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bluidkiti 08-15-2015 07:24 AM


Distractions may interrupt your meditation. But in time, with practice and patience, you will easily learn to go beyond anything ‘coming in’ through your senses. Thus maintaining your focus of inner attention and therefore remaining undisturbed by distractions.

bluidkiti 08-17-2015 07:59 AM

Doing Everything Perfectly

Do you really need to do everything perfectly? Strive to do things well and you get to see your potential and see great results.

However, if you get caught up in perfectionism, you may put unnecessary pressure on yourself and others. You may not get things off the ground because you’re waiting for things to be perfect.

Save your perfectionism for when you really need it, then you can enjoy tweaking things until they’re perfect. And when you really don't need to wait for perfection, strive to do your best and fix it as you go.

bluidkiti 08-18-2015 07:32 AM

Like a Potato

You can boil potatoes for ease, mash them for comfort, roast them to greatness & fry them for fun. The humble potato will adjust to almost any recipe & go with almost anything you make. They can be the star of the meal or the supporting role.

Be like the humble potato. Be versatile & adjust.

bluidkiti 08-19-2015 07:22 AM

Are You Interrupting?

Sometimes we interrupt when someone is speaking because we want to give ideas, suggestions, advice…. We want to be helpful & positively influence them. But when we interrupt, we reduce our chances to influence.

If you want to be more influential, stop interrupting. Keep your mouth closed & let people finish what they have to say. Keep your mind open & listen. Open your mouth & speak when it’s your turn to speak.

bluidkiti 08-20-2015 06:50 AM

Crying, Trying

Many of us respond to certain events by crying. It's natural to let out all those emotions. But crying at the wrong place at the wrong time can make things awkward, make others feel uncomfortable & make us look unprofessional.

If you need to cry, cry. But for times when it’s not appropriate, try to stop crying. Do some deep breathing or excuse yourself & rein your emotions in. Then try to sort out what’s bubbling beneath the surface. Stop crying & start trying.

bluidkiti 08-21-2015 07:13 AM

Do Affirmations Work?

Do affirmations work for you? Affirmations may not make things happen but they might enhance how you feel. Experiment and see if it works for you.

Create positive affirmations about yourself or your situation. I am.... I can.... I have the capacity to be.... Make it believable. Phrase it in the present tense as if it’s already true. Repeat it frequently to yourself, as you wash dishes, walk….

Believe in your affirmations and affirm with feeling. Who knows, you may just make affirmations work.

bluidkiti 08-22-2015 05:23 AM

Morning Intentions

Today, I will be more relaxed, tactful, cheerful, a clear communicator....

Set one intention every morning, before you get out of bed or on your way to work. It could be on how you want to feel or be during the day.

What's your intention, today? How will you put your intention into action?

bluidkiti 08-22-2015 05:24 AM

Making Assumptions

Assumptions are a part and parcel of life. We make so many assumptions about people, places and things. Assumptions are when we believe something to be true without actually knowing it to be so. We use assumptions as facts in our decision making process. When our assumptions are wrong, we may hurt others, make things complicated or have a misunderstanding. So, don't do it. Don’t assume! Be curious and ask for more information. Take the time to find out the facts.

bluidkiti 08-24-2015 07:28 AM

Quick to Form Opinions

Most of us are quick to form opinions about others. Of course we have a right to think what we want, right?

How about adding compassion to your opinions: whether it’s your friends, family, colleagues or even strangers. You can never fully comprehend people’s choices or motivations, so just assume that they are doing the best they can in completely different circumstances to yours.

Today, catch yourself as you start to form opinions & add compassion to your opinions.

bluidkiti 08-25-2015 07:18 AM

Park Your Thoughts

Next time you find your thoughts speeding around creating chaos, try this: Try and steer your thoughts to where you are and park them. Just make sure you’re not parked anywhere near worries, anxieties, guilt, regrets… otherwise, there will be fines to pay.

Park your thoughts near a quiet, calm space. Relax and regain your energy and focus. Then, when you’re ready, steer your thoughts in the direction you want.

bluidkiti 08-26-2015 06:09 AM

Cleaning Up After Others

Do you get frustrated having to always clean up after certain people? Ask yourself, what’s causing the frustration? Is it their messy habits or their lack of care?

As everyone does things differently and has different standards, can you ignore the mess? If you can’t, can you relax your standards, even a little? If you can’t, can you voice your concerns and give feedback without complaining and nagging?

Can you make them care about cleaning up after themselves? How do you handle situations like these?

bluidkiti 08-27-2015 08:30 AM

Your Ego at Work

How do you know when your ego is at work? When you get upset, defensive... When you’re comparing, competing… When you feel inferior, superior… When there’s the need to impress, the need to be right... When you want more control, more spotlight…

Start recognizing when your ego is at work and when it’s getting in the way of your success, your relationships or your growth; drop the e from ego and go. Go wherever you need to go!

bluidkiti 08-28-2015 06:57 AM

Your Mood Affects Others

Your mood affects others. It’s as contagious as a cough, cold or flu!

When you’re in a bad mood, become aware of how your mood impacts those around you. And then take a moment to change your mood and begin to notice how your good mood affects others and creates a positive vibe all around.

bluidkiti 08-29-2015 07:16 AM

Something for Yourself

When was the last time you did something for you? Bought yourself flowers? Cooked your favorite meal for yourself? Treated yourself to a day out?

If you haven't done something nice for yourself recently, be good to yourself and do something today!

bluidkiti 08-29-2015 07:17 AM


When challenging situations come, think: whatever happened was good, whatever is happening is better and whatever is to happen will be the best. Genuinely feel that there’s “no problem!” Tap into your inner stability, stay strong and be unflappable. Then you’ll be able to handle the situation gracefully.

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