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Old 11-03-2014, 01:53 PM   #3
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Monday, November 3, 2014

You are reading from the book The Language of Letting Go


Denial is fertile breeding ground for the behaviors we call codependent: controlling, focusing on others, and neglecting ourselves. Illness and compulsive or addictive behaviors can emerge during denial.

Denial can be confusing because it resembles sleeping. We're not really aware we're doing it until we're done doing it. Forcing ourselves - or anyone else - to face the truth usually doesn't help. We won't face the facts until we are ready. Neither, it seems, will anyone else. We may admit to the truth for a moment, but we won't let ourselves know what we know until we feel safe, secure, and prepared enough to deal and cope with it.

Talking to friends who know, love, support, encourage, and affirm us helps.

Being gentle, loving, and affirming with ourselves helps. Asking ourselves, and our Higher Power, to guide us into and through change helps.

The first step toward acceptance is denial. The first step toward moving through denial is accepting that we may be in denial, and then gently allowing ourselves to move through.

God, help me feel safe and secure enough today to accept what I need to accept.
For me, one of the things that kept me sick for a long time. Those things I didn't want to face, the things I didn't want to admit to that I kept buried. If I didn't remember, they didn't happen and I didn't have to deal with them. As they say, we are only as sick as our secrets.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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