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Old 01-05-2014, 08:44 AM   #5
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Steve R. Says:

Honesty - What a novel concept, and an absolute necessity in recovery. We've become so accustomed in our addiction/alcoholism to lying to ourselves (and everyone else), that becoming honest is a radical change that is a mighty tall order to fulfill.
First, we must become honest with ourselves, and the first and most important step to achieving this is to admit we have a problem and that we need to do something about it.

The second thing is to be honest with one's own 'higher power' or 'a God of one's own understanding'. This, at first, involves admitting what we admitted to ourselves and asking for help in overcoming the addiction/alcoholism we're battling.

Third comes honesty with others. Through becoming honest with ourselves and our higher power, this becomes possible and achievable.

While honesty, by and of itself, does not constitute recovery, it is an integral part of it. Honesty must become a daily part of our lives: with ourselves, a God of our own understanding, and others.
August 21, 2007

One Day At A Time

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