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yukonm 02-16-2014 06:51 AM

February 16

June Says:

One of the important things I have done to stay in the now and stay centered, sane and sober for the past three years is read the Recovery thought of the day. That, along with some meditation, prayer, and living the "AA" program of recovery in all of my affairs for the past 14 years has changed my life for the better. I can look in the mirror and like what looks back at me and I can even be comfortable in this skin of mine most of the time.

yukonm 02-17-2014 06:59 AM

February 17

Ruth Says:

I finally succumbed to the messages God was giving me and to the prodding of a fellow recovering alcoholics to look for help. That was in 1997. After six years of therapy, totaling another car, divorcing the husband and several relapses, I have become a better person, more stable, more joyful, more clear-minded about myself and with tremendous will to help any other person in the same wagon. My search for the spiritual me is passionate and has taken over the will to drink entirely.

yukonm 02-18-2014 07:55 AM

February 18

Phil Says:

Trying to stay sober would seem impossible if I did not value my self esteem, I was not given this gift of life to destroy it through an addiction. During my addiction I loathed my own behavior. Now in my well state I still am not peaceful and happy all the time but the self loathing has gone -- thank God.

yukonm 02-19-2014 07:32 AM

February 19

Dwight B. Says:

I must remind myself daily that if I allow resentment to effect me and enter into my life, I will again be back out on the street and running! Resentments to me are as dangerous and destructive as taking that "First Drink" would be. Because of that, a daily (or sometimes an hourly) inventory is a must!

yukonm 02-20-2014 07:13 AM

February 20

Ariel Z. Says:

The only thing that ever got through to him was the classic Al-Anon strategy of letting him suffer the consequences of his own actions, letting him fall and getting out of the way. I would literally leave the house in order to avoid waking him up for work. When he finally got fired for showing up at a new job 4 hours late and hung over, that's when he got it. He's been sober for over two years now.

yukonm 02-21-2014 07:18 AM

February 21

Tree Says:

I have found that when I find myself in chaos and confusion, this disease in all its ugliness in right with me. But with the tools of this program I stop - breath in and out slowly - then do my 3rd step. I make the conscience decision to turn my will over to the care of God and then most important - I need to listen! Things do get better and maybe not in the way we would think they would, but it works.

yukonm 02-22-2014 07:03 AM

February 22

Betty Ann Says:

When I pray for awareness I need to remember that action will need to be taken once that I have received it, because awareness without action is misery. If I am made aware of a pattern of behavior or character defect that needs to worked on, and then sit around on my laurels, I run around knowing that I am definitely the problem, yet I am trapped by my own unwillingness.

yukonm 02-23-2014 06:16 AM

February 23

Cheryl H. Says:

I survived my husband's alcoholism, but he didn't. Al Anon made it possible for me to accept his death without guilt. It took me a while to understand that his decisions were out of my control no matter how much it hurt. My decision was to stay because he was a wonderful person with a terrible problem. I still view life with him as better than life without him.

yukonm 02-24-2014 07:11 AM

February 24

Amy L. Says:

I have learned in sobriety that there is hope for everyone, and that the power greater than myself gives me the courage, strength, and wisdom to go through each day sober and half sane if I stay willing to do his work. Working the steps turned into them working for me and working with others has kept me going when all else failed. The people in my home group keep me focused, and my higher power loves me even when I am unlovable.

yukonm 02-25-2014 06:24 AM

February 25

Kim M. Says:

I just could not accept the fact that I would NEVER be able to use again. Just the thought of it made me cringe! It wasn't until a fellow recovering addict came to me and said, "Hey! Just try to keep your focus on today. Just for today!" When this person said those three simple words to me, he probably had no idea his words would forever change my life. Well, that they did! The thought of NEVER using again was unimaginable, but just for today - seven years later - I am clean and serene!

yukonm 02-26-2014 07:37 AM

February 26

Cheryl H. Says:

I survived my husband's alcoholism, but he didn't. Al Anon made it possible for me to accept his death without guilt. It took me a while to understand that his decisions were out of my control no matter how much it hurt. My decision was to stay because he was a wonderful person with a terrible problem. I still view life with him as better than life without him.

yukonm 02-27-2014 07:01 AM

February 27

Helen G. Says:

I always have to remember that I have a disease called alcoholism. It is never cured, just as diseases such as cancer, diabetes, etc. are cured. But I am assured that I can always keep it in remission by following the steps, having a sponsor, and to let go, and let God. With the help of AA, I can continue my sobriety for the rest of my life.

yukonm 02-28-2014 07:16 AM

February 28

Ron C. Says:

One of the most important things that AA, Al-Anon, and NA teach me is slow down. When I am in a hurry I act like an alcoholic or an addict. When I slow down and "go with the flow" of my higher power, I am led to amazing encounters that no human being could arrange. It sounds hokey, but I meet the right people, at the right place, at the right time when I slow down, and listen.

bluidkiti 02-28-2016 07:23 AM

February 29

Judy C. Says:

When I discovered that I had a drinking problem, I knew that I would have to have God and a Spirtitual program in my life. No longer could I make excuses why I drank. Once I worked through the issues that caused me to drink, then and only then, I no longer needed to drink again. This was 16-1/2 years ago. Today, I am a productive woman whose life is filled with joy, happiness and I returned back to school at the age of 49.

So, its never too late to fulfill one's potential.

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