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Old 12-13-2013, 02:27 AM   #2
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Hamilton, ON
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What's your personality type?

Quite Often,Often,Sometimes,Rarely,Almost Never
1 2 3 4 5

1. I feel like I'm on an emotional roller coaster.

2. During tough times, I am more prone to unhealthy behaviors (abusing drugs or alcohol, eating unhealthy foods, getting less sleep).

3. I feel uneasy in situations where I am expected to display physical affection.

4. I present myself in ways that are very different from who I really am.

5. I procrastinate on matters relevant to work.

6. I break promises.

7. I lose important things/documents.

Strongly agree,Agree,Somewhat agree/disagree Disagree,Strongly disagree
1 2 3 4 5

8. I can calm myself down when I'm under stress.

9. I need someone to tell me that I have done a good job in order to feel good about my work.

10. I like to attend gatherings where I can meet new people.

11. When I meet someone new, it doesn't take me long to tell him/her a lot about myself.

12. I am a private person.

13. When I'm really sad or down, I seek the company of others.

14. I enjoy exploring new places.

15. I pride myself on being different.

16. I have a broad range of interests and hobbies.

17. I am good at thinking "outside the box".

18. I go out of my way to better myself.

19. It’s my way or the highway.

20. Most people are trustworthy.

21. I am easily distracted.

22. I am able to motivate myself to complete unpleasant but necessary tasks.

23. When I get angry, I have ________ self-control.


very good




24. Interaction with other people is…

what life is all about.

fun, but not all the time.

great on special occasions.

a necessary evil.

25. If you were seated on a crowded bus and noticed an elderly person standing, would you give up your place?

Of course


It would depend on how tired I was

Probably not

It wouldn't even occur to me

Quite Often,Often ,Sometimes,Rarely,Almost Never
1 2 3 4 5
26. I ____ lose my temper.

Strongly agree,Agree,Somewhat agree/disagree,Disagree,Strongly disagree
1 2 3 4 5
27. I find it difficult to function normally when I'm under pressure to meet a deadline.

28. I am suspicious when I receive an unsolicited favor.

29. Everybody has to fend for themselves; I cannot look out for others.

30. My work suffers when I have problems in my personal life.

31. I get angry over things that others consider minor.

32. Your pet is ill, you're moving to a new house, and things are crazy at work. How do you feel?

Just fine. I thrive on stress.

Not bad - stress gets me going.

I'm holding up all right, but I'll be glad when things settle down.

Tense and distracted.

Horrible - I'm unproductive and can't focus.

33. When is the last time you did something thoughtful for someone?

Within the past few hours

Within the past few days

Within the past few weeks

Within the past few months

I can't even remember

Based on the Five Factor Model credited to Goldberg, Costa and McRae, this test is designed to provide you with valuable insight into your character, aptitudes, and disposition. It is based on the theory that all human personality traits belong to one of five broad dimensions of personality. Each of the five main personality traits stretches along a continuum. The personality traits tested in the questionnaire are consistent cross-culturally, and are fairly stable over time, beginning in young adulthood. An understanding of your position on each dimension can provide you with valuable insight into your personality.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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