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Old 04-14-2014, 01:23 AM   #14
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Monday, April 14, 2014

You are reading from the book Food for Thought


In the Middle Ages, gluttony was considered one of the seven deadly sins. Now that sin has become an unpopular concept, we are inclined to overlook gluttony. It is still listed in the dictionary and defined as "eating to excess." Every compulsive overeater knows only too well what that means.

OA says that gluttony begins with one bite too much. When we give in to that first compulsive bite, we walk from the protection of our Higher Power into the snare of self-indulgence. Sometimes we are lucky enough to escape before the consequences are disastrous, but usually we are caught in our own trap.

There is no cure for gluttony, but we can stop practicing it. We can refuse to take the first extra bite. We can so strengthen our minds and hearts with the gifts of the Spirit that we do not need to eat to excess. The time we spend each day working the steps of our program is our insurance against gluttony.

By Thy grace, protect me from gluttony.
Another word that describes my disease as more. When is enough, enough? How can I stop and stay stopped? We need to fuel our body, mind and spirit. When we get those hunger pains, perhaps it isn't your body that is empty, but your mind and spirit. Emotional voids can make themselves known physically.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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