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bluidkiti 07-01-2014 07:11 AM

Thought For Today - July
Your Opinions

Do you have strong opinions on just about everything? Or do you sway from one opinion to another, depending on your mood? If we hold on tightly to our opinions, we narrow our perceptions and perspectives.

Have the confidence to know when to:
- stick to your opinions
- challenge yourself to see alternative perspectives
- reconsider and reformulate your opinions
- not have an opinion

What's your opinion?

bluidkiti 07-02-2014 08:22 AM

Like a Spider's Web

Like a spider, we weave a web for ourselves, where nearly every aspect of our life is interconnected, interrelated and interdependent. When we get caught up or over-attached to certain aspects of our life, we're likely to compromise the strength of the web as well as our own life balance.

As we know, like the spider's web, life is a balancing act. We have to monitor the individual aspects of our life, as well as the entire web, and keep ourselves and our web of life balanced.

bluidkiti 07-03-2014 08:18 AM

Angry at You

Are you angry at yourself? Maybe you think you've messed up, let yourself down.... Or you're upset about the way you've behaved, reacted.... Whatever the reason, being angry at yourself is just not constructive. It just hurts your head, heart and health.

Interrupt your anger and address it:
1. Listen and understand why you're angry at yourself.
2. Clarify what you can do to put things right.
3. Choose to drop the anger and forgive yourself.

bluidkiti 07-04-2014 10:10 AM

Monday, Monday

Do you look forward to Mondays? Is it your favorite day of the week?

If you find Mondays a bit of a drag, try the following:
- Plan for the coming week on Friday.
- Make time to unwind on Sunday and get enough sleep.
- Kick start Monday with a good breakfast.
- Hold back from moaning about it being Monday.
- Take pride in what you do and do what you do with joy.

Change your approach and you'll get more out of Mondays.

bluidkiti 07-05-2014 08:49 AM

Choosing to Love

There are some things in life that can’t be changed, but you still have some choices that are yours to make: to love or hate, to embrace or ignore, to accept or resist, the choice is yours.

bluidkiti 07-06-2014 08:20 AM

The Gift of the Present

When the past is mixed into the present, it prevents you from experiencing the happiness the present offers. So the question is how do you forget the past? Focus your attention on that which is good in the present. Do not compare the present to the past.

bluidkiti 07-07-2014 08:16 AM

Appreciation Wanted

We all want our work, our efforts, our contributions to be appreciated. But sometimes it all goes unnoticed & sometimes people don't really get what's valuable about what we do. When this happens, are you able to carry on with your efforts?

Learn to approach your work with appreciation & value your own contributions. Then you'll increase your capacity to appreciate the appreciation when it comes, & when it doesn't, not let it diminish what you do.

bluidkiti 07-08-2014 07:38 AM

Life is an Education

Imagine if today was the day your education stopped. Not learning any more than what you know now, not stumbling upon new interests, not developing better skills.... imagine!

Well fortunately there are no bounds to your ability to learn. All you have to do is be open at every moment, every day, and life will continue to educate you. Because life is an education!

bluidkiti 07-09-2014 09:00 AM

Saying Goodbye to Old Habits

If you would like to say goodbye to some of your habits, here are a few tips:
- Pick one habit to work on and recognize its negative effects.
- Remind yourself, I can be free of it because I am not my habit.
- Replace it with a better habit and pinpoint its positive effects.
- Repeat the new habit regularly.

Finally, daily or weekly, review your progress:
- Am I free from the old habit?
- If not, what triggered it? How can I overcome it the next time?
- Is the new habit becoming automatic?
- If not, how can I make it easier and stronger?

bluidkiti 07-10-2014 08:09 AM

Nothing like a Good Cuppa

Some might say there's nothing like a good cuppa!

Just as hot water is a vital ingredient to a good cup of tea, in the same way, love is a vital ingredient to your day and all your interactions. And just as you fill up the kettle, in the same way, at the start of the day, sit for a bit and fill the heart with love, and let it brew. And then, as you go into your day, let love infuse your feelings, reactions and responses.

Make a good cuppa tea and enjoy it with love.

bluidkiti 07-11-2014 09:08 AM

Think Short Term or Long Term?

Often we're too focused on the short term. We go for quick fix options, not long term solutions. We look for short term enjoyment, not long term benefit. Often it's because we're too busy managing everyday pressures or too caught up in the 'right now'.

No matter what's happening, learn to find time & space to think both short term & long term at the same time. Then you'll not only benefit right now but you'll also be better prepared for the opportunities & the challenges ahead.

bluidkiti 07-12-2014 08:35 AM

Flow Like Water

Be fluid like water and adapt your nature to your surroundings. Your practice is not to resist. Instead of forcing things to be the way you want them to be, go with the flow.

bluidkiti 07-13-2014 09:21 AM

The Importance of Attitude

Attitude is essentially a blend of perceptions, thoughts and feelings about anyone or anything. It is influenced by memories, past experiences and beliefs. Although we may not notice, our attitude sits at the heart of all that we say and do. It’s our attitude that reflects back to us in our relationships and it’s our attitude that can rub off onto others. So, it makes obvious sense to hold a positive attitude at all times in all situations. Today, what will your attitude be?

bluidkiti 07-14-2014 08:16 AM

Why Forgive?

When our feelings are hurt, we find it hard to forgive. But if we don't forgive we become so wrapped up in the hurt that it just makes us unhappy.

So even though it's hard, forgive, it's good for your well being. Forgive the person or the people involved. And whenever you think of them, think
"I forgive you."

When you forgive, you're not erasing or excusing the wrong, you're releasing the hurt. This frees you up to either do something about the wrong or move on.

bluidkiti 07-15-2014 08:21 AM

Holiday Everyday

How do you feel when you're about to set off on a holiday? Can't control the smiles, can't hold in the anticipation of discovering new landscapes, and the promise of exciting adventures!

How exciting would life be, if you set off on your morning commute, everyday, with that same holiday feeling!

Set off with a smile, an anticipation of discovering something new, a promise of an adventure, and make everyday feel like a holiday.

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