Thread: Step Two
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Old 02-19-2015, 02:49 PM   #14
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from: "On His Way"

"My intelligence, instead of drawing me further away from spiritual faith, is bringing me closer to it.... The simple words 'Thy Will Be Done' and the simple ideas of honesty and of helping others are taking on a new meaning for me. I should not be surprised to find myself coming to the conclusion that God, whoever or whatever He may be, is eminently more capable of running the universe than I am. At last I believe I am on my way."

© 2003, Experience, Strength and Hope - Stories from the First Three Editions of Alcoholics Anonymous, page 127

- Just for Today by The Hoffelds
If my memory is serving me well, which it generally doesn't, it says that I need to take Step Two piecemeal, a little at a time.

I thought I 'knew" who God was. I was a leading authority didn't you know? I went to church three times on Sunday, and prayer meeting on Wednesday for the first seventeen years of my life, with the exception of sick leave.

God is "As He reveals Himself to me today and thankfully, so much more!

I found that I had to open my mind to new concepts and to build upon old beliefs and be open to new ones. I had to make my God personal and come to a new understanding.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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