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Old 04-04-2016, 09:57 AM   #5
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Icon24 Even More Recovery Readings and Meditations - April 5

April 5

Step by Step

Today, live just for today. While I cannot and should not ignore my past, I don’t live there anymore, nor can I bring into today yesterday’s regrets and guilt that no longer serve any useful purpose. Nor can I look into tomorrow and anticipate or fret over its uncertainty and if it will bring something I may not want to deal with. To the extent that my past has any use today, it is to learn from its mistakes so they are not repeated. As for tomorrow, what I might anticipate may never come – and I will have wasted today dreading what isn’t there. Bit if it comes, I will deal with it in its own time – tomorrow. Today requires my immediate attention. And our common journey continues. Step by step. – Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


I’m slipping when I accept certain faults in myself, but I don’t accept them in other people.

~ Anonymous ~

Our Fellowship can pull good deeds out of people who have normally acted badly. Our Steps suggest ways to greatly change our behavior.

We are careful to separate what we say we are going to do and what we actually do. When we go to meetings and start talking about what wonderful things we are going to do rather than sharing what we have already done, we roll up our sleeves and get to work, because we have a lot to learn. Our friends and sponsor can suggest ways of getting started.

The Fellowship doesn’t want to hear sermons or judgements on past behavior. That’s what happens when we judge ourselves and others and talk about how we’re going to change everybody and everything. We can’t just “talk the talk.” We need to “walk the walk.”

I don’t want to judge anybody, including myself. Let me learn to be forgiving and tolerant.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart.

~ John Bunyan ~

Prayer starts with openness in our heart and with self-honesty. We don’t sit down to ask special favors from God to achieve our ego’s rewards. We quiet our mind. For a brief time we release all the particular details, the worries and tasks that have been rushing in on us. In this quiet space we consciously focus our attention on our relationship with our Higher Power. This is a very private, personal relationship which is known intimately only by us. Even our search for this relationship, even the question, “Where are you, God?” is a prayer.

This healing journey has two aspects. One aspect is fellowship with others, the healing of our separation from our fellow men. The other aspect is a deeply private relationship with our Higher Power. When we have spent some quiet time in prayer, echoes of that prayer stay with us in the back of our mind, no matter how busy and focused we become on our daily tasks.

Today I open my heart with honesty to my Higher Power.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

Loving, like prayer, is a power as well as a process. It’s curative.

~ Zona Gale ~

We tend to focus on ourselves too much. While we don’t strive to be self-centered, we easily achieve it. And the more we obsess about ourselves, the less we measure up to our expectations. Then the shame of failure dogs our steps.

We can attack this condition from two angles. First, we can acknowledge our gratitude for even the tiniest of blessings: a reliable car, an inspiring book, a call from a friend. These small blessings help us to remember that God is always present. Second, we can intentionally focus our attention on the people we share today with. They are in our lives for a purpose. We can learn from them what we need to know about ourselves. What’s more, we can be certain they are blessings from God.

My life is filled with the evidence that I am lovable. God has not forgotten me. Everywhere I look today, I’ll see a gift.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I am listening to my higher power

I used to fear being alone in a room. It was especially frightening if I was me and my thoughts – no drugs or alcohol, no books or TV.

But in recovery, I have been learning a way to be by myself: it’s called meditation. I go to my quiet place, get comfortable, and then I stop. Thoughts pass through my mind and I hold on to none of them; I let them come and I let them go. And as my thoughts get quieter, I hear my higher power like never before. When meditating, I feel calmer and more accepting.

I will set aside five minutes today to sit quietly in a quiet place.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

Friends are treasures.

~ Horace Bruns ~

Valuing our friends, we come to value our-selves. Accepting and enjoying the goodness of special people in our lives is an adventure in getting to know the depth of our own hearts. Friends teach us about our own capacity to care for and love other human beings.

We stretch our own goodness by listening to a troubled friend when we’re tired. We grow when we go out of our way to give our friend a ride when their car breaks down. We cherish another and ourselves when we find a card to send on an anniversary. We learn acceptance when we love others in spite of their failings and remind them of their special value when they feel guilty or down.

For many of us, being vulnerable and receiving friendship might be the best gift we can give. It can also be the most difficult. As with other problems in recovery, though, we find patience can be the solution. When we extend our patience and tolerance to others, we find a new inner calm and serenity. And we feel more worthy of love. Learning to be a friend is a two- way street that challenges us to love, and to let others love and care for us.

Today let me enjoy the wonder of friendship.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

Honesty has come to mean the privilege of insulting you to your face without expecting redress.

~ Judith Martin ~

A comedian tells a story about a dying man who calls his wife to his side. “Honey, I have something to confess,” he tells her. “For many years I have not been faithful to you. I needed to tell you that before I died.” The wife smiles down at him. “Baby, I know you have not been faithful to me.”

“You knew?” the man asks. “Yes,” she replies. “That is why I have poisoned you.”

As laudable as honesty is, it does have a downside. The truth can be hurtful and even harmful. Before you choose to be honest with another, first consider whether your words will make only you feel better. Do you need to say something simply to get it off your chest, or will you convey helpful information for the person receiving the information? When you think before you speak, you may discover that leaving something unsaid might be the best option. But if you are confronted with a direct question, it is best to answer with honesty even if the truth may end up hurting the other person. Lying will not serve you well if, in the future, the truth comes out.

I will be honest with others, but will temper my honesty with compassion.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

For peace of mind, resign as general manager of the universe

~ Larry Eisenberg ~

How much did we try to control today? Perhaps on our way to work we shouted in frustration at how other people drove. Later we may have attempted to control our boss, co-workers, bank teller, children, or spouse, telling them to do what we wanted. Perhaps now we’re ready to collapse in exhaustion from a day of trying to be director of everyone else’s play.

Instead of managing everyone else, we should be managing only ourselves. First we have to catch ourselves when we feel the urge to control others. We have to discover what is best for us, instead of someone else, and do it. We have to stop focusing on people’s problems, even if they want us to. We have to look in the mirror and see ourselves for who we are.

Tonight we need to realize our director is our Higher Power who gives us the play we’re in and the ability to act. Although many other people may share the stage with us, it’s not up to us to direct them. They have their own direction.

I asked my Higher Power for direction, and I will not control others.


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Unlearning old ways

In this program we are not asked so much to learn new ways as to unlearn our old ones. We are not asked so much to adjust to new values as to see the folly of our old ones. How we will live our new lives is between us and our Higher Power, and surely there is room for diversity.

We are not asked to adopt the lifestyles or thinking of fellow addicts; we are asked only to live with honesty, an open mind, and a willingness to learn. We all use the program for sobriety, but what sobriety and a spiritual program lead us to is individual.

Am I unlearning the futile old ways?

Higher Power, may the way of life I am now living help me let go of old ways and grow closer to you.

The old habit I will work at releasing today is

God help me to stay clean and sober today!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

Through prayer we may lose some of our arrogance and resistance.



I’ve struggled with this addiction for so long. I think I’m finally ready to defeat it. I really want to do it right this time.


The program saying “The war is over” comes to mind when I hear you talking about struggle and defeat. In my experience, addiction doesn’t respond well to force. In fact, it counters force with a force of its own. Addiction is stubborn. When we approach it with “white-knuckle” discipline, confusing willfulness with strength of character, we may be setting ourselves up for eventual relapse.

The alternative is an attitude of surrender. I begin each day acknowledging that I have a disease. I ask for help in living with it, not acting on it. I use the tools of the program and the support of the fellowship, replacing old habits with new ones that help maintain recovery. I used to keep the paraphernalia of my addictive life around me; now I keep reminders of recovery around me. I approach recovery with enthusiasm, gratitude, joy. If I feel the urge to fight, I know it’s time for a meeting. Recovery is a journey I pray to continue, with the help of my Higher Power—one day at a time.

Today, I humbly ask for recovery to be given to me.
I don’t have to do it alone.



You can eat yourself to death as quickly as you can drink yourself to death. Working unreasonable overtime will bring on extreme fatigue that you may think “necessitates” a stimulant.

Too much zeal is fanaticism and Twelve Stepping without due regard to your own welfare can land you in trouble up to your neck.

Easy does it.


~ WALK SOFTLY AND CARRY A BIG BOOK ~ (Official & Unofficial Sloganeering From the 12 Step Programs) ~

1) We all have the same last name, “Alcoholic!”

2) HIT: Hang In There

3) Action alleviates anxiety.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

Fifth Step Prayer

Higher Power, my inventory has shown me who I am, yet I ask for Your help in admitting my wrongs to another person and to You. Assure me, and be with me in this Step, for without this Step I cannot progress in my recovery. With Your help, I can do this, and I will do it.


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~


Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you (Matthew 5:10-12).

In view of what we know about the teaching of Jesus, that the will of God for us is harmony, peace, and joy, and that these things are to be attained by cultivating right thoughts, or “righteousness,” this is a very startling statement. Jesus tells us again and again that it is our Father’s good pleasure to give us the Kingdom, and that the way in which we are to receive it is by cultivating serenity, or peace of soul. He says that the peacemakers who do this, praying in “meekness” shall inherit the earth, have their mourning turned into joy, and that, in fact, whatever they shall ask the Father in the manner of this teaching, that will he do. Yet here we are told that it is blessed to be persecuted as the result of our “righteousness” for by this means we shall triumph; that it is cause for rejoicing and gladness to be reviled and accused; and that the prophets and Illumined Ones suffered these things too.

All this is indeed very startling, and it is perfectly correct. However, persecution only becomes an occasion for rejoicing when we are deeply aware of our real nature, our true immortality, and know that the suffering of our bodies can be transcended and even transmuted by our state of consciousness. Persecution can be for us a blessed condition when we realize that in such moments we are really advancing…be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life (Revelation 2:10) is a promise that may become a reality right here on this earth.


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

Divine Discontent

Lord, let me always desire more than I think I can do.

~ Michelangelo ~

There is a part of us that will not let us be content until we become all that we are capable of being. Life is not about resting on our laurels and hanging out in our comfort zone; it is an adventure from good to better to best.

Rev. Jack Boland urged, “Do not let good be the enemy of better.” Your current situation may be good, but if a greater opportunity presents itself, you must be open to expand. This does not mean you are to run away or violate your integrity. If, however, you can step ahead with honesty, honor, and peace, you will enjoy the benefits of living in a larger universe.

Muscles stay strong and flexible only by use and stretching, and so does our mind. Challenge is the universe’s way of showing us that we are bigger than we thought we were.

Bless your dreams, your desires, and your sense that there must be more. There is more because you are more.

Give me the courage to ask for it all.

I leave behind my limits and step forward to live as large as God.
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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