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KrtNthnyLn 06-26-2016 05:56 PM

Stardate 20160627. 0751
Sobriety date. I haven't had a drink since 2014 June 22 but I have smoked marijuana and sniffed amyl, it's a gay man thing, Wikipedia says it's alcohol, and I can't honestly remember the last time I had it, because I'm just a mess. At the moment I put the past behind me one day I might be able to look back and pinpoint the exact date but today I am sober and with your help, and God's help I will stay that way. Just having a bit of problem with the date Of my sobriety. It was someone's 19th birthday and someone else's 27th birthday this weekend, really got me thinking. I also bit into a bit of Christmas cake this Christmas 2015 , it was covered in rum and I spat it out.

Thank you for your time.

MajestyJo 06-26-2016 06:22 PM

Thank you for sharing. You don't need alcohol when you are using other substances. I substituted with prescription drugs, they were like dried up alcohol, I had the same feelings and actions of those who just drank alcohol. I didn't think I was an alcoholic because I didn't like beer, I could walk a straight line, had the cops follow me home and I stayed on my own side of the road, I could match my ex-husband and my dad drink for drink and they were following down drunks and I had the resentment when they drank all the liquor when they couldn't handle it. They should have left some for me because I wasn't finished partying yet. That is when I started hiding my alcohol in a tupperware glass so I would have that something extra. I later learned that my son's first drink was my glass of something extra.

I aim for sobriety (soundness of mind) and I have to apply the program to my eating disorder as well as my alcohol and drug addiction. They say what you don't deal with will take you back out. I know that when I made the decision that I needed help, I was drinking and doing drugs. I pushed everyone away and I was in total isolation. Not only physically, but mentally and spiritually as well.

I don't have a drinking and drugging problem in today, but my emotional sobriety takes daily work. It is the thinking that took me to places that were harmful to my health and well being. Thanks to the program, I choose not to use in today. When I pick up, my freedom of choice is taken from me, and my drug of choice becomes my 'god' of the day.

KrtNthnyLn 03-21-2023 03:45 AM

I wrote this post so many years ago and I didn't realise when I came in AA that I was not only an alcoholi, powerless over alcohol, but also all other drugs. Swapping the witch for the bit**. I also do NA now and I'm 8 months and two weeks clean from all drugs, alcohol, nicotine, everything. ITs good to be clean. Im free. Im living the way God intended. It took 8 years to get 8 months. Thank you for your support.

bluidkiti 03-21-2023 05:24 AM

It is great hearing from you KrtNthnyLn. Congratulations on your sober and clean time. :29: I hope you will continue to come and share with us. Have a great day! :)

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