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Old 08-07-2014, 12:53 PM   #6
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The strongest lesson my mother gave me is that you are not worthwhile if you are not doing.

- Ferrand

Addiction to work is not something that crops up suddenly in mid-life. The seeds have often been sown in our childhoods, and we are only living out the rules and expectations that our parents instilled in us.

How many of our parents really believed that idleness is the devil's workshop and that if they did not keep us constantly busy, there was no telling what we would get into? How many of us are really afraid of idle, quiet time when nothing is on the schedule?

One mayor of a large midwest city publicly stated that if he looked at his calendar and Tuesday night was free, he immediately thought that his staff had goofed. He also stated that his workaholism had ruined his marriage and his health.

Isn't it exciting to know that we do not have to live out our childhood messages? As adults, we have choices.
Not sure if this was written by me or just something I copied in 2004.

I have copied so much, I can't remember what I have done before, so just trying to post what speaks to me in today.

Busy as a bee.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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