night, the bright lights of the corner tavern looked mighty inviting.

Inside, there seems to be warmth and good cheer. But we don't stop to think that if we go in there we'll probably end up drunk, with our money spent and an awful hangover. A long mahogany bar in the tropical moonlight looks like a very gay place. But you should see the place the next morning. The chairs are piled on the tables and the place stinks of stale beer and cigarette stubs. And often we are there too, trying to cure the shakes by gulping down straight whiskey.

So ............

Can I look straight through the night before and see the morning after?


Just a Contemplation


Before recovery, many of us lacked a frame of reference with which to name the victimization and abuse in our life. We may have thought it was normal that people mistreated us. We may have believed we deserved mistreatment; we may have been attracted to people who mistreated us.
We need to let go, on a deep level, of our need to be victimized and to be victims. We need to let go of our need to be in dysfunctional relationships and systems at work, in love, in family relationships, in friendships. We deserve better. We deserve much better. It is our right. When we believe in our right to happiness, we will have happiness.

We will fight for that right, and the fight will emerge from our souls. Break free from oppression and victimization.

Today, I will liberate myself by letting go of my need to be a victim, and I'll explore my freedom to take care of myself. That liberation will not take me further away from people I love. It will bring me closer to people and. more in harmony with God's plan for my life.


Money Matters

Money gradually became our servant and not our master.
It became a means of exchanging love and service with those about us.
When, with God's help, we calmly accepted our lot, we found we could live at peace with ourselves and show others who still suffered the same fears that they could get over them, too. We found that freedom from fear was more important than freedom from want.

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Page 122


Just a Quote

"I don't always know where this life is going. I can't see the end of the road, but here is the great part: courage is not about knowing the path. It is about taking the first step." ~ Katie Davis

bluidkiti 09-14-2021 04:04 AM

September 14

Prayer For Energy & Strength

I pray for myself and others who are feeling tired or empty.
Help us not to complain amidst our weakness.
Restore our minds so that we can still function properly.
Give our bodies the energy needed to get through each day.
Please also help us to manage our time so that we will get the rest we need.
Help us to prune things that are hard to let go of that suck the energy from us.


Just a Thought

We in A.A. are offering a wonderful program.

When we learn to turn to a Higher Power, with faith that that Power can give us the strength we need, we find peace of mind. When we re-educate our minds by learning to think differently, we find new interests that make life worthwhile. We who have achieved sobriety through faith in God and mental re-education are modern miracles. It is the function of our A.A. program to produce modern miracles.

So ............

Do I consider the change in my life a modern miracle?


Just a Contemplation


Some of us never liked close competition. We preferred to be clear winners or not to compete at all. We didn't like to have competitors breathing down our necks.

This attitude kept us from doing our best, and we made a mistake when we thought we were competing with others. We're actually competing with ourselves at all times, trying to do better than we did yesterday. The presence of other people only helps us to set performance standards and goals.

Once we accept the idea of self-improvement, we can delight in competition. We can take satisfaction in situations where, though we were not number one, we came in a close second instead of a sullen last.

I'll know today that I'm always working with others but only competing against myself.



And what is time to me now? It is a most precious asset.
I have the luxury of being able to cherish the memory of yesterday, to live today with serenity, to wait for tomorrow. I find contentment in just knowing where I was and where I am. And I am grateful; grateful for the existence of Alcoholics Anonymous; grateful to my God for leading me to the doors of AA and to Himself, grateful for hope.
I am grateful for this minute. My eternity may be in it.

The Best of the Grapevine [Vol. 2] Page 21


Just a Quote

“Just as we experience joy in caring for others, they experience joy in caring for us.” ~~ Linda Nocks Shah

bluidkiti 09-15-2021 04:47 AM

September 15

Prayer for Strength

Lord, I’m weary. My energy is sagging, and my motivation is lagging. The pressures of life sometimes push me into a corner, rendering me helpless to move forward. A hundred voices call my name, and I feel paralyzed at times to answer, not knowing where to turn.

Renew my strength, Lord. Fill me with the power to overcome each obstacle in my path.


Just a Thought

There is no substitute for reading the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.

We should study it thoroughly and make it a part of ourselves. We should not try to change any of it. Within its covers is the full exposition of the A.A. program. There is no substitute for it. We should study it often.

So ...........

Have I studied the Big Book faithfully?


Just a Contemplation


Most of the time, other people don't really deceive us. We deceive ourselves by refusing to face life realistically. We often believe false information simply because we want to believe it.

Living on a 12 Step basis should enable us to face reality without becoming cynical or pessimistic. If a friend appears to be lying to us, for example, we can accept this as a single lie, not as a complete betrayal. In addition, we learn not to lie to ourselves. This helps us avoid shaky business schemes and unrealistic hopes.

At the same time, we can still retain our capacity for believing in wonders and miracles. We have experienced enough miracles to prove that they really happen.

I'll use my head as much as possible today to help keep my heart from getting me into trouble, but I'll remember that it's what's in my heart that counts.


Wall Of Ego

The attainment of greater humility is the foundation principle of each A.A.'s Twelve Steps. For without some degree of humility, no alcoholic can stay sober at all.

Nearly all A.A.'s have found, too, that unless they develop much more of this precious quality than may be required just for sobriety, they still haven't much chance of becoming truly happy. Without it, they cannot live to much useful purpose, or, in adversity, be able to summon the faith that can meet any emergency.

As Bill Sees It Page 74


Just a Quote

"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude." ~ Thomas Jefferson

bluidkiti 09-16-2021 04:03 AM

September 16

Prayer This Morning

This is another day, I know not what it will bring forth, but make me ready, for whatever it may be.
If I am to stand up, help me to stand bravely.
If I am to sit still, help me to sit quietly.
If I am to lie low, help me to do it patiently.
And if I am to do nothing, let me do it gallantly.
Make these words more than words, and give me the will to do your will.


Just a Thought

Working the Steps frees us from the negative emotions, which block out the light.

At first, we may have wondered how the Twelve Steps were related to our problems. As we progress in the program, we see that without the spiritual growth, which they facilitate, we cannot be fully open to the light from our Higher Power.

So ............

Lord, prepare me to reflect Your light.


Just a Contemplation


H.A.L.T. stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired. These feelings can be danger to us. They can lead us away from our program. We need to eat regular meals. When we get too hungry, we get cranky. Then we say and do things we regret. We need to turn anger over to our Higher Power, or else our anger turns into rage. We need friends to help us in recovery. If we get to lonely, we may turn our addictive way for friendship. We don't stay sober by ourselves. We need a clear mind to deal with life. If we get too tired, we tend to feel sorry for ourselves. Being tired get us into crazy thinking.

Today, I'll review the four parts of H.A.L.T. In which areas do I practice good self-care? In which areas do I not? How can I improve?


Most Wonderful Blessing

It is a most wonderful blessing to be relieved of the terrible curse with which I was afflicted. My health is good and I have regained my self-respect and the respect of my colleagues. My home life is ideal and my business is as good as can be expected in these uncertain times.

I spend a great deal of time passing on what I learned to others who want and need it badly. I do it for four reasons:

1. Sense of duty.
2. It is a pleasure.
3. Because in so doing I am paying my debt to the man who took time to pass it on to me.
4. Because every time I do it I take out a little more insurance for myself against a possible slip.

Alcoholics Anonymous Pages 180-181 (THE DOCTOR'S NIGHTMARE)
(I use the 3rd Edition)


Just a Quote

"But if you really and truly want to quit drinking liquor for good and all, and sincerely feel that you must have some help, we know that we have an answer for you. It never fails, if you go about it with one half the zeal you have been in the habit of showing when you were getting another drink." ~ Dr. Bob S.

bluidkiti 09-17-2021 04:34 AM

September 17

Prayer for Guidance

Lord, guide me, teach me, strengthen me,
‘till I become such a person as thou would have me be;
pure and gentle,
truthful and high-minded,
brave and able,
courteous and generous,
dutiful and useful.

~ Charles Kingsley (1819-75)


Just a Thought

Our bad moods are often our body's way of telling us we need rest.

We are wise to remember we never outgrow this need for rest to make the day go better. When we return to our day refreshed, we have given ourselves and all those around us the gift of ourselves at our best.

So ............

What can I do better when I am rested?


Just a Contemplation

Time Management

It's always risky when a recovering person gets too busy for meetings. It's also dangerous when business and personal concerns crowd out interest in the program.

We should never deceive ourselves by thinking that we're somehow safe just because our time is filled with useful and interesting work. Many of us have a tendency to become addicted to "busy-ness". Though less destructive than drinking, this serves as an escape, just as alcohol did.
The danger is that when the work no longer satisfies us, we'll find our lives becoming empty again. We could then be very vulnerable to taking a drink.

We should never be too busy for the wonderful, constructive work of the program. Far from taking time away from our other activities, work in the program will enhance everything we do.
I'll try to balance my activities today, making sure that I have time for the program.


There Is a Solution

Almost none of us liked the self-searching, the leveling of our pride, the confession of shortcomings which the process requires for its successful consummation. But we saw that it really worked in others, and we had come to believe in the hopelessness and futility of life as we had been living it. When, therefore, we were approached by those in whom the problem had been solved, there was nothing left for us but to pick up the simple kit of spiritual tools laid at our feet. We have found much of heaven and we have been rocketed into a fourth dimension of existence of which we had not even dreamed.

Alcoholics Anonymous Page 25


Just a Quote

“To incessantly blame others for my shortcomings is cowardice borne of fear, fed by fear, and haunted by fear. To be steadfastly accountable for my shortcomings is bravery borne of God, fed by God, and blessed by God.” ~~ Craig D. Lounsbrough

bluidkiti 09-18-2021 03:56 AM

September 18

A Hopi Prayer

Let me walk in beauty, and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset
Make my hands respect the things you have made and my ears sharp to hear your voice.
Make me wise so that I may understand the things you have taught our people.
Let me learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock.
I seek the strength, not to be greater than my brother/sister but to fight my greatest enemy- myself
Make me always ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes
So that all that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.


Just a Thought

Not everyone knows how to be a friend.

Some people only criticize and never praise. People who never encourage or praise us are usually unhappy with their own achievements. They don't mean us harm. Perhaps they just need a friend, too. Not only do we each need friends to help us grow, we need to be friends to others. To encourage and praise those who need it will help us in return.

So ............

Whose friend can I be today?


Just a Contemplation

New Ideas

When we're urged to be open-minded, what's really involved? Open-mindedness certainly can't mean accepting every idea that comes down the road, because some of them are worthless or harmful.

Open-mindedness really means a readiness to put our deeply held opinions aside long enough to consider new ideas. If we simply refuse to listen to anything new, we'll avoid the bad ideas, but we'll also miss out on the ideas that can help us.

If we're really honest, we can look back to see many ideas that helped us after we reluctantly agreed to consider them. It's important to screen ideas as they come to us, but we can't block them out completely. All a good idea needs to help us is a fair chance.

I'll work at being more open-minded today. It's possible I've been blocking out ideas that could help me.


Running The Show

As we go through the day we pause, when agitated or doubtful, and ask for the right thought or action. We constantly remind ourselves we are no longer running the show, humbly saying to ourselves many times each day "Thy will be done." We are then in much less danger of excitement, fear, anger, worry, self-pity, or foolish decisions. We become much more efficient. We do not tire so easily, for we are not burning up energy foolishly as we did when we were trying to arrange life to suit ourselves.

Alcoholics Anonymous Pages 87 & 88


Just a Quote

“The world we have created is a product of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” ~ Albert Einstein

bluidkiti 09-19-2021 04:36 AM

September 19

Prayer to Control Temper

Please help me to control my temper.
Please grant me the strength to keep from overreacting, even when I feel like I’m being falsely accused.
Please help me to have strong will power to keep my mouth shut when I feel like going off.
Please help me to see things more clearly, so that I will understand things better.
Please help heal my relationship(s) with those I love, which have been challenged by my behavior.


Just a Thought

If we're going to stay sober, we need to want something else more than we want to drink alcohol.

When we first came into A.A., we couldn't imagine wanting anything else so much or more than drinking. But after we've been in A.A. for a while, we did learn that a sober life can really be enjoyed. We learn how nice it is to get along well with our family at home, how nice it is to do our work well at the office, and how nice it is to try to help others.

So ............

Have I found that when I keep sober, everything goes well for me?


Just a Contemplation


One of the sad realities of life is that we're awash in disorder that we can't fix. All around us, the world seethes and festers with ailments and injustices that are beyond our control.

We can react by becoming angry or by making quixotic efforts to solve some of these problems. Our best course, however, is to apply our 12 Step program to life in this world. The Serenity Prayer suggests we accept what we can't change. A slogan reminds us to set priorities ("First things First.") The Eleventh Step reminds us to always seek God's will.

This will enable me to live effectively while doing my best to serve others. In time, I may even discover that I can fix a few of the seemingly insoluble problems around me.

I'll realize today that I have the ability only to do certain things within my sphere of experience. I'll see to it, however, that I do these things well.


Free of Anger

It is plain that a life which includes deep resentment leads only to futility and unhappiness. To the precise extent that we permit these, do we squander the hours that might have been worth while. But with the alcoholic, whose hope is the maintenance and growth of a spiritual experience, this business of resentment is infinitely grave. We found that it is fatal. For when harboring such feelings we shut ourselves off from the sunlight of the Spirit. The insanity of alcohol returns and we drink again. And with us, to drink is to die.

If we were to live, we had to be free of anger. The grouch and the brainstorm were not for us. They may be the dubious luxury of normal men, but for alcoholics these things are poison.

Alcoholics Anonymous Page 66


Just a Quote

“Holding on to anger, resentment and hurt only gives you tense muscles, a headache and a sore jaw from clenching your teeth. Forgiveness gives you back the laughter and the lightness in your life.” ~~ Joan Lunden

bluidkiti 09-20-2021 04:44 AM

September 20

Prayer for Those Who Have Less

Lord, I know that you have given me so much. You provide a roof over my head. You provide me with an abundance of food on my table. I have friends and the opportunity to get an education. I have conveniences like computers. You have blessed me in my life with so many things that I don't even know.

Lord, there are so many other people who have so much less than I do. There are those that have no idea what life is like outside of depravity. And Lord, I know there are people around the world starving. There isn't enough food to always go around. Water is contaminated and a commodity that some areas on the earth do not have. There are children dying every day from starvation. I ask you, Lord, to intervene in these cases.

I pray that you will find a place for those that live their lives underprivileged and suffering. I also pray, Lord, that you always give me a heart for those who have less, so that I always feel a need to do your work here. I pray that I can lift those up and touch lives that need me.


Just a Thought

We had but two alternatives.

One was to go on to the bitter end, blotting out the consciousness of our intolerable situation as best we could, and the other was to accept spiritual help. A new life has been given us, a design for living that really works. All of us establish in our own individual way our personal relationship with God.

So ............

Have I established my own relationship with God?


Just a Contemplation


Don't overlook the value of friendship.

Some friendships wax and wane, going through cycles throughout the years. But some friendships will last a lifetime. Friendships can be a good place for us to learn to have fun and to appreciate how much fun we can have with a friend.


Dependent Upon

Let no alcoholic say he cannot recover unless he has his family back. This just isn't so. In some cases the wife will never come back for one reason or another. Remind the prospect that his recovery is not dependent upon people. It is dependent upon his relationship with God. We have seen men get well whose families have not returned at all. We have seen others slip when the family came back too soon.

Alcoholics Anonymous Pages 99 & 100


Just a Few Quotes

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” ~~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” ~~ John Bunyan

bluidkiti 09-21-2021 03:49 AM

September 21

Prayer of St. Theresa
May today there be peace within
May you trust your highest power that you are exactly where you are
meant to be....
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love
that has been given to you....
May you be content knowing you are a child of God....
Let this presence settle into our bones, and allow your soul the
freedom to sing, dance and to bask in the sun….
It is there for each and everyone of you….

~ St. Teresa


Just a Thought

How wonderful to know that we do not have to condemn ourselves, even for not living up to a goal we have set for ourselves.

Once we say we are sorry, we need to be willing to forgive ourselves. After all, how else do we learn and grow except by mistakes?
When we have forgiven ourselves, we become free to take risks again without fear of unforgivable failure, and who knows what new successes we might attain?

So ............

Is there something I can forgive myself for today?


Just a Contemplation

Time Management

In dealing with our personal shortcomings, we may find traits of immaturity. For example, we might waste time doing the things we like to do rather than the things we must do. We sometimes find a way to justify this. Drinking coffee with friends might be called "having a meeting" even when it goes far beyond normal limits and uses up time that should be devoted to family and work responsibilities.

Without becoming workaholics or drudges, we do need to be honest about our habits. If we're wasting too much time, it could be at the expense of things that need to be attended to promptly. When we waste time, we often have to work twice as hard to catch up later on. Let's be honest about the management of our time.

I'll watch how I spend my time today. If I'm spending too much time socializing, I'll put myself on a reasonable schedule that balances both leisure and work.



Love is always positive and constructive. It does not tolerate negativism. It must be given and received unconditionally, without reservations, with no strings attached.
When we love, we will see in others what we wish to have in ourselves.
We will know that love is a privilege given to us by God.
When we love, we will never be bored with life or our program. . .
It shows us that the things that count are never held in the hand but always in the heart.

The Best of the Grapevine [Vol. 3], Page 297


Just a Few Quotes

Negative words are powerful boomerangs so be careful what you say about people and yourself.” ~ Mary J. Blige

“I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

bluidkiti 09-22-2021 04:55 AM

September 23

Prayer to Do God's Will

Lord, at times I just wish that You would send me a letter or call me on the telephone and let me know with clarity what Your will is for my life, so that I may fulfill all the plans that You have purposed for me.

Help me to lay aside my own personal preferences and learn to say, "Thy will be done." Equip me I pray, to recognize Your gentle promptings and the wise counsel that is hidden in Your Word, and keep me from being swayed by my own fleshly inclinations.

Tenderize my heart so that I am able to discern the nudges and tugs that give me the wisdom to make godly choices.


Just a Thought

"Once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic."

What sort of thinking dominates an alcoholic who repeats time after time the desperate experiment of the first drink? Parallel with sound reasoning, there inevitably runs some insanely trivial excuse for taking the first drink. There is little thought of what the terrific consequences may be.

So ............

Have I given up all excuses for drinking?


Just a Contemplation


The Twelve Step program came out of a movement that was attempting to save the world by establishing universal peace. Our purpose is scaled down to helping the person who still suffers.

We don't really know the route to world peace, but we have learned that we must be at peace with ourselves and others in order to live happily. This means releasing the old resentments, distrust, and other faults that plague so many of us.

Living the Twelve Step way might have been our first experience in getting along with others. We found it totally different from the hate and suspicion that once poisoned our lives and kept us in bondage.

At some point, we may also find that we're playing a part in the larger purpose of finding peace. We have , at least, removed ourselves from the raging conflicts that cause so much trouble in the world. I'll be at peace with everyone I meet today. I've forgiven others and myself, and I'll do nothing today that gets me embroiled in conflict with others.


Vision of God’s Will

It is easy to let up on the spiritual program of action and rest on our laurels. We are headed for trouble if we do, for alcohol is a subtle foe. We are not cured of alcoholism. What we really have is a daily reprieve contingent on the maintenance of our spiritual condition. Every day is a day when we must carry the vision of God's will into all of our activities. "How can I best serve Thee - Thy will (not mine) be done." These are thoughts which must go with us constantly. We can exercise our will power along this line all we wish. It is the proper use of the will.

Alcoholics Anonymous Page 85


Just a Quote

“The greatest power is often simple patience.” ~ E. Joseph Cossman

bluidkiti 09-23-2021 05:13 AM

September 23

Prayer of Encouragement

So often in different situations, I stand and can’t make the first steps and decisions I should make.
I am usually stuck in such circumstances for a long time, so I ask for your encouragement and help.
Lord, please encourage me through all my life journey.
Please make it, that I never feel fear or uncertainty.
Let all my decisions be according to your will.
Don’t let me give up in any situation I face, but teach me to find the right way and right decision.
Lord, encourage and guide me in all the actions I take in my life.


Just a Thought

The alcoholic is absolutely unable to stop drinking on the basis of self-knowledge.

We must admit we can do nothing about it ourselves. Will power and self-knowledge will never help in the strange mental blank spots when we are tempted to drink. An alcoholic mentally is in a very sick condition. The last flicker of conviction that we can do the job ourselves must be snuffed out. The spiritual answer and the program of action are the only hope. Only spiritual principles will solve our problems. We are completely helpless apart from Divine help. Our defense against drinking must come from a Higher Power.

So ............

Have I accepted the spiritual answer and the program of action?


Just a Contemplation


Again and again we hear that bad thinking and drinking are linked together. Bad thinking is any line of thought that tends to be destructive. Mental arguments are in that class because they destroy peace of mind and self-control. We can avoid them by learning acceptance and maintaining serenity at all costs.

Sometimes we engage in mental arguments with those who seem to have defeated us or put us down. This only gives more life to the hurt we have been feeling: in effect, we cooperate in hurting ourselves repeatedly. Even the satisfaction of letting ourselves "win" the mental argument doesn't really settle the matter.

We can maintain our serenity in all situations by accepting people as they are. We are not responsible for changing their opinions. We must also accept and dismiss past mistakes and failures, no matter who was at fault. We owe it to ourselves not to destroy another moment's happiness with futile mental arguments that serve no good purpose in our lives.

Once we dismiss mental arguments, we can give our time and attention to things that really matter.
I will not waste a single second on any kind of mental argument. Anything another person said or did is forgiven and forgotten, and it has no power to hurt me a second time.


Our Story

When we decide who is to hear our story, we waste no time. We have a written inventory and we are prepared for a long talk. We explain to our partner what we are about to do and why we have to do it. He should realize that we are engaged upon a life-and-death errand. Most people approached in this way will be glad to help; they will be honored by our confidence.

We pocket our pride and go to it, illuminating every twist of character, every dark cranny of the past. Once we have taken this step, withholding nothing, we are delighted. We can look the world in the eye. We can be alone at perfect peace and ease. Our fears fall from us. We begin to feel the nearness of our Creator. We may have had certain spiritual beliefs, but now we begin to have a spiritual experience. The feeling that the drink problem has disappeared will often come strongly. We feel we are on the Broad Highway, walking hand in hand with the Spirit of the Universe.

Alcoholics Anonymous Page 75


Just a Quote

"The first service that one owes to others in the fellowship consists of listening to them." ~~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer

bluidkiti 09-24-2021 04:03 AM

September 24

Prayer for Patience

Lord, teach me to be patient - with life, with people,and with myself. I sometimes try to hurry things along too much, and I push for answers before the time is right. Teach me to trust Your sense of timing rather than my own and to surrender my will to Your greater and wiser plan. Help me let life unfold slowly, like the small rosebud whose petals unravel bit by bit, and remind me that in hurrying the bloom along, I destroy the bud and much of the beauty therein.

Instead, let me wait for all to unfold in its own time. Each moment and state of growth contains a loveliness. Teach me to slow down enough to appreciate life and all it holds.


Just a Thought

For many of us, our spiritual awakening began when we first heard our Higher Power might be our group.

We learned that God may exist in the connections between people in our group just as well as within each individual.
When we ask another member to listen to us, we contribute to the strength of this spirit. When we give someone a ride to a meeting or spread the word about this program to other suffering men and women, we make a contribution and receive its benefits. Even now, if we need a renewal of confidence in God's presence in our lives, we can telephone another member and just talk. We will quickly sense the spirit.

So ............

Am I grateful to feel God's presence in my life and within the people around me?


Just a Contemplation

Getting Through Hard Times

Hard times, stressful times, are not all there is to life, but they are part of life, growth, and moving forward. What we do with hard times, or hard energy, is our choice.

Hard times can motivate and mold us to bring out our best. We can use these times to move forward and upward to higher levels of living, loving, and growth. The choice is ours.

We do not always require hard energy, or stress, to motivate us to grow and change. We do not have to create stress, seek it, or attract it. But if it's there, we can learn to channel it into growth and use it for achieving what's good in life.


Compliance Isn’t Acceptance

We are sometimes mystified when people come into the AA program, respond to its message for months or years, and then disappear, seemingly without a trace. Later, we may be shocked to learn that they’re drinking again. One possible explanation is that they were practicing compliance without really accepting the program. The danger of compliance is that it may simply be an outward show of working the program while leaving one’s real thoughts and feelings unchanged. For example, to “bring the body” to meetings in the belief that their heart will follow. This does little good if one’s heart does not follow!

The only solution is to continue the difficult but rewarding search for honesty in all things. When we examine ourselves honestly, we will recognize when we are truly accepting and when we are merely complying.


Just a Quote

“Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.” -- Mithra Phuka

bluidkiti 09-25-2021 05:47 AM

September 26

Prayer for Sobriety Today

God, direct my thinking today so that it will be empty of self-pity, dishonesty, self-will, self-seeking and fear.
God, inspire my thinking, decisions and intuitions. Help me to relax and take it easy.
Free me from doubt and indecision. Guide me through this day and show me my next step.
God, show me what I need to do to take care of any problems.
I ask all these things that I may be of maximum service to you and my fellow man.
In the spirit of the Steps I pray.


Just a Thought

Finding a spiritual basis.

To one who feels he is an atheist or agnostic, a spiritual experience seems impossible, but to continue as he is means disaster. To be doomed to an alcoholic death or to live on a spiritual basis are not always easy alternatives to face. But we have to face the fact that we must find a spiritual basis of life - or else. Lack of power is our dilemma. We have to find a power by which we can live, and it has to be a power greater than ourselves.

So ............

Have I found that power by which I can live?


Just a Contemplation


Stop expecting perfection
We do a terrible, annoying thing to others and ourselves when we expect perfection. We set up a situation where others, including ourselves, do not feel comfortable. Our expectations need to be reasonable. Expecting perfection is not reasonable.

The flaws and imperfections in ourselves determine our uniqueness. Encourage others and ourselves to do the best we can. Love and nurture others and ourselves for being who we are. Then realize we are not merely human - we were intended and created to be human.


Righting Wrongs

There may be some wrongs we can never fully right. We don't worry about them if we can honestly say to ourselves that we would right them if we could. Some people cannot be seen - we send them an honest letter. And there may be a valid reason for postponement in some cases. But we don't delay if it can be avoided. We should be sensible, tactful, considerate and humble without being servile or scraping. As God's people we stand on our feet; we don't crawl before anyone.

Alcoholics Anonymous Page 83


Just a Quote

“Each new day is a blank page in the diary of your life. The secret of success is in turning that diary into the best story you possibly can.” ~~ Douglas Pagels

bluidkiti 09-26-2021 05:00 AM

September 26

An Inspirational Prayer

Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow; the same everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow and every day. Either He will shield you from suffering, or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, then. Put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations, and say continually: “The Lord is my strength and my shield. My heart has trusted in Him and I am helped. He is not only with me but in me, and I in Him.”

St. Francis de Sales (1567-1622)


Just a Thought

As soon as you can say that you do believe or are willing to believe, you are on your way.

We of agnostic temperament have found that as soon as we were able to lay aside prejudice and express a willingness to believe in a Power greater than ourselves, we commenced to get results, even though it was impossible for any of us to fully define or comprehend that Power, which we call God. Upon this simple cornerstone a wonderfully effective spiritual structure can be built.

So ............

Am I willing to depend on a Power that I cannot fully define or comprehend?


Just a Contemplation

Seeking God’s Presence

It is not a question of searching so much as an inner consciousness of the Divine spirit in your heart. To realize God's presence, you must surrender to His will in the small as well as in the big things of life. This makes God's guidance possible. Some things separate you from God - a false word, a fear-inspired failure, a harsh criticism, a stubborn resentment. These are the things that put a distance between your mind and God. A word of love, a selfless reconciliation, and a kind act of helpfulness - these bring God closer.

I pray that I may think and say and do the things that bring God closer to me.



Much to our relief, we discovered we did not need to consider another's conception of God. Our own conception, however inadequate, was sufficient to make the approach and to effect a contact with Him. As soon as we admitted the possible existence of a Creative Intelligence, a Spirit of the Universe underlying the totality of things, we began to be possessed of a new sense of power and direction, provided we took other simple steps. We found that God does not make too hard terms with those who seek Him. To us, the Realm of Spirit is broad, roomy, all inclusive; never exclusive or forbidding to those who earnestly seek. It is open, we believe, to all men.

Alcoholics Anonymous Page 46


Just a Quote

"Seek God, and you will discover yourself, discover yourself and you will realize your purpose for being in this life." - Author Unknown

bluidkiti 09-27-2021 04:47 AM

September 27

Cranky Heart Prayer

Dear Lord,
I am so sorry for my cranky heart. I am not sure what is up with me. I am not sad, mad, or anything emotional, but my attitude is definitely sour. I desire to change, but I need Your help! I pray that Your joy and peace would overflow from me. I pray that my heart will be of good cheer and encouragement to others. My cranky heart only leaves everyone irritated and frustrated. My cranky heart strips patience from me and what I do. Please forgive me and help me to change my attitude.


Just a Thought

We have alternatives.

To be doomed to an alcoholic death or to live on a spiritual basis are not always easy alternatives to face. But we have to face the fact that we must find a spiritual basis of life - or else. Lack of power is our dilemma. We have to find a power by which we can live, and it has to be a power greater than ourselves.

So ............

Have I found that power by which I can live?


Just a Contemplation

Life is Change

We don't control which loved ones come into our lives and which ones go or whether we become ill or stay healthy. We don't control life's opportunities. We can control how we choose to respond to these transitions. Whatever happens can be used for growth and we can commit ourselves to use all experiences that way.

I will not try to control change but will choose to use whatever happens for growth.



Actually we were fooling ourselves, for deep down in every man, woman, and child, is the fundamental idea of God. It may be obscured by calamity, by pomp, by worship of other things, but in some form or other it is there. For faith in a Power greater than ourselves, and miraculous demonstrations of that power in human lives, are facts as old as man himself.

We finally saw that faith in some kind of God was a part of our make-up, just as much as the feeling we have for a friend. Sometimes we had to search fearlessly, but He was there. He was as much a fact as we were. We found the Great Reality deep down within us. In the last analysis it is only there that He may be found. It was so with us.

Alcoholics Anonymous Page 55


Just a Quote

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” ~ Rumi

bluidkiti 09-28-2021 04:55 AM

September 28

Prayer When Afraid

In the middle of my fear, I ask You to make me strong and courageous. Even if my heart is still pounding. Even if I don’t feel brave at all.

Give me the courage to do what You’ve called me to do, even when every muscle in my body wants to sprint in the opposite direction. Help me to act courageous before I feel courageous.

Fill me with confidence that You have good things planned for me. Fill me with trust. Fill me so full that there’s no room left for fear.


Just a Thought

Alcohol used to be my friend. I used to have a lot of fun drinking.

Practically all the fun I had was connected with drinking. But the time came when it became my enemy. I don't know just when alcohol turned against me and became my enemy, but I know it happened, because I began to get into trouble. And since I realize that liquor is now my enemy, my main business now is keeping sober. Making a living or keeping a house is no longer my main business. It's secondary to the business of keeping sober.

So ............

Do I realize that my main business is keeping sober?


Just a Contemplation

Valuing this Moment

How often we waste our time and energy wishing we were someone else, were doing something else, or were someplace else. We may wish our present circumstances were different. We will change things by surrendering to and accepting the moment. Some moments are easier to accept than others. We are where we are, and it is okay. It is right where we're meant to be.

God, help me let go of my need to be someone other than who I am today. Help me dive fully into the present moment. I will accept and surrender to my present moments - the difficult ones and the easy ones, trusting the whole process. I will stop trying to control the process; instead, I will relax and let myself experience it.



I see "humility for today" as a safe and secure stance midway
between violent emotional extremes. It is a quiet place where I can
keep enough perspective and enough balance to take my next small
step up the clearly marked road that points toward eternal values.

"As Bill Sees It" Page 199


Just a Quote

“Regrets for what could, would, or should have happened yesterday can be a primary source of depression. Fear of what might happen tomorrow can be a primary source of anxiety. I think the challenges we deal with today might be more manageable without these added burdens.” ~ Charles F. Glassman

bluidkiti 09-29-2021 05:21 AM

September 28

Cultivating Responsibility Prayer

I pray that I continue to move forward and become a more responsible individual.
I pray that I gain the strength to move in a positive direction and that I become the best version of myself.
I pray that I soon become more gracious, understanding and patient in all of my ways.

Please help me to be faithful in all the duties You have entrusted to me this day, fulfilling each with great care and love!


Just a Thought

In recovery, we learn to use words in a kind, wise way.

We use words to bring peace to others. We can use words to tell God and others how much we care.
Or we can use words to hurt others. We can curse them and scare them away. We often did when we used alcohol and other drugs.

We treat words as a gift from God. We use words to build our relationships.

So ............

Do I always use words in a kind way? Do I treat words as a powerful gift from God? Do my words make the world better or worse for those who hear me speak?


Just a Contemplation

Accepting Responsibility

Choose to live for, rather than against.
Put your energy into building what is creative, valuable and empowering. And you won't have to constantly fight against what is destructive and draining.

Concern yourself more with accepting responsibility than with assigning blame. Let the possibilities inspire you more than the obstacles discourage you.

You have so very much to live for. Look at each twist and turn in the road with a grateful heart, and you'll find real treasure in every direction.

Live your days on the positive side of life, in tune with your most treasured values. And in each moment, you'll have much to live for.


Steps and Traditions

AA's Twelve Steps are a group of principles, spiritual in their nature, which, if practiced as a way of life, can expel the obsession to drink and enable the sufferer to become happily and usefully whole.

AA's Twelve Traditions apply to the life of the Fellowship itself. They outline the means by which AA maintains its unity and relates itself to the world about it, the way it lives and grows.

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Page 15


Just a Quote

“With each new day I put away the past and discover the new beginnings I have been given.” ~ Angela L. Wozniak

bluidkiti 09-30-2021 05:31 AM

September 30

Prayer for Comfort

We give you this hurt, pain, weakness and sorrow in exchange for your comfort.
Take our pain away, according to Your will, in Your time.
We’re not promised a painless life on this earth, but You do want us to live a happy one.
Fill our hearts with hope as we wait on You to move in our lives and flow out from our hearts.


Just a Thought

Finding our Higher Power.

There is a wide variation in the way each one of us approaches and conceives of the Power greater than ourselves. Whether we agree with a particular approach or conception seems to make little difference. There are questions for each of us to settle for ourselves. But in each case the belief in a Higher Power has accomplished the miraculous, the humanly impossible. There has come a revolutionary change in their way of living and thinking.

So ............

Has there been a revolutionary change in me?


Just a Contemplation


It is important for me to be sincere.
Many of us grew up in situations that required us to be constantly on our guard. We became so keenly attuned to the people around us and how to please them or avoid their anger that we lost contact with our inner messages. Rather than developing skills for drawing upon our inner resources, we developed skills for looking outward and reacting to whatever confronted us.

Today, we are learning to know what we think and feel and to express it, even if it isn't always what others want to hear. We can be spontaneous now because we have room for mistakes in our lives. Our relationships are more reliable, and we have more energy from sincerity than from always striving to make a good appearance.



The chief activator of our defects has been self-centered fear -- primarily fear that we would lose something we already possessed or would fail to get something we demanded.
Living upon a basis of unsatisfied demands, we were in a state of continual disturbance and frustration.
Therefore, no peace was to be had unless we could find a means of reducing these demands. The difference between a demand and a simple request is plain to anyone.

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Page 76


Just a Quote

“Knowing Is Not Enough; We Must Apply. Wishing Is Not Enough; We Must Do.” ~ Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

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