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Old 12-10-2013, 02:21 AM   #2
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Join Date: Aug 2013
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I have never been to an OA meeting but my ex-sponsor went for many years. Mine is more the thinking behind the eating, although I know what is good, I don't always listen to myself.

The last time I shared my story, I identified myself as an alcoholic who was addicted to alcohol, men, prescription pills, men, food, men, busy/work, men, computers, etc. We can be obsessive, compulsive about anything. I was told that anything I put between me and my Higher Power becomes the 'god' of my life. That gave me a lot of pause for thought.

I didn't recognize it as an addiction. Then I realized that I had substituted food when I felt empty, unloved, and needy. When I get needy, I get greedy, and reach out to anything that will take me out of myself, instead of going within for a spiritual solution.

Like I used my bed to hide in, like I worked overtime and got involved in busy, so I didn't have to be alone with me. I didn't realize I wasn't alone, my God was with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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