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Old 01-07-2014, 07:26 AM   #7
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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Enjoy looking forward

Expect a positive outcome, and then go make it happen. Expect a fulfilling experience, and then go get it.

A positive expectation doesn’t guarantee a positive outcome, but it sure does make it more likely. When you expect the best, you give yourself many distinct advantages.

A positive expectation enables you to see more positive, workable possibilities. A positive expectation gives you a solid reason and a powerful motivation to push forward.

When you wish to go in a particular direction, it helps to first turn and face in that direction. By expecting your most highly desired outcome, you can vividly envision and focus on a path that will get you there.

Your efforts impact the quality of your life, and your expectations impact your efforts. It just makes sense to make those influences as positive and affirmative as possible.

Enjoy looking forward to a positive, fulfilling future. Expect the best, and do the work to make it so.

— Ralph Marston

August 21, 2007

One Day At A Time

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