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bluidkiti 08-01-2015 07:59 AM

Thought For Today - August
What's Your Story?

We continue to tell ourselves a story about what's happened, what's going on, what someone did.... and these stories influence how we think, feel and act.

It makes sense to listen to the story carefully, and if it's not empowering or inspiring, or you don't like the story, then edit the narrative without glossing over the facts or turning it into a fiction.

Turn your tragic sob story into a tale of triumph; a drama or a horror into an action adventure mystery or even a comedy. It's your story, so tell it to yourself just as you would like! What's your story?

bluidkiti 08-01-2015 08:00 AM

Supermarket Stress

It's easy to maintain your inner calm on a remote beach, but not so easy when you're in the supermarket! The good news is you can stay calm; even when you're dealing with the trolley, fellow shoppers, a long queue, the self-service checkout or the cashier. Think of ways you can reduce stress in the supermarket. Maybe: make a shopping list, don't shop when tired and hungry, shop at off-peak times. Or you can always shop online!

bluidkiti 08-03-2015 08:12 AM

Finding Time For Side Projects

All those little side projects you’d love to explore…. but can’t because there’s no time.

Well you probably won’t find the time, so you’ll just have to make the time. Maybe two hours a week or when there’s a cancellation and you find yourself with a few extra hours.

To make best use of your time as well as to make progress, work on just one side project rather than lots. Who knows where it will take you!

bluidkiti 08-04-2015 06:32 AM

Look After Yourself

“Look after yourself.” It's easy to say this to others, but do you do this for yourself?

In the midst of everything, it’s easy to forget to look after yourself. But push yourself a bit too far and there may be a price to pay. So come on, show yourself the same care that you show everyone else.

Be good to you and get good at looking after yourself.

bluidkiti 08-05-2015 06:56 AM

Gossip About You

When you hear gossip about you, what do you do about it? Of course, it depends on the gossip itself.

If it's harmless and you don't want to make it into a big deal, try to let it go and let it be. If it's horrible and it's going to hurt your reputation, then either address the issue directly with the source of the gossip or ask the right person to help you resolve the situation and curb the gossip.

bluidkiti 08-06-2015 07:12 AM

Refresh Your Focus

All through the day, our focus of attention is in constant demand and overused. So the next time you think, 'can't focus,' it might be a good idea to take a few minutes to relax your focus.

Here's a quick exercise: Drop everything from your focused attention. Let your focus of attention become as light as a feather. Let it drift on the breeze and float in the air. After a few minutes, let your focus float down through the air and gently land, just like a feather.

Relax and refresh your focus, and then continue with the rest of your day.

bluidkiti 08-07-2015 07:13 AM

You and Your Insecurities

Almost all of us have feelings of insecurity. But do you know what they are?

Ask yourself: What makes me feel insecure? Why? Are my insecurities valid or are they irrational? Am I picking holes where there are none? What's really behind my feelings? Do I need to make self improvements? Be more trusting? Be more confident?

Know your insecurities and then figure out how to overcome them.

bluidkiti 08-08-2015 06:16 AM

Your Inner Selfie

You've taken a selfie, right? Take a photo of yourself and capture how you feel, how you look, where you are, and post it online. Now there's nothing wrong with that, as long as you choose sensibly what you present and how you project yourself into the world.

Have you thought about your inner selfie? Well, meditation is one of the routes to the self. Give yourself some time each day to experience your inner beauty, positivity and power, and capture a natural feel good factor. Then you're ready to present and project your best selfie into the world.

bluidkiti 08-08-2015 06:16 AM

The Truth of Illusion

Illusion is the idea that people should be and do what we want. The truth is, all is as it should be, despite appearances. This means you can be easy on others and with the world around you. So quit forcing, end the struggling and...relax!

bluidkiti 08-10-2015 06:28 AM

Calm the Monkey Mind

Is your mind like a monkey? Jumping from branch to branch, from thought to thought? Now don’t get frustrated if your mind doesn’t stop monkeying around, and don’t force it to be still. Instead, harness the playfulness of the monkey mind to think creatively and constructively.

When your mind gets fidgety, reminding you of this and that, make a note of it so that your monkey mind doesn’t need to think about it any longer. When it starts making a fuss about what others did or didn’t do, tell your monkey mind not to worry about what others are doing.

When the monkey mind becomes unruly, give it a few minutes to run wild, and then take your mind to different locations. Let it swing in a hammock, under a palm tree on a tropical island…. And hopefully it’ll calm down.

bluidkiti 08-11-2015 07:24 AM

Integrate Who You Are

When we try to be someone or something we are not, we feel disintegrated. Ask yourself: Why am I trying to be someone or something I'm not? Who am I, really?

Integrate who you are with what you do, and start being yourself. As Oscar Wilde said: Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.

bluidkiti 08-12-2015 07:00 AM

Music, Distracting or Productive?

Do you listen to music while you work? Does it make you more productive? Research suggests that music may help to block out distractions & help complete repetitive & boring tasks. Music can improve mood, which means if you feel better, you'll get more done. But music can also be distracting, especially if it's music you like, or if it's music with lyrics, or if it's dramatic classical music.

How about, finding the right music for the right task, music that helps you get things done without getting distracted. Create a playlist that works for you.

bluidkiti 08-13-2015 07:35 AM

A Little Too Vague

Ever find yourself being vague in your communication? Is it because you assume others are on the same wavelength as you? Or because you're not sure of all the details? Or you're too busy to explain? Vague isn’t easy to understand. It makes others misinterpret or second guess you.

Take the vagueness out of your communication. Get clear about what you want to say & then speak to be understood. But saying that, there are times when it's useful to be vague. Times when less information is more, times when we don’t want to hurt people’s feelings, times when being vague with certain people can limit their interference in our life.

So get clear about when to be vague & when not to be vague.

bluidkiti 08-14-2015 07:12 AM

Who Rules Your Life?

Who rules in your life? People, circumstances and events... your past, present, future... the economy, the weather... your health, your emotions...?

Shift responsibility to someone or something else and you’re saying you have no control over your life; you’re a puppet to something or someone else’s strings. Do you really want someone or something else to rule your life or do you want to take control? It’s your life, take responsibility for it.

bluidkiti 08-15-2015 07:23 AM

See Beyond the Ordinary

Everything around us can be extraordinary and meaningful, if we choose to see it that way.

Let's say you pass a building site each day, and even though there's nothing extraordinary about it, today, see beyond the ordinary. See how the building site helps you to understand a current situation in your life in a more constructive way.

Today, open your eyes. Find meaning in the meaningless, see the extraordinary in the ordinary and bring more depth to your day.

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