Thread: Depression
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Old 11-30-2013, 07:01 PM   #7
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When I feel I just can't face the world and want nothing more than to bury my head under the covers and hide, I know I need an Al-Anon meeting. I may have to push myself out the door, but I always feel better - and saner - wen I break the isolation and reach out for help. I usually feel relief the minute I walk into an Al-Anon room, even if it's a meeting I've never attended before. I find a healing, comforting Power in these rooms, a Power greater than myself. And because my Higher Power speaks through other people, I often hear exactly what I need.

We all go through periods of sadness, lethargy, and grief - that's part of life. But depression can become a habit that perpetuates itself, unless I intercede by acting on my own behalf. Al-Anon cannot solve every problem, and if depression lingers, I ma want to consider seeking professional help. but more often than not, what I need to do is birng my body to an Al-Anon meeting. I know that no matter how I feel when I take an action to get some help, I make myself available to the Higher Power in these rooms.

Today's Reminder - August 11 Courage to Change:

When in doubt, I will go to an Al-Anon meeting and invite my Higher Power to do for me what I cannot do for myself.

"There are times when I have to hurt through a situation and when this happens, the choice is not whether to hurt or not to hurt, but what to do while I am hurting."

...In All Our Affairs
This really spoke to me. I have gone to a meeting with a headache many times and have had it gone often half way through the meeting, or within minutes of walking in the door.

I deposited my cheque today and found myself asking for direction. It brought me home. Why not take things to the Master Healer, Planner, Physician, etc. He/She is all things, so why should I want to stay in my doom and gloom when I know that when I reach out for help, the solution will be there. Even if I am meant to go to a professional, it is okay, I will be directed there. There are more than one type of professional too.

Good Orderly Direction and Divine Orderly Good.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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