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Old 03-12-2014, 01:46 PM   #12
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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

Gentleness is not a quality exclusive to women.

—Helen Reddy

Each of us has our soft side: maybe it's when we're petting a kitten, caring for a baby robin with an injured wing, or soothing a crying child who is afraid. Behaving in a gentle way toward others gives us warm feelings inside. It also encourages others to treat us gently, too.

We don't always feel like being gentle. If we're sad or worried about school or a friend, we might not even notice the people around us who need our gentleness. But when we remember gentleness, it lifts our spirits. Two people will always be happier when we're gentle--the person we've been gentle to and ourselves.

Who can I share my gentleness with today?
This reminds me of something most people try not to recognize within themselves. We do have a feminine and a masculine side and often we try to prove ourselves or erect walls to block our more sensitive side.

Gentleness is important, especially when dealing with ourselves. Don`t be so hard on yourself! Forgive yourself! Take time for yourself! Stop with the tongue lashing, and the push, push until we drop and crash and burn.

As I have shared before, my meditations cards once told me, `Your feminine side is languishing.` Love that word, but not a pretty picture comes to mind. Use to the survivor and allowing myself to be vulnerable was one of the hardest part of recovery.

Be gentle with yourself, you are worthwhile and deserving of love and care. Look to yourself and give to you what you do for others as the caretaker in you. Affirm yourself and validate who you are, and know it is okay to be you.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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