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Old 12-15-2014, 02:22 AM   #15
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Join Date: Aug 2013
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Monday, December 15, 2014

You are reading from the book Food for Thought

We Are Sick

Until we realize fully that we are sick, we do not begin to recover. As long as we feel that all we need is a good diet and some willpower, we do not understand the nature of our disease. We would have been able to stop eating compulsively long ago if the answer had been willpower and diet.

When we examine the history of our obesity in the light of the OA program, we see that we are in the grip of an incurable illness, which gets progressively worse, never better. Once we accept the fact that there is no cure for our disease, we can begin to develop control. Until we recognize the seriousness of our illness, we do not succeed in controlling it.

By acknowledging that our very life depends on maintaining abstinence and practicing the OA principles, we come to terms with the reality of our situation. We can live satisfying, full, rewarding lives if we do not forget that we are sick and that our recovery will never be complete.

Each day, may I not forget that I am sick.
Was one of the really sick ones. I met a woman at a AA conference at the end of September in 2003 and she thought I was a newcomer. My dry date is August 21, 1991. I didn't even start to address my eating disorder until I was 5 years sober.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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