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Old 11-09-2014, 06:01 AM   #9
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Sunday, November 9, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

Love is something if you give away, you end up having more.
—Malvina Reynolds

The other side of giving is taking. Many of us were brought up to believe that it's not okay to take, so we diminish admiration that people give us. "Oh, this old rag, I got it at a garage sale for next to nothing." This response to a compliment can take away the joy of giving it from the person who admired the way we looked.

Giving needs taking to complete it. We can keep the cycle of generosity going by taking gracefully. A world without those who take would be unbalanced. When someone gives us love, appreciation, or a gift, we can show our real pleasure with a simple thank you, and stop thinking we don't deserve it.

Can I accept what's given to me today in the spirit it's offered?
Yes, that is one of the gifts of recovery. It is nice to be able to be able to say, "Thank you" without having you discounting it or myself, justifying, excusing, or put a long tale of woe or explanation behind it, although I still find myself doing it at times.

I gift graciously given, should be graciously received. It was hard for me to do so.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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