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Old 04-15-2014, 06:21 PM   #5
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Hamilton, ON
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"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book

Coffee makers make it.
Had to laugh about this, as the group I opened, was known for the good coffee. I made coffee for 7 years, taught others how to make it. One member, went home to his own group made coffee and was elected to do it all the time.

We had a home group meeting on Saturday night along with meetings Monday-Friday and a Promises meeting on Friday, so we used a lot of coffee. I suggested that members take a can and make a "God Can" (instead of a God Box).

Had a guy say that he wouldn't come in the morning and do two meetings a day if it wasn't for our coffee. We were working Step 12 and not aware of it. Our coffee was attracting people to us. Our secret was either a pinch of salt or mustard to cut the bitterness and bring out the flavour. Of course, you couldn't skimp on the coffee either.

Our meeting were small, 2-20 and I bought Half & Half each meeting as part of my 7th Tradition.

Wasn't sure if I made the right decision to quit the group and go back to school. I still went Friday and Saturday and did service there. I went to take a computer course. Ended up with a certificate for Business Administration on computers. It allows me to do my volunteer job in today. It helped me to build my sites and post and share on others.

Ironically, when I quit smoking 22 years ago, I quit coffee. I have one every month or two. Coffee didn't taste the same without sugar and a cigarette.
Hope these are not reruns, all I know is the pictures aren't. Original post I made on another site in 2011. Some may have been on the old site.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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