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Old 02-14-2015, 04:21 PM   #2
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February 4

Dietrich wrote this short prayer about
love and hatred, and we can make the
prayer our own today by thinking of
those people with whom we haven’t get
on very well over the years:

“Lord God,
give me such love
for you and for others
that it will blot out
all hatred and bitterness.”


February 5

Let us pray in the words of Saint Ignatius:

Teach us, good Lord,
to give and not to count the cost;
to fight and not to heed the wounds;
to toil and not to seek for rest;
to labour and to ask for no reward,
save that of knowing
that we do your will.


February 6

Asks for a moment of silence.

As it is traditional to have a moment’s
silence at football matches whenever
there has been a disaster, let us pray in
silence for a moment - for ourselves and
for those we know who have suffered
tragedies in their lives. We pray for those
who are hurt and wounded because of
the splitting up of their family, a death,
difficulties with someone, failure, betrayal,
the loss of friends, or a serious
illness. Let us pray in silence, then, for
all who suffer in their lives…
( pause …)


February 7

Let us pray:

God our Father,
teach us to distinguish clearly
between right and wrong,
that we may grow in character
and develop a true sense of values
through following Jesus,
your Son and our Brother.
We pray, too, for all
who are in positions of leadership
in our country
that they may be inspired
by the values of the gospel.
We pray that they may live
as people of integrity and honesty,
growing in a sense
of duty and responsibility,
always being aware of the needy,
and ready to be of service to others.
“I die the King’s good servant,
but God’s first.”


Love always,


I share because I care.

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