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bluidkiti 05-01-2014 07:09 AM

Daily Reflection - May
May 1

A Time to Think: I believe the Bible is the best gift God has ever given to men. All the good from the Savior of the world is communicated to us through this book. –Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States

To Act: Remember that faith will lead you through unsteady times.

To Pray: Let me never be too old to hear Your word, God, and store it in my heart.

bluidkiti 05-02-2014 12:02 PM

May 2

A Time to Think: Heaven is full of answers to prayer for which no one ever bothered to ask.–Reverend Billy Graham, author and evangelist

To Act: Have great hopes and dare to go all out for them.

To Pray: Heavenly Father, please help me face each day with grace and appreciation for the blessings of Your love.

bluidkiti 05-03-2014 12:51 PM

May 3

A Time to Think: Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. –Saint Francis de Sales

To Act: Forgive yourself when you fail.

To Pray: Father, grant me patience when I stumble and courage to continue on.

bluidkiti 05-04-2014 10:39 AM

May 4

A Time to Think: Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones. And when you have finished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake. –Victor Hugo, poet and novelist

To Act: Don't focus on your fears or weaknesses. Keep Jesus in mind.

To Pray: Father, grant me patience when I stumble and courage to continue on.

bluidkiti 05-05-2014 08:36 AM

May 5

A Time to Think: I choose love. No occasion justifies hatred; no injustice warrants bitterness, I choose love. Today I will love God and what God loves. –Max Lucado, best-selling author and preacher at Oak Hills Church

To Act: Use today, for it is a gift, to extend your love.

To Pray: My Lord, I know that You really do love me. Help me to share my love with others.

bluidkiti 05-06-2014 09:12 AM

May 6

A Time to Think: Our prayers lay the track down on which God’s power can come.–Watchman Nee, church leader and Christian teacher

To Act: Remember that prayer can work miracles.

To Pray: Creator God, thank You for the works of Your hand that cry out the awesome truth of Your care for me.

bluidkiti 05-07-2014 10:28 AM

May 7

A Time to Think: Faith is the root of all blessings. Believe, and you shall be saved. –Jeremy Taylor, 17th century author

To Act: Become more aware of the blessings that surround you.

To Pray: Oh, Lord, teach me to remember You in all things, every day of my life.

bluidkiti 05-08-2014 12:32 PM

May 8

A Time to Think: Life becomes harder for us when we live for others, but it also becomes richer and happier.–Albert Schweitzer, theologian, philosopher and physician

To Act: Forgive those who have crossed you. Your forgiveness is your most important contribution to the healing of the world.

To Pray: Lord, show me new ways to bring comfort and healing in Your name.

bluidkiti 05-09-2014 09:49 AM

May 9

A Time to Think: You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. –C.S. Lewis, author

To Act: Focus on your goals and chase away excuses.

To Pray: Lord, help me to look to tomorrow with hope.

bluidkiti 05-10-2014 08:06 AM

May 10

A Time to Think: To try to pray is to pray. You can't fail at it. It's the only human endeavor I can think of where trying is doing. –Rick Hamlin, author

To Act: Concentrate on serving God in whatever way He directs.

To Pray: Father, let me seek You as eagerly as I seek those here on earth who love me.

bluidkiti 05-12-2014 12:40 PM

May 12

A Time to Think: Often a healing takes place in ourselves as we pray for the healing of others. –Michael E. DeBakey, surgeon

To Act: Concentrate on helping others and grasp every opportunity to offer encouragement.

To Pray: You fill me with concern for others, Lord, and You give me strength to help them.

bluidkiti 05-13-2014 11:16 AM

May 13

A Time to Think: Biblically, waiting is not just something we have to do until we get what we want. Waiting is part of the process of becoming what God wants us to be. —John Ortberg, author and pastor

To Act: Place your hope and purpose completely in God's hands.

To Pray: Father, grant me patience when I stumble and courage to continue on.

bluidkiti 05-14-2014 10:14 AM

May 14

A Time to Think: Prayer is a means of bringing you to a point where you will accept what God wants. –Norman Vincent Peale, best-selling author and minister

To Act: Take comfort knowing God is with you.

To Pray: Lord, help me to remember that I can't always fix things, help me to always put my trust in You.

bluidkiti 05-15-2014 10:17 AM

May 15

A Time to Think: Every person’s life is a fairy tale written by God’s fingers. –Hans Christian Andersen, author and poet

To Act: Surrender your life to God and every experience will grow increasingly more wonderful.

To Pray: Open my eyes, Father, to Your world filled with surprises.

bluidkiti 05-16-2014 09:20 AM

May 16

A Time to Think: The hardest test God will ever give you is to love someone even when they don't deserve it. –Anonymous

To Act: Forgive those who have hurt you.

To Pray: Lord, help me to realize the healing power of forgiveness.

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