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Old 04-03-2014, 07:20 AM   #4
yukonm's Avatar

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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Involve yourself fully

What will you do today to encourage your best possibilities? What will you do today to allow your great potential to be realized and fulfilled?

There is unique value within you. You deserve to experience that value, and all of life deserves to benefit from it.

That value flows out from you in the actions you take. The more passionately and sincerely you involve yourself in life, the more fully you’ll manifest that value.

Give yourself over to the day, to the moment, to whatever you’re doing. Give your thoughts, your heart, your awareness and your passion to the miracle of being where you are right now.

Involve yourself fully in the rich, amazing opportunity that is this moment. Remind yourself how truly great you have it, and commit yourself, again and again, to doing something meaningful with all you have.

This is a great time, filled with spectacular possibilities that are ready to spring forth from your actions. Live, love and act with all you have, and feel the intense joy of giving your very best.

— Ralph Marston

August 21, 2007

One Day At A Time

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