Thread: Eating Disorder
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Old 11-17-2013, 12:04 PM   #2
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Monday, November 14, 2011
You are reading from the book Food for Thought

Waking Up to Truth

Our illusions were tied to our compulsive overeating behavior. Abstaining from the behavior makes it possible for us to let go of our illusions. It is the Higher Power that leads us into the truth, which penetrates and dispels illusions.

Working the Steps, reading the OA literature, and talking with other members prepares us to receive new truth. Our Higher Power gives us insights, sometimes-in quick flashes of perception and sometimes slowly over a long period of time. The experience of discovery is one of the most rewarding facets of our program. It is an ongoing process, since we continue to grow and become aware of new truth.

Too much food kept us in a fog. Now we are recovering from the physical effects of our addiction to refined sugars and carbohydrates and the emotional dependency on eating to avoid feeling pain. In the process, we wake up to more and more truth about others, our Higher Power, and ourselves.

May I live by the truth that You reveal.
Love the last line. I always like to think, that God is as He reveals Himself to me in today.

This reminded me of a cousin who always use to say "I am big boned" when people on the bus got in her face about being overweight. It sounds good in the telling, doesn't always apply in theory. I was always overweight for the size of my body. When I lost the swelling from medication, I said, "This body was hiding under there all the time." The reality is, that body could lose some weight too!

Again, like all addictions, it is a state of mind and needs a change in attitude.

It helps to share. When I vocalize, I can hear myself and what is coming out of my mouth and identify the feelings that are often hidden, stuffed, or covered up and need to be acknowledged.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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