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Old 10-09-2014, 10:51 AM   #9
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Thursday, October 9, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

...but time and chance happeneth to them all.

Life, director of the comedy, always lets things get a little out of hand. We all know what would be normal and right, but the right horse sometimes finishes last in the race, and the jerk has all the money. The wise people, like us, are ignored by all, and the good woman gets in trouble with the law. The saint cheats on his income tax, but he never gets caught the way the needy ones like us do, and the worst sinners get saved in the nick of time, while the fittest sometimes just drop dead.

If all the best-laid plans go wrong, maybe we are meant to learn that such important things aren't so important, after all.

If the skies are custard pies waiting to plop down on our hopeful faces, maybe it is best to accept the gift, count it a blessing, and lick our chops.

How have my failures been successes in disguise?
Have found out that I sabotage success just as much as I do anything else. My failures often lead me to where I was suppose to be.

I got my certificate for Accounting on Computers only to find I didn't have an honest desire to go back into the work force, I had done my time, and had no fight left to go into the steel jungle and I no longer had that tiger in the tank. I chose to volunteer with Housing who offered free internet services to the community and got involved in service and went into the jail for NA (helped get meetings started) and then for Al-Anon when I chose to change fellowships. For my recovery, I had to focus on Al-Anon with an AA meeting when required.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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