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Old 12-12-2014, 07:26 AM   #12
yukonm's Avatar

Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 4,982

December 12

Hour To Hour - Book - Quote

Do not be afraid to tell someone, anyone when you feel like taking a drink or using some drug. This is normal and can only be dealt with through open communication.

Help me understand that the 'need' to use isn't really a need but a symptom of chemical dependency and nothing to be ashamed of.

The Work of Living

God and I have work to do, together we have a life to co-create. Mine. I will daily spend time tuning into that deeper place within me so that I can use my energies more wisely and efficiently to build my life. I will get farther faster when I live consciously rather than unconsciously, when I look for guidance rather than stress unnecessarily and create problems that don't need to be there. When I stay calm and centered, my life goes more smoothly. When I allow spirit to guide me through my day, I see beauty where I may have missed it, I have a center to work from and return to and I walk in grace rather than stumble my way through the day.

I am held and open to divine instruction

- Tian Dayton PhD

Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote

'The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt.' ~Max Lerner. That 'core of strength' is based on abstinence and spiritual principles.

I suit up; I show up: I grow up.

"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book

Practice makes progress.

Time for Joy - Book - Quote

There is something special waiting for me to do with this day. I know that when it is time I will be inspired from a place deep within myself. I trust that I will know what to do when the time is right.

Alkiespeak - Book - Quote

My folks know how to push my buttons,
they installed them. - Anon.
August 21, 2007

One Day At A Time

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