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Old 08-22-2013, 07:21 AM   #19
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August 22

AA 'Big Book' - Quote

They said to me, 'Do you want to quit drinking? It's none of our business about your drinking. We're not up here trying to take any of your rights or privileges away from you, but we have a program whereby we think we can stay sober. Part of the program is that we take it to someone else who needs it and wants it. Now is you don't want it, we'll not take up your time, and we'll be going and looking for someone else. - Pg. 186 - Alcoholic Anonymous Number Three

Hour To Hour - Book - Quote

Right now you are safe. Whatever is troubling you is not so bad that your sponsor or another group member cannot help. Call them as soon as you find a phone.

Grant me the humbleness to call for help whenever I feel threatened, lonely, angry, or in any way separated from my spiritual health.

Arrogance and Grandiosity

I will not get lost in the arrogance and grandiosity that dog this disease 's trail. These are compensations for pain and fear. I won 't buy myself off with grandiose fantasies as a way of feeling big inside. I will go to meetings and experience my smallness, face it with courage and let myself slowly become right sized. Grandiosity and arrogance are part and parcel of this disease, defenses against feelings of helplessness. Today I can tolerate my own inner world.

- Tian Dayton PhD

Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote

Embrace all of your emotions for they are what make you, you. 'Hold them in an embrace of total acceptance and in that embrace you will not be agonized any more. Do you think the Christ never cried? Do you think the Buddha never ached? You are not going to be less human, you are going to be wholly human.' ~Bartholomew, I Come as a Brother

I become one with myself by embracing all of me, because I am all of me and I won't be less!

"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book

Life is fragile; handle with prayer.

Time for Joy - Book - Quote

Today I accept all responsibilities of my life.

It feels good to know that I am in charge of my life and can accept the outcome of my decisions.

Alkiespeak - Book - Quote

I'm not much, but I'm all I think about. - Anon.
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