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Old 08-30-2014, 01:33 PM   #30
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Saturday, August 30, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

If I cry tears let them wash away your fears - make a rainbow of love for you.
—Thom Klika

It takes both sun and rain to make a rainbow in the sky. The rainbow is a rare and beautiful thing - each color brilliant beside the other. Rain falls to earth like the tears we all shed sometimes. Sunlight shines like the happiness we find inside when we feel peaceful.

The colors of the rainbow are like all the different feelings we have. Let's say red is anger and green is fear and orange is joy and violet is contentment. All these feelings create a whole person, in the same way that all these colors make the whole rainbow. We become more colorful people as we learn to express all our emotions.

A person who is learning to share feelings radiates the same kind of beauty as a rainbow in the sky.

Who can I share a feeling with today?
How true, tears are healing. Unfortunately, I still don't do them as well as I should. My first husband told me I used them as a weapon and to stop them and I did at 21. I didn't find recovery until I was 49, and it was really 7 years later that I felt that I found my true self and got in touch with who I am and no longer had to live with who I was. When I saw myself heading there or back there, I had the tools not to stay there. It was not a place I wanted to be. The person I share my feeling with in today is me instead of stuffing them.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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