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bluidkiti 01-01-2015 02:22 AM

Thought For Today - January
New Year

The dawn of a new year is a time of new possibilities. Let go of the past, reach into the future and give birth to new possibilities.

bluidkiti 01-02-2015 04:52 AM

Preferences, Not Expectations

We all have expectations on how we want things to happen. When things don’t happen the way you want them to, instead of getting frustrated and disappointed, tell yourself: “I would have preferred “A”, but now that “B” has happened, it’s OK! Have preferences, not expectations. “I’d prefer if people were thoughtful, but when they’re rude, it’s not going to ruin my day.” “I’d prefer sunshine but rain is OK!” Play this game in your head, and you’ll feel more peaceful.

bluidkiti 01-03-2015 01:28 AM

Thought Diet

Why not make your mind healthier and go on a thought diet! Cut down on all those unhealthy negative and wasteful thoughts that offer no nutritional value. Start feeding your mind with positive healthy thoughts. Here’s our suggestion for a balanced diet for the mind: For vitamins have creative ideas. For proteins, think powerful thoughts about yourself. For carbohydrates, have good feelings for others.

bluidkiti 01-04-2015 06:01 AM

Winter Will Pass

We tolerate and handle the winter because we know that winter will surely pass. The same applies to life. Tough times will come. Stuff happens. Understand: All things will pass. Think: I can handle and get through whatever I am going through.

bluidkiti 01-05-2015 02:00 AM

Bring Your Dreams Alive

We all have dreams. Some are short-term, some long-term. Some dreams we nourish right through our lives, some keep evolving and changing. Some dreams are achieved, some are not. Some of us possess the ability to bring our dreams alive better than others.

This week, take a little time to choose one dream you want to bring alive. Then: 1) Clearly define your dream. 2) Recognize what’s stopping you and how to overcome this. 3) Plot and plan your first few action steps.

Now you just need to believe in your dream, and have the courage to bring your dream alive.

bluidkiti 01-06-2015 03:54 AM

Speed Up, Slow Down

From the moment you wake up…. all the way to bedtime, what’s your speed in life? Fast, fast, fast?

If you have the tendency to go at a fast speed all day long and enjoy it, try this: everyday do some things at a slow speed. It could be drinking morning tea or coffee, or walking up the stairs.

Go slow and discover the virtue of slowness. Then enjoy the slowing down as well as the speeding up.

bluidkiti 01-07-2015 03:58 AM

Emotional Bank Balance

Just as we make deposits and withdrawals from our bank account, in the same way, we also make deposits and withdrawals from our emotional bank account.

Make it a habit to regularly a) check your emotional bank balance, and b) deposit positive emotions. Why? Every time we have negative emotions, we're withdrawing from our emotional bank account.

Deposit positive emotions whenever you can. That way, you can maintain a healthy balance and also comfortably handle the occasional (or frequent) emotional withdrawal.

bluidkiti 01-08-2015 04:25 AM

Don’t Blame, Be Happy

When there are train delays and cancellations…. when someone’s not doing something they said they would…. it’s all too easy to find yourself playing the blame game.

Play the blame game and you hand over your happiness, into the hands of someone or something. If you want to keep your happiness in your own hands, then choose not to play the blame game. Choose to be happy, no matter what.

Be happy and you can then start to figure out what to do about someone or something.

bluidkiti 01-09-2015 01:43 AM

How Many Homes?

How many homes do you have? Four. Really? You may have more but you definitely have four homes.

The first home is your mind, where you create your thoughts and feelings. The second is the body. The third is where you live. The fourth is the one home we all share, Earth.

You are responsible for the well-being of all your homes. So, give all your homes the necessary time, attention and care. Use them with dignity and with a positive purpose. And feel at home in all your homes.

bluidkiti 01-10-2015 03:07 AM

Keep that Holiday Feeling

When we’re back from our holidays there’s a spring in our step, a sparkle in our eyes… We come back feeling relaxed and refreshed. But how long does the holiday feeling last? What can you do to keep that holiday feeling? It’s all too easy to get sucked back into the daily grind. So what will you do to recall that holiday feeling when you slip back into old habits and feelings?

bluidkiti 01-11-2015 04:40 AM

Determined Thoughts

Before starting any task, first of all, sow the seed of a determined thought. Especially if you have self-doubts or feel that the task is too difficult for you, think: ‘I can do it.’ ‘I am capable.’ ‘Anything is possible if I put my mind to it.’ Determination is the key for success. So, use that determined thought to propel you forward.

bluidkiti 01-12-2015 03:57 AM

The Comfy Comfort Zone

Comfort zones are like a soft, comfy armchair or sofa. They're really comfortable but don't offer you any real support in your personal development.

This week, challenge yourself to try something different. It can be exercise, eating healthy, waking early.... Try something that supports your personal development and unlock the power and energy that comes from getting out of your really comfy comfort zone.

bluidkiti 01-13-2015 02:53 AM

Your Inner Weather

What’s today's weather forecast for your inner world?

Can you predict if it's going to be bright and sunny? Cloudy and overcast with gloomy thoughts? Stormy moods with heavy rain, thunder and lightening? Hot headed or frosty behavior? You can’t change the weather forecast but you can influence your own inner weather. How? Slow the wind speed of your thoughts, lower the pressure in your moods, and calm your reactions.

Simply check your inner weather forecast. If it isn’t how you want it to be, then take a moment and create the weather you want.

bluidkiti 01-14-2015 04:27 AM

Is Time your Friend or your Enemy?

What’s your relationship with time? Many of us have a tense relationship with time. We may think there's not enough time, it's not on our side, it's working against us.... We think time is our enemy.

How about creating a better relationship with time? Feel the abundance of time and time will work for you. Respect time and time will respect you. Make the most of your time and time will be your friend.

Is time your friend or your enemy?

bluidkiti 01-15-2015 03:16 AM

Consider Being Considerate

Everyone likes to feel considered. But being considerate extends far beyond communication. It's about being considerate towards others in all our small everyday actions. It can be something as simple as putting things away, tidying up behind you, leaving space for someone else to park their car.

Today, look for the opportunity to be considerate towards others and yourself, and recognize the consideration you receive.

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