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Old 04-14-2016, 11:05 AM   #15
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Icon24 Even More Recovery Readings and Meditations - April 15

April 15

Step by Step

Today, focus on rebuilding a positive and realistic self-esteem if I doubt or fear moving on because I think I may fail. In recovery, there is little to fear because we have already been through the most fearful place of all. But if I am afraid that I will stumble, fall short of a goal or cannot do what I must, I risk not only stagnation but possibly relapse if my self-confidence is so poor that I deceive myself into thinking sobriety offers little more than what drinking provided. And I cannot compare myself and where I am in recovery to anyone else, either to reinforce my poor self-esteem or to mitigate it. If I need more than the guidance of my higher power to overcome reluctance or fear to move ahead, I can compare myself to where I was before recovery. Today, fear and worry will not disable me from progressing. And our common journey continues. Step by step. – Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


The will of God will never take you where the grace of God will not protect you.

~ Anonymous ~

Today we are living free from compulsions and addictions, but that happiness won’t ever let us forget the times we cried from pain. We went through a lot of suffering in order to surrender. All that suffering wouldn’t matter if we hadn’t become willing to make a spiritual change. We learned valuable lessons from the pain.

In recovery, we learn that pain changes our lives. We gain an understanding of honest values from our suffering. Until we stopped hurting, we couldn’t make progress toward a richer life and appreciate the gift of love and service.

I have learned that happiness is getting away from suffering. Even to crave happiness is painful. Finding happiness helps me get rid of pain and find peace of mind.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush.

~ Doug Larson ~

Life is never just one thing. It is quite possible to feel optimistic and happy even when some things are not right with us. An optimistic outlook gives us energy to handle the harder things that we have to deal with. Research shows that people who have a positive attitude have a stronger immune system, are healthier, live longer, and are even more likely to recover from serious illness.

To believe in hopeful outcomes is largely a matter of choice. Many of us have experienced big disappointments and defeats in life. But having come this far, we can look back and see that somehow we had the capacity to deal with it. The Second Step guides us to believe in hopeful possibilities. We can’t say that things will al-ways turn out just the way we hope, but that we can cope with whatever happens.

Today I choose to believe that a Power greater than myself can help me deal with life, and I have reason to be optimistic.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

Work for justice. Struggle for forgiveness.
Choose love.

~ Patricia Benson ~

Justice, forgiveness, and love sound far loftier than they are. Developing these qualities requires only that we live as we think God wants us to live. It’s as simple as that. Admittedly, when we have wanted to punish a significant person in our lives, we have often preferred “justifiable” anger or resentment over love. However, the emotional hangover that has followed the expression of our outrage has diminished any pleasure we might have gained.

Our inclination to forgive other people and our-selves, coupled with our decision to love rather than punish those who irritate us, seems to grow daily. Our changed perspective comes from our willingness to grow in recovery. We can be as peace-filled and as loving as we want. We’re in charge!

I will stay in control of who I am today. I can fulfill God’s wishes.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I need to channel my anger

I have a short fuse again these days. Suddenly I feel like I want to explode, like I want to smash things. I wish I knew what sets me off—work? My illnesses? I don’t feel like myself. It scares me and I wish I could cool off.

When I told my therapist I was concerned about my strong feelings, she began by assuring me that it’s OK to be angry, for whatever reason. She explained that anger itself is not an issue, it’s what I do with it. Then we explored ways to release my anger in order to stay balanced, safe, and strong. Dealing with resentment and anger are important issues in my recovery.

I will ask my higher helper for courage to accept my anger and deal with it in a healthy way.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

I know all except myself.

~ Francois Villon ~

We’ve all had friends who give wonderful advice to everyone but themselves, and we all have a little of that in ourselves, too. It’s so easy to sit back and see what other people do wrong with their lives. The missteps and mistakes are so clear, the triumphs so obvious to us. Sometimes we give advice; other times we simply observe.

When it comes to our own lives, we’re often masters of denial. We can’t see what we’re doing at all. We bumble along thinking we’re doing one thing, only to discover when it’s too late that our real behavior has been quite different.

But we’re luckier than most people; we have a program of recovery that helps us realize what we’re doing before it’s too late. With the help of our Twelve Step program, our Higher Power, and our sponsor, we can get a “bird’s-eye-view” of where we are, how we’re doing, and how we can change to live a better life. With help from our Higher Power, we can risk taking a clear look at ourselves. And one day at a time, we’ll come to understand ourselves, our motives, and our behavior better. We may never know ourselves as well as we’d like, but now we can begin the exciting search for self-awareness, honesty, and serenity.

Today help me seek the truth about myself without fear or denial.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

Mercury and the Woodsman

A woodsman was chopping trees for firewood, but lost his grip and watched the axe sail into a nearby river. He began to weep, for without his axe he could not keep his house warm or cook food.

Mercury decided to help and dove into the river. He brought up a golden axe. “Is this your axe?” Mercury asked, but the woodsman shook his head. Mercury dove again and brought up a silver axe. “Is this your axe?” he asked, but the woodsman again shook his head. Then Mercury brought up a weather-beaten wooden axe. The woodsman told him, “That is my axe,” Mercury rewarded the woodsman’s honesty by giving him two more axes.

The next day, the woodsman told his story to a friend.

The friend went to the river, tossed in his axe, and began to weep. Mercury dove into the river and brought up a golden axe. The man eagerly held out his hand for the axe. But Mercury knew the man was lying and returned the golden axe to the water, leaving the man with none.

The moral of the story: Honesty is the best policy.

When you embellish the truth or make up stories, the less trust others will have in you.

I will be truthful in my words and actions at all times.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

Let us move on, and step out boldly, though it be into the night, and we can scarcely see the way. A Higher Intelligence than the mortal sees the road before us. We do not have to strive for good, but only to go forward and possess it. Good awaits us at every step.

~ Charles B. Newcomb ~

Remember how energized we feel after a good night’s sleep, and how a sunny morning helps us forget the bad thoughts of yesterday? We can feel that same energy and sense of hope right now even though the night is here. The Higher Power we prayed to this morning for strength, hope, and guidance for the day is with us right now, ready to help us relax tonight.

Take a moment to look upon nightfall as a new beginning. Think of new things to do tomorrow. Try a new meeting or volunteer for a group activity. Resolve to start a Fourth Step inventory or ask someone we respect to be our sponsor. New beginnings can happen, if we keep our eyes and ears and hearts open to the messages of our Higher Power.

What good things would l like to have happen to me? How can I use my Higher Power to help me?


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Relying on faith

With our newfound recovery, we may find ourselves facing new situations with confidence. Our confidence must be supported by faith, however.

When trials arise, we realize how power-less we are and our confidence may crumble. Only faith can rescue us. Confidence is men-tal and emotional; faith is spiritual. Let us examine ourselves and see whether we are relying on confidence or on faith.

Is my faith strong enough?

Higher Power, increase my faith and courage so that I may face life’s trials.

I will seek to deepen my faith today by

God help me to stay clean and sober today!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

The readiness is all.



I went to two different Step meetings this week, in different parts of town, and both of them were on the Fourth Step. I keep hearing that “there are no coincidences.” Does this mean I’m supposed to start the Fourth Step now? How do I know if I’m ready?


First of all, I’m glad to hear that you’re going to Step meet-ings, and I encourage you to keep it up. Your willingness has brought you a long way already, and it continues to be the key.

In approaching a new Step, I find it useful to ask myself if I’ve taken the Steps that precede it in a complete, whole-hearted way.

I review Step One and remember why I’m on this path of recovery in the first place: addiction brought me to spiritual depths I don’t want to sink to again.

Reviewing Step Two reminds me that I’m not alone, and that I have faith that I’ll be given what I need to become a whole and free person again.

Step Three reminds me that I’ve made a decision. I’m willing to do what’s necessary for recovery and to trust the process. I remember that I only have to do my part; my progress in recovery isn’t entirely up to me. My Higher Power will do the rest. When I reach Step Four, I trust that in the process of writing about the events of my addictive life, I’ll be taken care of.

Today, I bring willingness and an open mind to the next step in my recovery. I relax and trust that I am not alone.



Men may call themselves atheists, agnostics, unbelievers, or what have you, but the fact still remains that man must believe in something.

If he thinks his own presence here on earth is simply an accident in the forces of nature, then he must believe that the forces of nature are able to create him with all his delicately adjusted organism. To do this the forces of nature would need to have intelligence in a very high degree and in addition there must be a tremendous creative force to carry out the dictates of that intelligence. He, himself, could not do this so this force of nature is superior in a vast degree to himself. Bingo! He has found the God of his understanding, let him call Him what he may.


~ WALK SOFTLY AND CARRY A BIG BOOK ~ (Official & Unofficial Sloganeering From the 12 Step Programs) ~

1) Align your actions so they are in agreement with the picture you paint of yourself at meetings.

2) AA: Experience the difference, where the difference is experience.

3) The difference between a rut and a grave is its depth.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

Meeting Prayer No. 3

God bless this meeting and the members gathered here tonight.

Help us to make this group a haven of strength and comfort, giving to all who seek help here the beauty and friendliness of home, which shall be as a shield against temptation of all kinds and against loneliness and despair.

Bless those who are going forth from this house to fight the gallant fight, to know suffering, and bless those who come here to rest, those who must readjust themselves to face life once more.


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~


To me the butterfly teaches the most important lesson that we human beings ever have to learn. You all know his story. He lived what seemed to him a very long time as a worm—what we call the humble caterpillar. Now the life of a caterpillar could be taken as the very type and symbol of restriction. He lives on a green leaf in the forest, and that is about all he knows.

Then one day the little caterpillar finds certain stirrings going o within himself. The old green leaf, for some reason, no longer seems sufficient. He becomes moody and discontented, but—and this is the vital point—it I a divine discontent. He feels the need for a bigger, finer, and more interesting life. His instinct tells him that where there is true desire there must be fulfillment.

And so the wonderful thing happens: the butterfly emerges beautiful, graceful, now endowed with wings, and instead of crawling about on a restricted leaf, he can soar above the trees, above the forest itself—free, unrestricted, his own True Self.

. . . Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the thing which God hath prepared for them that love him (Corinthians 2:9)


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

How to Bless the IRS

Love is the only power. Love is the only way.

~ Rabbi David Zeller ~

As Alice was writing checks to pay her bills last April, she penned a note of blessing on the memo line of each check, as is her custom. When Alice came to the check due to the Internal Revenue Services (IRS) for her tax payment, she asked herself, “Do I really want to bless the IRS? Would anyone there receive the gift?”

After some reflection, Alice decided that there are no exceptions to the law of love. “Perhaps,” she reasoned, “the IRS is in greater need of blessing than most of the other people and companies I am paying.” On the memo line of her check, Alice inscribed, “Peace and joy be with you.”

Several months later as Alice was going through her canceled checks, she noticed the check she had sent to the IRS. On the back of the check, below the institutional stamp, she read these words, written by hand: “And with you, too!”

Somehow Alice’s blessing found its way to someone’s heart. Consider what a gift this was to the person who received it! The IRS is probably not the most delightful place to work. Hardly anyone enjoys paying taxes, and I expect that IRS employees are not the recipients of many blessings from their constituents. Can you imagine the pleasant surprise of the person who processed that check? Perhaps it changed her entire day. Perhaps that person went on to offer some extra kindness, caring, or forgiveness to the next person she dealt with. I am certain that Alice’s blessing went a long way.

Any activity in life can be elevated to the level of blessing. The situations we encounter are templates upon which we imprint our heart’s intentions. Every moment we make the choice between love and fear. Nothing in this world is outside the power of transformation by way of a loving heart. When we choose love, we bring the world closer to heaven. Fear makes the world hell. The choice is ours.

Help me to remember that everyone I encounter is a child of God who will respond to pure love.

I use all situations as opportunities to prove and celebrate the power of love.
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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