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Old 01-07-2016, 02:38 PM   #63
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What Kind Of God?
I have to believe that there's a purpose for everything," my student said, as much to herself, I suspected, as to her classmates. Her position made perfect sense.

If she didn't believe that bad things happen for a reason, how would she be able to deal with the head injury her father had suffered several years ago, or for that matter, with her birth mother's decision to give her up for adoption?

Heads nodded in agreement all around the room.

Sensing that others might not share her certitude, I asked,
"Does anyone have a different point of view?"

Cautiously, a trio of students raised their hands.
I lifted mine as well.
What had taken us down this path was our discussion of Terry Tempest Williams's book 'Refuge: An Unnatural History of Family and Place.' An account of Williams's mother's death from cancer, interwoven with a lament for Utah's flooded Bear River Migratory Bird Sanctuary,

Refuge raises myriad questions about loss, change, faith, and the heart-rending experience of watching a loved one die.

Does God will such things to take place?

I could tell that my students were thinking.

Predominantly college freshmen, these 18- and 19-year-olds have
nonetheless felt the impact of pain in their lives; they have seen parents split up, brothers sent to prison, friends die violently and far too soon behind the wheel of their very first car.

To imagine that these events would have no larger purpose is anathema to them.
Can good come out of suffering?
Of course, I assured them.
To believe this, however, is not the same as believing that God desires our pain.

"What kind of God would this be?"

I asked, not really expecting an answer.
Looking into the middle distance, a few of them pursed their lips and nodded.

They were thinking, I realized; finding the answer, I knew, would take them the rest of their lives.

- source unknown to me

Originally posted on my site The Angel of Health
Most of the troubles in the world today are man-made or they are a result of someone's decision or action. Most people don't want to take the responsibility and often pass the bucket and play the blame game. If everyone made their space the best that it can be what I much better world this would be.

I don't believe God tests us but I do believe we are taught lessons. So often I have tested God. Okay Big Guy, let's see if you are up to this!

He is a loving God, but for me, more importantly, He is a forgiving one. Most times I cause my own pain and it is a result of choices I have made in the past be it even two days ago. In today I try to make healthy choices. What goes around comes around!

My brother was killed when he was two and I was three. My mother told me that I would go up to my uncle who was driving the truck that ran over him and ask, "Why did you kill my Dougie?" I heard her tell the story many times and it reinforced that I was a bad girl and that I should say those things. I had trouble for years communicating with that uncle because of it. I felt shame and guilt. It wasn't until I was in recovery that I learned that I was a little girl in pain and didn't know how to deal with her pain. I was there, saw it happen and all I can remember is me "Calling Dougie, come out of the way." I thought it was my fault because he was coming to me when he was run over. I later learned that when he was born, I nominated myself as his caregiver. I felt the guilt because I wasn't able to save him and take care of him. It was heavy burden for a little girl to carry, let alone the woman who didn't deal with the issue unto 50 years later.

Love always,


I share because I care.

Last edited by MajestyJo; 12-28-2016 at 05:03 PM.
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