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Old 02-27-2014, 03:02 AM   #28
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Thursday, February 27, 2014

You are reading from the book Food for Thought

No Standing Still

Life is movement, and to be alive is to change. There is no standing still. Either we are making progress in the control of our disease, or we are getting worse.

Progress forward is an upward climb. To look back with longing at a time which in retrospect seems easier, or to think about the so-called pleasure we once got from food, is to invite disaster. We have long passed the point of being satisfied with a small amount of uncontrolled eating. Now, a small amount will inevitably become a large amount, and instead of pleasure we will eventually feel much physical and emotional pain.

If we are making progress, let's keep at it and not be deluded into going backwards. If we are losing control and slipping, let's recognize that we are on a downward course and that our disease is getting worse. Let's stop rationalizing and making excuses. Right now we can turn around and start climbing.

May I keep climbing.
When it came to food, I would justify going off my new routine of making healthy choices. There is a difference between a treat and eating the whole thing, which generally leads to more. I find myself in a hole and having to climb out and it was one step forward and two back. It was a loosing cause and had to go to my God and ask for help, to find the acceptance, willingness to change, and changing my mind and my way of thinking. Taking away the old thoughts of "I don't care" and/or "What difference does it make?" My mother's death at the age of 40, was a good example for me, but like most addictions, fear does not scare an addict, they have to come to a spiritual decision.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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