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MajestyJo 10-30-2016 12:45 PM

Topic of the Week, words that begin with the letter "P"
P is for Patience. Have it if you can. Try to see where the other person is coming from. Pray for patience. Better still, pray for the willingness to be patient if needed.

Hope you will be patient with me and all my pumpkins in celebration of Halloween.

dwmoeller 10-31-2016 09:48 AM

P is for Progress

We claim spiritual progress not spiritual perfection (Big Book page 60)

Progress is made One Day At A Time!

MajestyJo 11-01-2016 07:13 PM

P is for Perfection. Perfection is part of your disease. It is not a recovery tool. We aim toward it, but we need to accept that we won't always achieve it, all we are asked to do is try to the best of our ability. Progress, not perfection we can accomplish by applying the program to our life, one day at a time.

dwmoeller 11-02-2016 08:28 AM

P is for Practice

Practice control of your anger. Be aware of your emotions. Don't let them get the best of you.

MajestyJo 11-02-2016 06:23 PM

P is for Practice. Practice these principles in all your affairs. It isn't just about our drug of choice, it is but a symtom of my disease. The problem is me, so I need to practice the program one day at a time. My sponsor use to say, "Practice, Practice, Practice!"

dwmoeller 11-03-2016 10:06 AM

P is for Peace

In The Promises (Big Book pages 83-84) it states, "We will comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace."

MajestyJo 11-03-2016 04:44 PM

P is for Pride. Found that I had a lot of false pride. I had to acknowledge my Creator and all that He had given me. I could take pride in my appearance because I chose to clean up my appearance, my actions, and my mouth, but if my God hadn't given me the freedom of choice, it would be false pride and generally not something to be proud of.

All things come from my God although He expects me to do my part, He doesn't do for me things that I can do for myself. He will direct my path and give me the courage and strength, and the rest is up to me.

MajestyJo 11-05-2016 06:46 PM

P is for Please. A little manners go a long way. I was taught to say "Please" and "Thank You," when I was growing up. I can also hear words from my mother, "Please put things back where you found them." Please don't be late, but if you are, please call me so I can cook dinner and not have in ruined. How many times we didn't care or think to call.

MajestyJo 07-20-2017 09:33 PM

P is for Patience. It was something that was not a part of my being and something I had to learn. I still don't do it well. I am much more patient with others than I am with myself, which means I have more work to do, recovery has to start with me. I have to be careful of what I pray for, I just might get it. I may find myself with things I need to tolerate in order to practice my patience on.

dwmoeller 07-21-2017 09:55 AM

P is for Pray

Pray to God (Higher Power) for His will, not yours.

MajestyJo 07-21-2017 11:19 PM

P is for Please. Manners go a long way to saying a lot. It only takes a few seconds to add on a please or thank you. Please share, this is a 'we' program. Thank you for sharing, without you there is no me.

MajestyJo 07-22-2017 10:12 PM

P is for Positive. Try to be positive and share something that is helpful to others. Share the good, and not so good, and allow people their choices. I prefer reality to things done up with a pink or blue ribbon to cover up some of the pitfalls that we find on life's highway. We need to paint a picture as it is. We have lived in denial for far too long and it is time to practice living the principles of the program.

MajestyJo 07-23-2017 04:50 PM

P is for Pardon. We do get pardoned for past mistakes when we take them to our Higher Power. He is willing and able to forgive us. When we make an amend to others, we need to change our ways before we say, "I'm sorry." They are empty words if we say them and continue to act out in our old patterns, habits, and beliefs. Most of all, we need to pardon ourselves. We are Children of God, and God doesn't make no Junk. His Pardon is sufficient for me in today.

Sometimes we go to friends and if we are lucky they pardon us, some do not. That is okay, an amend isn't about them, it is about you and your recovery.

dwmoeller 07-24-2017 08:35 AM

P is for Patience


MajestyJo 07-25-2017 01:22 AM

P is for Plural. That is the word that popped into my head. We do get many blessings. We get 'more' in recovery too, good things. Blessings are often in plural form, we don't just get one, we get more. Big or small, they add up to lots of joy and pleasure in recovery. They have a way of sticking with us. They are great things to recall and give us moments of pleasure and remind us to be grateful.

MajestyJo 07-26-2017 11:11 PM

P is for Practice. My sponsor use to tell me, this is a program of practice, practice, practice. This is a one day at a time. Each day we get the opportunity to practice to get things right.

dwmoeller 07-27-2017 08:28 AM

P is for PACE


MajestyJo 07-27-2017 07:35 PM

P is for Pacify. We need to remember that we need to feed the body, mind, and spirit. I need to work on my emotional recovery every day to find peace and serenity.

MajestyJo 07-29-2017 05:21 PM

P is for Pleasure. If you aren't enjoying your recovery what are you doing wrong. What pleases you? Find a hobby, play a game, be with loved ones. Give yourself affirmations.

MajestyJo 07-31-2017 08:14 PM

P is for Patterns. We need to look at our patterns in today. Are we still using old formats to cope in today. We need to change patterns, habits, and behaviors from our past, which for the most part, was part of our disease. We need to quit acting out in our disease and aim toward a better way of life.

MajestyJo 08-01-2017 06:19 PM

P is for Prayer. We are told not to pray and ask for specifics, because that is playing god with someone else's life. We pray and ask that they get what they need according to their God's Divine Wishes.

The same for ourself. I needed to stop playing god with my own life. As my mother use to say, "Gimmes never get."

MajestyJo 08-02-2017 09:37 PM

P is for Power.


'Always remember that each day as you look at your world and see millions upon millions of flowers opening up, God does it all without using any force.' ~Dr. Wayne Dyer (P 91, Everyday Wisdom)

If I have to force the solution, then it's not the solution.

- Pocket Sponsor
I do know that forced solutios do not work. Even if they seem to appear okay in the moment, and it is all worked out in my head, because it probably not got to my heart, or I would be doing God's will instead of my own.

Things that are forced, enforced, and regimented, often fall short of what needs to be done. Man is human and invalible. It has been my experience that God seem to get those little details all worked out and never seems to miss a thing. He can see the whole picture, from all directions and knows what is best for the whole rather than what is best according the the few or the power that be. He knows the circumsances that are coming, the situations that are not going to last and fall short of the greater plan. After all, He is the Master Planner and knows all things.

For me, He is the solution. My best thinking got me to the doors of recovery. As it says in the literature, I need to align my will with His.

The Traditions also tell us that it is His Voice we need to listen for.

MajestyJo 08-02-2017 09:40 PM

P is for all things are possible.


“Impossible only means that you haven't found the solution yet.”
- - Unknown
Through God, all things are possible. They not be possible the way we want it to happen, but there is always a solution. As they say, "When you live in the solution, instead of looking at the problem, it is amazing what happens.

This reminds me that I called out to a member of my group last week and said, "There is a solution." Not sure he knew what I meant, he is new in recovery.

We can tap into that power any time day or night. When I surrender, I am empowered to do what I need to do to stay clean and sober in today. Surrender is not giving up, it is giving over. Through my God, all things are possible.

dwmoeller 08-03-2017 09:26 AM

P is for Practice

Practice control of your anger.

MajestyJo 08-03-2017 10:36 PM

P is for Put it in your God's Hands. When we come upon life's trials and tribulations, we need to turn things over to our Higher Power. As a friend of mine said years ago, "I listened to my Lower Power for years, why not put things into my God's Hands.

If you have to control it, it is already out of control. No matter what 'it' is, giving to your God and you can work on it together.

dwmoeller 08-04-2017 09:20 AM

P is for Put

Put your sobriety #1 on your priority list. Your life depends on it.

MajestyJo 08-04-2017 10:44 PM

P is for people loving people. Isolation is part of my disease. I was not comfortable around people, I didn't have very good people skills. I didn't know how to communicate, and I didn't know how to talk to women. I had lived in a man's world for most of my life.I didn't trust women and a few had hurt me over the years. I joined a Women's Discussion Group to learn how to communicate with women.

MajestyJo 08-06-2017 04:25 AM

P is for Procrastination. When we put things off, we generally double the load and sometimes double the trouble. This is a one day at a time program and it is so important to live in the moment. When something needs doing, I need to do it. That is what I keep telling myself, but it hasn't happened. Hopefully when I finish postings. God and I need to do some more work on this. My son promised to wash my floor tomorrow so that would be a good time to do it.

MajestyJo 08-07-2017 10:41 PM

P is for Practice these principles in all our affairs. The program isn't just for our drug and alcohol problem, we don't do that any more. This is a living program and it applies to our daily lives. Principles before personalities means we apply the program not only in our hoe and at our group, we practice in the community too.

MajestyJo 08-08-2017 01:20 PM

P is for Play. Take some time to play and have fun. We don't have to be serious all the time. Tradition 4 tells us not to take ourselves so seriously. We need to have balance in our life.

MajestyJo 04-29-2018 04:58 AM

P is for Please. Please have a good day. Don't let bad moment in your day, spoil your whole day. We need to let go of what is not for our Higher Good.

Manners go a long way. Please and thank you can make for a much better day.


MajestyJo 04-30-2018 09:15 AM

P is for Principles. Practice these principles in all our affairs. Take our recovery out of th rooms and apply them to our live at home, at work, and in the community.

What are those principles?

12 Steps and the 12 Principles

1. We admitted we were powerless over the effects of addiction — that our lives had become unmanageable.

1. Honesty, acceptance and surrender.

2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

2. Hope, Trust

3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.

3. Faith, willingness

4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

4. Courage.

5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being, the exact nature of our wrongs.

5. Integrity.

6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.

6. Willingness, self-honesty

7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.

7. Humility.

8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.

8. Justice and brotherly love.

9. Made direct amends to such people, wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.

9. Self-discipline and good judgment.

10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.

10. Perseverance and open mindedness.

11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.

11. Awareness.

12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other codependents, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

12. Love and service.

These very depending on who you are talking to. Many say the only principle for Step One is Honesty, but I am a firm believer in all three as listed here. It says we are to do Step One 100% and in order to do that, we need to find surrender and acceptance to go with the self-honesty.

MajestyJo 05-03-2018 12:21 AM

P is for People. You will get to meet great people along the way. People you would never have drank or used with. We are all on the same recovery road.

MajestyJo 05-03-2018 12:26 AM

P is for Pick and Choose. We need to pick and choose a sponsor. We need to find someone we can identify with. We need to pick and choose the friends we hang out with. People who are not using, and have found this new way of life. Pick and choose to do the Steps. Step One is the only one we have to do 100%.

MajestyJo 05-05-2018 05:21 PM

P is for Progress, not perfection. As I was told, by a gentleman in New Zealand, Ms. Perfection is part of my disease, it is not a recovery tool. All I am asked to do is the beest I can do in today, all i have to do is try. Failure isn't trying and not meeting our expectations, it is in the trying in the first place. Progress is trying and each time getting a little better, some days, not doing so good, while on other days, we are motivated or willing. I often have to pray for the willingness to be williing.

MajestyJo 05-06-2018 06:58 PM

P is for Praise. What is going through my had is the old hymn, Praise God from Whom all Blessing flow.

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!
Praise God the Father who’s the source;
Praise God the Son who is the course;
Praise God the Spirit who’s the flow;
Praise God, our portion here below!

MajestyJo 05-07-2018 12:37 PM

P is for Play. Don't forget to play. Recovery is for living. Remember Rule #4: Don't take yourself so darn seriously. Have fun.

MajestyJo 05-08-2018 09:28 AM

P is for Print. Makes sure you pick up approved printed literature from your fellowship. if you are like me, you qualify for more than one fellowship. The printed word can do us a lot of good, if we take the words and apply them to our life so we can learn to live it.

~ Have You Hugged A Friend Today? ~

No moving parts, no batteries.
No monthly payments and no fees;
Inflation proof, non-taxable,
In fact, it's quite relaxable.

It can't be stolen, won't pollute,
One size fits all, do not dilute.
It uses little energy,
But yields results enormously.

Relieves your tension and your stress,
Invigorate your happiness;
Combats depression, makes you beam,
And elevates your self esteem.

Your circulation it corrects
Without unpleasant side effects
It is, I think, the perfect drug
May I, prescribe, my friend..The Hug!
(and, of course, fully returnable!)

Pass this Hug to everyone you care about...
And hopefully you'll get lots in return!

MajestyJo 05-09-2018 12:39 PM

P is for Pride. Take pride in what you do, a job well done. Don't take all the credit, save some pride for your Higher Power. He/She got you there, probably saw you through it. So many times, we suffer from false pride.

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